Friday, September 26, 2008

Maha Suci Allah SWT yang merubah rubah hati manusia….

Suatu saat…
Engkau mencintai seseorang….tapi esoknya engkau membencinya…
Engkau menyukai sesuatu….tapi sedetik kemudian engkau menganggapnya najis
Suatu hal mempesona hatimu….tapi sejurus kemudian mengotori hatimu

Sering kali…
Seorang hamba merasa pintar…untuk kemudian merasa bodoh luar biasa
Seorang insan menemui suatu inspirasi…untuk kemudian mendapati itu sebagai sebuah kebohongan belaka
Seorang manusia mendapatkan kehormatan diri….untuk mendapati dirinya terjerembab dalam kenistaan hidup yang amat sangat

Detik demi detik….
Manusia telah berharap….untuk kemudian merubah niatannya
Manusia ingin melakukan…untuk kemudian membatalkannya
Manusia telah berbuat….untuk kemudian menyangkalnya

Manusia rapuh hatinya….dakara (that’s why)….Mahasuci Allah yang Merubah rubah hati manusia……

Thursday, September 25, 2008


How serious could you be…?

Last part of the series. And to be honest, I guess this is the crucious part of my 5 problems.

Mungkin kalo bahasa kerennya…gimana sih caranya istiqomah???Ah…maybe kaya gtu bahasanya, esensinya gtu deh. Gimana caranya biar dapat langgeng dalam bersikap dan berpola piker terhadap suatu hal. Engga gampang apalagi klo dah berurusan ama pilihan dan prinsip hidup.

Mungkin aja kali….diperlukan suatu target hidup yang bersifat komprehensif, mulai dari yang jangka pendek, menengah dan kemudian panjang….maybe lho….why I say maybe?well…its just that im pretty much clueless….

I’ve thought on that before…but it just seems to be done half assed…I go astray in the middle of the road.So I guess….there must be that very something that we need to keep ourselves determined to the very end…whatever that might be.

Or is determination not a something that is isolated but an amalgamation of reasons,passion,pace, and motivation?If so…I should have found my determination by now…but yet…still I haven’t had the slightest clue or signs of it….

Overall….I guess I’m on the never ending quest to find my determination. And if I find it…its gonna be a battle of strengthening and maintaining it to the very end of my life, whatever the cost is….

Monday, September 15, 2008


How fast would you go…?

Next stuff…pacing things. How would you pace yourself in life, and in times of need?
For everything we do, there’s a certain speed on our activities. How slow or quick we do it often determines the excitement and enjoyment we do it. This degree would certainly vary across people. But pace definitely is required to spice our lives up.
I’ve been thinking lately…how is my pace of life?Enough, inadequate or even need to slow things down?For some things, I believe I still lack the pace like in studying. But even I feel that I have to much pace (for that certain something that your in a hiatus now:P). The balancing of pace for each of our activities sure does need carefull thinking and decision.

Ever since my last vacation, I’ve always felt, not only I lack the previous three points, but also this one. Eventhough I have made truce with myself on the first three, finding back my pace isn’t an easy task. Like a car after it’s been shut down, it needs some heating to make it run faster.However in my condition….I wonder if heating up would do the job.

With heaps of study and work here and there, I wonder how I can get into things with minimal time to heat myself up. Time is precious and therefore I’ve gotta find a way to be in the mood to do things I have to. Or else….I’m gonna be running out of time….
My thoughts….Well…I’m thinking of exhausting every resource I have to get myself paced up. Therefore, it would save time so that I don’t have to do something completely new to gear up myself. It might sound boring, but honestly…there’s not much feasible choices out there . So…just gotta endure the pain till the very end I guess.

Well…a few bits of surprises won’t do any harm I guess. But having to many surprises would surely ruin the pace that I need right now to finish my needs. So then again, Its all back to balancing everything so that my pace doesn’t get ruined by unnecessary stuffs….

Friday, September 05, 2008


How would you keep youself alight…?

This is still a continuation of the last two blogs, and it will go on…until I’ve found answers…

Ever thought what makes you alight and eager to face the world and reality?There can be many kinds of things, may it be reasons, hobbies, and all sorts of things. It’s always something that is special to each person. Something unique that a person has for themselves.

With this, a person would face reality and the world in eager and passionate about it. Any hardships or troubles would not be a problem if someone is always passionate about their self and the doings. Those two things would only fire up ones passion to even put themselves on a more higher groubd then ever before.
But then…what if you’ve lost that passion…?It would not be a mere problem of lost motivation, but its as if you have lost the eagerness and self fire to keep things going. Even if there is motivation, but without passion, its would be just like doing things but wiyhout any will.

Therefore…I’ve been wondering…what is my passion?Reminiscing back through my years, I’ve always yearned to find my passion. Be it on my own religion, anime, manga, computers, stamps and anything. But then…Until now, they all seem fruitless to keep me passionate on life.

Recent contemplations has forced me to again seek my passion on life. As time goes by, I’ve decided to stop my flow of time for the moment and try to look back on what has kept me to this point. It has worked and resulted in a temporarily condition….go all of those things …one by one…and try to get the feel of all of what you have experienced up to this point. Seeking a new passion would be good. But then…If you have lost your older ones that have accompanied you through the ups and downs…whats the meaning…Its like discarding something old but with memories for something that is new but unable to give you a clear picture on what you will be facing.

One thing is…its not a problem to stop and look back. Try to savor the moments that have kept you passionate and at the same moment, always try to seek that something to complete yourself….