Monday, April 25, 2011


What does it means to be two . . . .?

Well . . . it's obvious that its more than one, having more numbers to it

With two . . . the possibilities are wide open than being a singular being

by two . . . it means there are a pair

With pairs . . . it shows that all things can be done simultaneously

By simultaneously . . . . we learn to do things at a step, with patience but leads to bigger things ahead

By looking ahead, we pray and vibrate all the positive attitudes to envision a dream come true

Again . . . it only needs two . . . not one . . . or even in three's, four's nor fives

Its what God has made things in pairs, so that they go in perfect harmony . . . complementing each other.

Nothing is made perfect . . . therefore . . . it is only in pairs that almost most things work in the universe

It is only by two's . . . that human beings can achieve their compassion

compassion that takes it time to shape and wait for the perfect time to make the two's meet and join

and once a journey of two's has commenced . . . it is a long everlasting voyage that will be full of surprises ^_^