Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Drama Review : My Boss My Hero

Satu lagi J-drama yang gw tamatin. Sama kaya sebelumnya, ini bagi gw barang lama yang baru keturutan ngeliatnya. Back to basic, ni drama tentang seorang Yakuza yang diharuskan tuk sekolah SMA kembali ma bapaknya agar diperbolehkan mewarisi kelompok Yakuza babeh-nya. Yang pasti banyak hal kocak dan lucu yang terjadi apabila seorang Yakiza berumur 27 tahun harus skul lagi dengan anak2 yang berumur 17 tahun.

Yang bikin segela sesuatu tambah lucu adalah ternyata nih Yakuza emang geblek banget dari sononya. Lha, dia aja ngga bisa berpikir lebih dari 90 menit. Dah gitu, mana dia ngga nguasai huruf kanji lagi. Lengkap deh penderitaannya pokoknya. Untung ja di sekolah, dia berhasil mendapatkan temen2 yang bisa membantu dan memahami dia. Juga berkat adanya wali kelas yang cukup perhatian dan diam2 menyukai dia. Segala sesuatunya dilengkapi dengan aneka kelucuan, hura-hura dan konflik khas yang terjadi selama SMA kaya ujian, pemalakan, tugas dan tentu saja cinta.

Yang membuat drama ini lumayan segar selain hal2 diatas adalah bahwa ada juga drama yang mengangkat cerita dimana Yakuza yang jadi murid. Sebelumnya dah ada GTO dan Gokusen dimana mantan berandalan dan cucu Yakuza yang jadi guru. Lumayan bikin menarik tuk mengetahui bagaimana ceritanya jika urutannya dibalik. Dan yang menguntungkan adalah endingnya ngga begitu dipaksakan terutama kaya seri Gokusen. Endingnya cukup realistis bagi gw. So, 4 that...hmmm....3,5 out of 5 will do.

6 @ Trip

Fuuuhhhh....bisa bertahan juga balik ke Malang akhirnya. Perjalanan ke Jakarta yang kuharapkan enak dan menyenangkan berubah menjadi hampir bencana. Walo dikatakan hampir bencana tapi tetap aja kurang terasa nikmat. Why....naze...??Badan gw nggreges selama berangkat dan sesampai disana. Walo tuk beberapa hari berikutnya gw berhasil mengurangi gejala sakit ini, tetap aja residu dari nggreges tersebut tersisa di badan.

Berangkat ke Juanda setelah sholat Ied, badan lama2 terasa banget nggreges. Ini diperparah dengan dinginnya AC di mobil yang gw tumpangi. Sampai di bandara???Lengkap deh penderitaan dengan seluruh badan meriang secara perlahan-lahan. Lidah pahit n makan serasa hambar. Duhhhh.....Dan gw harus menhan seluruh penderitaan tadi selama 5-6 jam kedepan mulai di bandara, di pesawat, di Plaza Senayan ampe akhirnya sampe di rumah. Segera gw langsung minta di-kerok sama mama gw pas sampe di jakarta. Secara perlahan, penderitaan gw mulai hilang. Tapi itu tetep membuat gw sengsara malamnya karena malamnya gw tiba2 ngga bisa tidur.

The next days till myself back 2 Jakarta was a bit good. Ngga lagi nggreges. Tapi bawaan masih lemes n nafsu makan gw dikit ilang akibat rasa pahit dimlidah gw. Jadinya terpaksa deh nyari makan dengan bumbu agak nendang. Lumayan membantu, tapi karena keturutan dan ngga olahraga di Jakarta(suatu hal yang batal akhirnya karena sakit gw), berat badan gw sukses naik kembali sebanyak 3 kilo deh :(. Jadi harus banyakin olahraga nih kalo dah sembuh.

Anyway, for the rest of my trip besides being sick and all sort, sisanya dilalui dengan jalan2 ke Mall. The usual thing since Jakarta is so full of it. Lumayan banyk yang gw dapat. Emang niatnya sih banyak banget yang perlu gw beli tuk persiapan gw ke Aussie. Yang pertama adalah laptop. Aslinya ngga berharap dibeliin coz awalnya gw dah bakal siap andaikata disuruh pake punya si lim. But got one in the end ^^. Dengan adanya laptop ini gw juga akhirnya bisa mengeksploitasi kehadiran Wi-Fi di dekt rumah yang lumayan cepat dibandingkan di rumah Malang. Total dapat sekitar 250 MB lebih.

Selama trip ini, gw juga berharap dapat bertemu ma temen2 yang dah pada kerja di Jakarta kaya Syarif n Doni3. Berhasil sih, tapi cukup susah juga awalnya, coz harus minta izin. Belum lagi bingung harus ngapain pas di drop di tempat janjian terlalu cepat. But, we did finally at the place. Senang juga bertemu temen2 setelah cukup lama. Selain makan-makan, kita juga jalan2 ke Plaza Indonesia dan EX Mall yang terletak diseberang tempat kita makan serta foto2 di sekitar jalan Thamrin. Cuma ampe jam 10 tapi lega bisa keturutan ketemu ama temen2 sebelum berangkat ke Aussie.

The last day aku sempetin ke rumah Cibubur. Duhh....tambah macet aja nih tempat. Liat keadaannya kaya gini gw jdi bersyukur banget pindah ke Malang 7 tahun lalu. Mungkin gw dah tambah gila dan sumpek kalo gw di Cibubur dengan segala kemacetan dan keberisikan yang sudah mewabah. Niatnya sih ke Cibubur tuk ketemu ma Rahmat. Sayangnya anaknya tiba2 harus ke Solo. Setelah selesai nyicil2 ngangkut barang, lanjut ke Cibubur Junction. Nih Mall ampe sekarang bikin gw terheran-heran coz letaknya persis di pinggir tol n di tempat yang dulu pun ngga bakal nyangka. Paling yang bangun dah ngebet banget kali bikin Mall di Cibubur. eniwei, selain mkan disini juga nyari gesper n pakaian dalam tambahan tuk ke aussie. Habisnya ma mama dah disuruh segera beli yang baru menggantikan yang lama-lama yang dah pada kumuh dan rusak.

The next day waktunya balik. Aslinya pengen lebih lama di Jakarta, tapi sayangnya ada beberapa hal yan membuat gw ngga bisa. Pertama gw ngga ada duit tuk di Jakarta. Bisa dikatakan gw berangkatnya ngepas dan baliknya rupanya dah hampir habis uang gw. Kedua...gw harus nyelesein urusan visa dan akomodasi gw yang ampe sekarang belum selesai2. Lagian lama2 di Jakarta ternyata cukup bikin sumpek terutama liat kotanya yang semakin lama tumbuh ngga beraturan dan liar. Juga gw kalo lama2 disini juga percuma karena ngga ada transportasi kemana-mana andaikata gw ada uang sekalipun. Emang enakan di Malang ternyata...aaaahhhhh... kota yang tenang damai nan sejuk (paling ngga ampe sekarang). Besides, I've got all I needed and wanted there at Jakarta so I can leave that city with no regrets. Aaahhhh....udahan deh. Dah lumayan lama tuk kunjungan yang hanya 3-4 hari. C U ^_^

Monday, December 17, 2007

Chloe You Ran

Oowww man, what a weekend. I finally had a weekend quite different from the others. Where I had my weekends usually around or at the outskirts of Malang, This time, I really went lost to .......Surabaya.

Yup, finally went lost there. Originally, I planned goind there to visit Adhi and stay a night at his place. But I had to change the plan and evetually cancel my stay there. But luckily Nandar joined me to Surabaya. Not only I had a companion, but I also at least experienced some new things. For Nandar, he fulfilled his wish of getting photos of trains and filming them with my camera.

Apart for him fulfilling his wish, we also did some crazy things. Ever tried walking to Tunjungan Plaza from Gubeng in broad daylight?Yup...we tried that. It really wasn't that far, lets say...1,5 kilometers approximately. But you know Surabaya right...a hot city full of pollution. That's what make people don't wanna walk in broad daylight there, unless they don't have money. For us, it's not that we didn't have money, but we just wanted to try doing so. So we did it. As expected, it was really hot.

Nevertheless, it really was fun. To lessen the fatigue, we entered Delta plaza and Tunjungan Plaza to have afresh feel at the AC inside it. Bringing a backpack with us, we sure did raise the attention especially form the securitites. Maybe they thought of us as terrorist placing a bomb. But we ignored them. Besides, we couldn't leave our luggage right?I was originally gonna but L'Arc~en~Ciel's newest album, but too bad none of the shops sold them.

To lighten things up, I bought rotiboy at TP. Finally got to buy one at my own cost. Despite being expensive for my standards,it sure was delicious, especially after the long walk from Gubeng. After finishing eating, we walked back to Gubeng. Luckily the weather wasn't that bot as when we walked to Tunjungan. It was kinda cloudy so lucky for us. Arriving at Gubeng, we immediately rested ourselves for some moments.

If Nandar didn't join me, It really would be a boring trip, coz after arriving at Gubeng, we had to wait for the next train for around 3 hours till half past 4. So we sat here and there, waiting for our train to come. For Nandar, he was just lucky coz he still got the chance to get some shots and film some trains passing by. He even offered me to go back to Semut Station were we had our filming the morning. But I decined since I was so tired.

Finally the train arrived. Although being 20 minutes late, it relly was a relief. Although we got the first train, we deliberately chose the last one so that we can choose any seats that were vacant. To make things more luckier, the train really went fast without ay major delays on the journey. We arrived at Malang quite on time despite the delay in the departure.

And so...that was the trip. Tiring but fun. Just too bad I didn't get the chance sleep at Adhi's. Not only that, we also did miss the chance to meet him when he came to the station. But I do hope I meet him one last time before I go to Australia. Hope that chance comes in this month. Next week will be at Jakarta. It's been more than a year and I hope there would be more stories ahead. C U next time.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Drama Review : Taiyou no Uta

Next stop...Taiyou n Uta. I should have finished this drama months ago. But since I only got 7 episodes, I had to wait for the rest to make the whole review. Here, Erika Sawajiri again plays the role of a mortally sick girl like in her previously succesful drama 1 Litre's of tears. Despite the same plot, I think this drama has some more happy atmosphere to it. May be because this drama wasn't based on a true story.

The disease the role Erika suffers here is called XP. I forgot what it stood for but it's all about the inability of the sufferer to be exposed to UV rays and it's definitely incurable and a genetical disease. The story here is about how she get's along with the disease and her interaction and love life. Since she is doomed, she tries to live her life nas normal as possible. But due to her disease, she can only be active in the night were she sings her songs in the street and sell her songs. She than meets with Kouji, a lad who is struggling to make money after he got sacked in this previous job. They soon get together and decide to go out. Also they form a band to make Kaoru (Erika's role) dream to sing come true.

What makes this drama interesting is besides of the cuteness of Erika (gotta admit it), it's also because of the ear catching songs played by here throughout the drama. This also marks her debut as a singer through playing this drama's OST. Anyway, without the OST, the drama has a great story with it which tells the suffering of a mortally ill person. And luckily it isn't that depressing as Erika's previous drama. The only setback here is how they did the ending. It just seems quite abrupt not all of a sudden. nOt like in 1 Litre of tears were she slowly dies in the end. I don't know which is better but it realy made things sadder coz she was at the door step of her dreams while she died.

Despite the sad things here, I really do like this drama. I really recommend it especially for those who like drama's that drowns tears all over the way. 4.5 out of 5 would be perfect for this one.

Drama Review : Gokusen 2

Aaahhhh...finally back on the revrews. To be honest, I should have finished of this review around 2 weeks ago. But I somehow got lazy to do so. Anyway, It's a double review meaning there's another review with this one. As you can tell, this is a direct sequel to the well known Gokusen series back then around 2004. Yukie Nakama still plays Yamaguchi senesei here as the main role. But the setting now is in another school with new casts. Only a handful of the old cast reprise their role.

As usual, Yamaguchi senseni or well known as Yankumi to here students gets herself to another delinquent class in her new school. Most of the main story might seem a bit cliche to those who have watched the 1st season, but there still are some new conflicts to follow in the series. The most notable one is her conflict with the school director trying to get her of his school with any means. While in the first season she had a conflict with the mass media and the school got related to her in the last moments, now she's got the head of the school as her adversary.

Putting aside her conflict with the school, the main story is still about her and the students. Still, 5 boys rule the class and it seems that story always revolves around them. I wonder why they didn't explore the story of other students coz this plot have already been used in the 1st season. This really does make some part of the story quite predictable. The only difference is that in the main group there's two person in chief, not one as in the 1st season.

Anyway, despite the cliches and the re-use of some of the plots, the drama does relay important message about how school, teachers and students should act in their role. School and teachers nowadays nearly always judge a student by their looks and not by their personality. It takes good guts to for a teacher to defend their pupils because they usually get scaped for their doings.And students should at least try to think of teachers as not only as teachers but also as their friend. If this is done, I'm very sure delinquents would be a matter of the past. For the ovearll score, 3 out of 5 would do.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Hisashiburi ne. . . .I guess this is one of the longest intervals between one blog to the next. Last month's was the least with only two postings. It wasn't due to my lazyness, just no feeling to write anything.

Anyway, back to topic, why I called this finale was because that it's only less than 2 month till my departure to aussie. That certainly means my days are really numbered here n Indonesia. Considering this, I remember on being very bored and confused on what to do to fill in my last days here. Damn I I'm lucky, I've finally found out what to do. Nothing more than hanging out with my friends.

It might sound lame, but to me, I guess this was the only activity that really made me feel alive living my days. The term hanging out does really mean spending time outside with my friends. Even it turned out a bit costy, but I guess it was worth it. Up till now, I've been hanging out to no less than 4 different places with my friends both in and outside town. And it really did turn out fun and exciting. Most of them were due that most of us were taking our own paths from then on, so we really did enjoy our time together for the last time.

The count for me hanging out still might go on till the middle of January, but most of them won't be in huge numbers again since most of my friends have either moved ot town to work or continue their studies anywhere. But to me it's fine. This sort of thing was bound to happen so I guess I only can spend my time with my remaining friends who are still struggling on finishing their studies. Besides, at least I people to spend my time with.

Speaking of which one I enjoyed...hmmm.....Honestly, each one of them had their memories. But if I was asked the best of them, I'd choose the trip to Selorejo and Coban Rondo a few weeks ago. The trip happened a week before my graduation ceremony. What made it really memorable because it was the first time for me to bring out the car out town with my friends. The roads were somehow a bit winding and hard, but it turned out to be succesfull. Not the sceneries we enjoy once we got there. Aaahhhh.....kirei ne...

And so....that was it. Next saturday I'll be having a somewhat of a reunion with my friends from EF. It has been like more than half a year since we had the farewell party at PH. I do hope this gathering will be a good and also memorable one. Because not like the other, It seems I'll be seeing those guys for the last time in this occasion, so ....better enjoy it.

Till next time.....