Thursday, March 08, 2012

Part of the Line

RAD staff now I am officially. I have to be glad I’m back in this department after a short detour in MMU early last year. Though I’m in a different unit, but hey, that’s what I wanted, and I got it ! So, for just this, I can only say....Alhamdulillah ;-)

So goes on the journey. Turns out that I still have to be rotated for at least the start of the new semester in May later on. Boss says its to see in which part I would be needed and seen to be excelling at. I don’t mind personally, as I do have to understand such actions since I have never been deployed so in the unit.

In other words, its kinda like a OJT, but you won;t be going anywhere after it ends. So I guess that what I really need to do from this point onwards is to build up a strong enthusiasm and rapport on any kind of assignments given. I don’t have any TRP companions on my back now so my condition is a do or die stance.

For this month and May later, being a credit reviewer would be my daily work. Being the next line after a credit analyst, I have to say it brings back some headache that I purposely wanted to avoid. The good thing is that, you won’t be having t make up the analysis from scratch. The bad part, you need to be knowledgeable enough to criticize and amend any mistakes in the works of an analyst. And for me who’s work as an analyst back then was sort of wishy washy, I guess I need to gear up my learning curve in order to keep up with the pace.

There’s a part which I do have to consider myself lucky, which is the condition of my peers which seems to be very supportive (my perspective so far). Until my first two days, I have been continuously engaging in constructive discussions on how to do a proper credit review. By dong so, I have to admit, the job is certainly challenging. Not only it involves the point as mentioned in the previous paragraph, it also is a mixture of seeing things from another perspective of things.

So from now, I’ve gotta get myself engaged in more work to sharpen up my abilities. Though it may lead up to more cuts and bruises, I guess its a necessity if I were to succeed in this field, ganbarimashou !!!!!


Errr.... dua bulan kah?bisa jadi begitu sih, again life rolls around like a dice in a game. Ngga’ bakalan tau kemana nasib berputar. Yang hanya bisa diusahain hanyalah kecepatan dan arah lemparan. Tapi jatuhnya itu dadu dimana, hanya Tuhan lah yang Maha Mengetahui.

Ok, kali ini gw ngga akan akan lagi permasalahan yang ada di beberapa post gw sebelumnya. Akan ada lanjutan posting2 tersebut. Yang ingin kutuangkan dalam posting kali ini adalah bagaimana keadaan berjalan di kantor, kelanjutan OJT, dan pandangan2ku akan hal2 itu.

Sampai hari ini, sudah 4 bulan lebih gw di CBD1. Honestly, in terms of total experience, banyak amat hal yang kudapatkan disini. Kalo mau disingkat, tempat ini adalah semacam all in one place to learn everything from A to Z. Dari bagaimana meng-approach customer sampai pemeliharaan secara dokumentasi dan transaksi hari2, bisa kita dapatkan disini. Hal ini membuat proses pembelajaraan dan praktek jadi lebih menyeluruh.

Hal ini kurang bisa terjadi di departemen2 sebelumnya. Itu karena, departmen2 lain lebih merupakan 1 departemen terspesialisasi pada 1 bidang. Memang, jadinya kita lebih fokus pada 1 pekerjaan tetap. Tapi dalam jangka panjang, hal itu akan membuat kita kehilangan fokus akan garis besar dari perkerjaan di kantor ini. Yang dalam hal ini, gambar besar itu bisa kuraih kembali di departemen ini.

And gw harus bersyukur. Masa rolling di departmen ini di extend untuk 1 bulan sampe Maret. Ini karena pengumuman permanent placement sudah diberikan. Yep....the bloody announcement was made finally. After waiting almost 3 months the agony was finished. Me?? Alhamdulillah I got what I wanted, which was to be placed as a credit risk officer. Others?? Most where accepted with mixed feelings. While some did go to place where they wanted, the sense of awkwardness was evident. Maybe some emotios were still lingering with the place of designation. Others even were placed into departments completely foreign to them, and obviously this was viewed with an even more downward tone in their hearts.

Well, I known it was a hard process for the HR friends and management, but then you’ve gotta remember, we’re soldiers in a battle field. So the only choice available is to follow the assignments or get your ass out to another office. Works these days have little if not no consideration on a persons feelings towards their placement as most employees nowadays are considered mere robots, even to be considered a soldier is still quite a luxury.

On my side,I guess I am truly lucky to be assigned on that role. The reason is that I am one of the few people who got the placement exactly were I wanted to be. For that only, I feel really grateful to Allah SWT who has heard my wishes and prayers. My choice to be there is also based on certain reasons, that most of them stretch back to my life perspective, and future plans ahead.

Going back to my basic principles, working in a bank honestly wasn’t my best and ideal job and career. Though I have yet to know what best suits me for my life, I can tell that working here is somewhat of a vile and capitalistic work. The idea of amassing huge amounts of money from other peoples is just way too much. And we are continuously forced to do so. In short, they say greed is good.

And it is thru these things that people just get a job in any banks possible. My friends have also yearned for those prestigious positions in a bank such as marketing, dealer, analyst and so. But for me, such spotlights aren’t dazzling me anymore. While I can settle for reasons saying that it’s more to build a career portfolio in the long run, for long term commitment in a bank, I think that’s gonna eat your life up some day.

To think my thoughts are wrong. Well, I’ve seen one too many people in the office that stands as direct examples of what I perceive of people that end up amassing to much money for the bank and themselves. The saddening part is, though you do gain a well paid paycheck, you barely could enjoy your life with someone meant for you. Even if they do have someone already, its as if your playing chase and run everyday just to juggle your roles as a familyman and salaryman.

On my personal view on my placement in the department and towards the office, it still stays as a mere stepping stone. It’s for need of amassing the needed knowledge, know hows and money to get ready starting up my own job. I’ve always longed to do so. Eventhough my head is still blank in regards to what would be my finest things to do, I have engraved it in my heart and soul to be able to achieve soon. If my plan is still vague, lets just say I hope by the next 12 years, I can start to see myself doing some little steps in beginning a new self job.

Nevertheless . . . welcome yourself to a new journey !! :)