Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Drama Review : My Boss My Hero

Satu lagi J-drama yang gw tamatin. Sama kaya sebelumnya, ini bagi gw barang lama yang baru keturutan ngeliatnya. Back to basic, ni drama tentang seorang Yakuza yang diharuskan tuk sekolah SMA kembali ma bapaknya agar diperbolehkan mewarisi kelompok Yakuza babeh-nya. Yang pasti banyak hal kocak dan lucu yang terjadi apabila seorang Yakiza berumur 27 tahun harus skul lagi dengan anak2 yang berumur 17 tahun.

Yang bikin segela sesuatu tambah lucu adalah ternyata nih Yakuza emang geblek banget dari sononya. Lha, dia aja ngga bisa berpikir lebih dari 90 menit. Dah gitu, mana dia ngga nguasai huruf kanji lagi. Lengkap deh penderitaannya pokoknya. Untung ja di sekolah, dia berhasil mendapatkan temen2 yang bisa membantu dan memahami dia. Juga berkat adanya wali kelas yang cukup perhatian dan diam2 menyukai dia. Segala sesuatunya dilengkapi dengan aneka kelucuan, hura-hura dan konflik khas yang terjadi selama SMA kaya ujian, pemalakan, tugas dan tentu saja cinta.

Yang membuat drama ini lumayan segar selain hal2 diatas adalah bahwa ada juga drama yang mengangkat cerita dimana Yakuza yang jadi murid. Sebelumnya dah ada GTO dan Gokusen dimana mantan berandalan dan cucu Yakuza yang jadi guru. Lumayan bikin menarik tuk mengetahui bagaimana ceritanya jika urutannya dibalik. Dan yang menguntungkan adalah endingnya ngga begitu dipaksakan terutama kaya seri Gokusen. Endingnya cukup realistis bagi gw. So, 4 that...hmmm....3,5 out of 5 will do.

6 @ Trip

Fuuuhhhh....bisa bertahan juga balik ke Malang akhirnya. Perjalanan ke Jakarta yang kuharapkan enak dan menyenangkan berubah menjadi hampir bencana. Walo dikatakan hampir bencana tapi tetap aja kurang terasa nikmat. Why....naze...??Badan gw nggreges selama berangkat dan sesampai disana. Walo tuk beberapa hari berikutnya gw berhasil mengurangi gejala sakit ini, tetap aja residu dari nggreges tersebut tersisa di badan.

Berangkat ke Juanda setelah sholat Ied, badan lama2 terasa banget nggreges. Ini diperparah dengan dinginnya AC di mobil yang gw tumpangi. Sampai di bandara???Lengkap deh penderitaan dengan seluruh badan meriang secara perlahan-lahan. Lidah pahit n makan serasa hambar. Duhhhh.....Dan gw harus menhan seluruh penderitaan tadi selama 5-6 jam kedepan mulai di bandara, di pesawat, di Plaza Senayan ampe akhirnya sampe di rumah. Segera gw langsung minta di-kerok sama mama gw pas sampe di jakarta. Secara perlahan, penderitaan gw mulai hilang. Tapi itu tetep membuat gw sengsara malamnya karena malamnya gw tiba2 ngga bisa tidur.

The next days till myself back 2 Jakarta was a bit good. Ngga lagi nggreges. Tapi bawaan masih lemes n nafsu makan gw dikit ilang akibat rasa pahit dimlidah gw. Jadinya terpaksa deh nyari makan dengan bumbu agak nendang. Lumayan membantu, tapi karena keturutan dan ngga olahraga di Jakarta(suatu hal yang batal akhirnya karena sakit gw), berat badan gw sukses naik kembali sebanyak 3 kilo deh :(. Jadi harus banyakin olahraga nih kalo dah sembuh.

Anyway, for the rest of my trip besides being sick and all sort, sisanya dilalui dengan jalan2 ke Mall. The usual thing since Jakarta is so full of it. Lumayan banyk yang gw dapat. Emang niatnya sih banyak banget yang perlu gw beli tuk persiapan gw ke Aussie. Yang pertama adalah laptop. Aslinya ngga berharap dibeliin coz awalnya gw dah bakal siap andaikata disuruh pake punya si lim. But got one in the end ^^. Dengan adanya laptop ini gw juga akhirnya bisa mengeksploitasi kehadiran Wi-Fi di dekt rumah yang lumayan cepat dibandingkan di rumah Malang. Total dapat sekitar 250 MB lebih.

Selama trip ini, gw juga berharap dapat bertemu ma temen2 yang dah pada kerja di Jakarta kaya Syarif n Doni3. Berhasil sih, tapi cukup susah juga awalnya, coz harus minta izin. Belum lagi bingung harus ngapain pas di drop di tempat janjian terlalu cepat. But, we did finally at the place. Senang juga bertemu temen2 setelah cukup lama. Selain makan-makan, kita juga jalan2 ke Plaza Indonesia dan EX Mall yang terletak diseberang tempat kita makan serta foto2 di sekitar jalan Thamrin. Cuma ampe jam 10 tapi lega bisa keturutan ketemu ama temen2 sebelum berangkat ke Aussie.

The last day aku sempetin ke rumah Cibubur. Duhh....tambah macet aja nih tempat. Liat keadaannya kaya gini gw jdi bersyukur banget pindah ke Malang 7 tahun lalu. Mungkin gw dah tambah gila dan sumpek kalo gw di Cibubur dengan segala kemacetan dan keberisikan yang sudah mewabah. Niatnya sih ke Cibubur tuk ketemu ma Rahmat. Sayangnya anaknya tiba2 harus ke Solo. Setelah selesai nyicil2 ngangkut barang, lanjut ke Cibubur Junction. Nih Mall ampe sekarang bikin gw terheran-heran coz letaknya persis di pinggir tol n di tempat yang dulu pun ngga bakal nyangka. Paling yang bangun dah ngebet banget kali bikin Mall di Cibubur. eniwei, selain mkan disini juga nyari gesper n pakaian dalam tambahan tuk ke aussie. Habisnya ma mama dah disuruh segera beli yang baru menggantikan yang lama-lama yang dah pada kumuh dan rusak.

The next day waktunya balik. Aslinya pengen lebih lama di Jakarta, tapi sayangnya ada beberapa hal yan membuat gw ngga bisa. Pertama gw ngga ada duit tuk di Jakarta. Bisa dikatakan gw berangkatnya ngepas dan baliknya rupanya dah hampir habis uang gw. Kedua...gw harus nyelesein urusan visa dan akomodasi gw yang ampe sekarang belum selesai2. Lagian lama2 di Jakarta ternyata cukup bikin sumpek terutama liat kotanya yang semakin lama tumbuh ngga beraturan dan liar. Juga gw kalo lama2 disini juga percuma karena ngga ada transportasi kemana-mana andaikata gw ada uang sekalipun. Emang enakan di Malang ternyata...aaaahhhhh... kota yang tenang damai nan sejuk (paling ngga ampe sekarang). Besides, I've got all I needed and wanted there at Jakarta so I can leave that city with no regrets. Aaahhhh....udahan deh. Dah lumayan lama tuk kunjungan yang hanya 3-4 hari. C U ^_^

Monday, December 17, 2007

Chloe You Ran

Oowww man, what a weekend. I finally had a weekend quite different from the others. Where I had my weekends usually around or at the outskirts of Malang, This time, I really went lost to .......Surabaya.

Yup, finally went lost there. Originally, I planned goind there to visit Adhi and stay a night at his place. But I had to change the plan and evetually cancel my stay there. But luckily Nandar joined me to Surabaya. Not only I had a companion, but I also at least experienced some new things. For Nandar, he fulfilled his wish of getting photos of trains and filming them with my camera.

Apart for him fulfilling his wish, we also did some crazy things. Ever tried walking to Tunjungan Plaza from Gubeng in broad daylight?Yup...we tried that. It really wasn't that far, lets say...1,5 kilometers approximately. But you know Surabaya right...a hot city full of pollution. That's what make people don't wanna walk in broad daylight there, unless they don't have money. For us, it's not that we didn't have money, but we just wanted to try doing so. So we did it. As expected, it was really hot.

Nevertheless, it really was fun. To lessen the fatigue, we entered Delta plaza and Tunjungan Plaza to have afresh feel at the AC inside it. Bringing a backpack with us, we sure did raise the attention especially form the securitites. Maybe they thought of us as terrorist placing a bomb. But we ignored them. Besides, we couldn't leave our luggage right?I was originally gonna but L'Arc~en~Ciel's newest album, but too bad none of the shops sold them.

To lighten things up, I bought rotiboy at TP. Finally got to buy one at my own cost. Despite being expensive for my standards,it sure was delicious, especially after the long walk from Gubeng. After finishing eating, we walked back to Gubeng. Luckily the weather wasn't that bot as when we walked to Tunjungan. It was kinda cloudy so lucky for us. Arriving at Gubeng, we immediately rested ourselves for some moments.

If Nandar didn't join me, It really would be a boring trip, coz after arriving at Gubeng, we had to wait for the next train for around 3 hours till half past 4. So we sat here and there, waiting for our train to come. For Nandar, he was just lucky coz he still got the chance to get some shots and film some trains passing by. He even offered me to go back to Semut Station were we had our filming the morning. But I decined since I was so tired.

Finally the train arrived. Although being 20 minutes late, it relly was a relief. Although we got the first train, we deliberately chose the last one so that we can choose any seats that were vacant. To make things more luckier, the train really went fast without ay major delays on the journey. We arrived at Malang quite on time despite the delay in the departure.

And so...that was the trip. Tiring but fun. Just too bad I didn't get the chance sleep at Adhi's. Not only that, we also did miss the chance to meet him when he came to the station. But I do hope I meet him one last time before I go to Australia. Hope that chance comes in this month. Next week will be at Jakarta. It's been more than a year and I hope there would be more stories ahead. C U next time.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Drama Review : Taiyou no Uta

Next stop...Taiyou n Uta. I should have finished this drama months ago. But since I only got 7 episodes, I had to wait for the rest to make the whole review. Here, Erika Sawajiri again plays the role of a mortally sick girl like in her previously succesful drama 1 Litre's of tears. Despite the same plot, I think this drama has some more happy atmosphere to it. May be because this drama wasn't based on a true story.

The disease the role Erika suffers here is called XP. I forgot what it stood for but it's all about the inability of the sufferer to be exposed to UV rays and it's definitely incurable and a genetical disease. The story here is about how she get's along with the disease and her interaction and love life. Since she is doomed, she tries to live her life nas normal as possible. But due to her disease, she can only be active in the night were she sings her songs in the street and sell her songs. She than meets with Kouji, a lad who is struggling to make money after he got sacked in this previous job. They soon get together and decide to go out. Also they form a band to make Kaoru (Erika's role) dream to sing come true.

What makes this drama interesting is besides of the cuteness of Erika (gotta admit it), it's also because of the ear catching songs played by here throughout the drama. This also marks her debut as a singer through playing this drama's OST. Anyway, without the OST, the drama has a great story with it which tells the suffering of a mortally ill person. And luckily it isn't that depressing as Erika's previous drama. The only setback here is how they did the ending. It just seems quite abrupt not all of a sudden. nOt like in 1 Litre of tears were she slowly dies in the end. I don't know which is better but it realy made things sadder coz she was at the door step of her dreams while she died.

Despite the sad things here, I really do like this drama. I really recommend it especially for those who like drama's that drowns tears all over the way. 4.5 out of 5 would be perfect for this one.

Drama Review : Gokusen 2

Aaahhhh...finally back on the revrews. To be honest, I should have finished of this review around 2 weeks ago. But I somehow got lazy to do so. Anyway, It's a double review meaning there's another review with this one. As you can tell, this is a direct sequel to the well known Gokusen series back then around 2004. Yukie Nakama still plays Yamaguchi senesei here as the main role. But the setting now is in another school with new casts. Only a handful of the old cast reprise their role.

As usual, Yamaguchi senseni or well known as Yankumi to here students gets herself to another delinquent class in her new school. Most of the main story might seem a bit cliche to those who have watched the 1st season, but there still are some new conflicts to follow in the series. The most notable one is her conflict with the school director trying to get her of his school with any means. While in the first season she had a conflict with the mass media and the school got related to her in the last moments, now she's got the head of the school as her adversary.

Putting aside her conflict with the school, the main story is still about her and the students. Still, 5 boys rule the class and it seems that story always revolves around them. I wonder why they didn't explore the story of other students coz this plot have already been used in the 1st season. This really does make some part of the story quite predictable. The only difference is that in the main group there's two person in chief, not one as in the 1st season.

Anyway, despite the cliches and the re-use of some of the plots, the drama does relay important message about how school, teachers and students should act in their role. School and teachers nowadays nearly always judge a student by their looks and not by their personality. It takes good guts to for a teacher to defend their pupils because they usually get scaped for their doings.And students should at least try to think of teachers as not only as teachers but also as their friend. If this is done, I'm very sure delinquents would be a matter of the past. For the ovearll score, 3 out of 5 would do.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Hisashiburi ne. . . .I guess this is one of the longest intervals between one blog to the next. Last month's was the least with only two postings. It wasn't due to my lazyness, just no feeling to write anything.

Anyway, back to topic, why I called this finale was because that it's only less than 2 month till my departure to aussie. That certainly means my days are really numbered here n Indonesia. Considering this, I remember on being very bored and confused on what to do to fill in my last days here. Damn I I'm lucky, I've finally found out what to do. Nothing more than hanging out with my friends.

It might sound lame, but to me, I guess this was the only activity that really made me feel alive living my days. The term hanging out does really mean spending time outside with my friends. Even it turned out a bit costy, but I guess it was worth it. Up till now, I've been hanging out to no less than 4 different places with my friends both in and outside town. And it really did turn out fun and exciting. Most of them were due that most of us were taking our own paths from then on, so we really did enjoy our time together for the last time.

The count for me hanging out still might go on till the middle of January, but most of them won't be in huge numbers again since most of my friends have either moved ot town to work or continue their studies anywhere. But to me it's fine. This sort of thing was bound to happen so I guess I only can spend my time with my remaining friends who are still struggling on finishing their studies. Besides, at least I people to spend my time with.

Speaking of which one I enjoyed...hmmm.....Honestly, each one of them had their memories. But if I was asked the best of them, I'd choose the trip to Selorejo and Coban Rondo a few weeks ago. The trip happened a week before my graduation ceremony. What made it really memorable because it was the first time for me to bring out the car out town with my friends. The roads were somehow a bit winding and hard, but it turned out to be succesfull. Not the sceneries we enjoy once we got there. Aaahhhh.....kirei ne...

And so....that was it. Next saturday I'll be having a somewhat of a reunion with my friends from EF. It has been like more than half a year since we had the farewell party at PH. I do hope this gathering will be a good and also memorable one. Because not like the other, It seems I'll be seeing those guys for the last time in this occasion, so ....better enjoy it.

Till next time.....

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Game Review : .hack//G.U. Series

Finally got to finish this series. Ever since it's release starting from the first volume, I've been wondering how the makers were gonna bring the whole story to. This was important since the first .hack game series before has already been quite wraped up. It turned out they made a whole new story and environment, but still having much corelations to the previous games.

The game itself is set up in the revised MMORPG "the world" called "The World R:2". With this, almost everything changed including the job roles in the game. But how it's connected to the previous game was kinda blurred in the beginning. To understand the whole game itself, it is better to watch the anime .hack//roots which serves as a prequel the the whole story arc in the .hack//G.U games. But even not wacthing it wouldn't be much of a problem since it just adds more knowledge to playing the game.

The protagonist here is Haseo. A adept rogue beginner player in the World who at his first encounter gets PK'd by PK'ers. Luckily he gets saved by Ovan. Then he is ask to join Ovan on the quest to find the key of Twilight together with his guild the Twilight Brigade. By the course of events, his friend Shino gets PK'ed by a mysterious PK'er named Tri-Edge. Due to this tragic event, Haseo than embarks on a journey as a PKK'er to seek revenge on Tri-Edge who has taken his beloved friend away. It is also after this that many mysterious things happen in the world and Haseo ends up joing the mysterious guild called G.U. and together with the members, investigate the many weird events that happen throughout the world.

I guess that's enough as a teaser. Anyway, for the whole game series itself, the development really did make a good job on making me intrigued on who the real villain was. This was caused by the deep intrigue and scheme surrounding the whole stroy. It was not until the end of the second volume that I got to know the real mastermind of the whole plot. This indeed make me as a player really eager to finish of the whole game to get the big picture of the whole storyline.

About the gamplay, well....I guess much of it is standard RPG for you. Compared to the previous .hack game series, the developers did make some improvements in the graphics and the gamplay. But one things that made me a bit dissapointed is the absecence of the double voice dub which enables us to swicth the voice played from English and Japanese and vice versa. This feature was available in the previous games and it was a pity that they omiited this feature in the G.U. series.

Overall, the whole series does offer us a great story. even after finishing the main storyline, there are still loads of side quests that you can finish, with many of them being very very hard compared to the quests of the main stroyline. So I guess it'ld be a while till we can finish of the game completely. For this game, I believe a score of 4 out of 5 stars would be good.

And the story continues. . . .

Fuuuhhhh....akhirnya.....masa perjuangan selama 4,5 tahun terbayarkan sudah dengan adanya wisuda kemarin. Sungguh, rasanya senang dan gembira setalah akhirnya gelar sarjana ekonomi secara resmi berhasil kita sandang. Namun demikian, hal ini bukanlah akhir dari segalanya. Malah bisa dikatakan merupakan awal dari sebuah perjuangan dan fase hidup yang lebih berat dan menantang.

Mengenai berpisahnya kita dengan teman2 kuliah kita merupakan hal yang pasti. Sedih dan berat memang berpisah, tapi itulah hidup dimana kita bertemu untuk kemudian berpisah kembali. Saya tidak akan mengangkat dilematika seputar hal ini tetapi yang lebih seru adalah mengenai hal apakah yang akan kita lakukan selepas kuliah?

Kalo ngikuti garis normal, rata2 sih seusai kuliah ya nyari kerja, ngga cowok dan cewek. Kalo yang beruntung, malah ketika masih kuliah pun ada yang udah merintis kerja secara mandiri. Dan kalo dicari lainnya, beberapa orang menempuh lagi kuliah jenjang S2, entah di dalam atau luar negeri.

Tapi terlepas dari segala pilihan yang kita ambil seusai kuliah S1, tentunya kita telah melewati salah satu fase yang bisa dikatakan paling seru, menantang dan juga mengharu biru kehidupan kita. Segala hal yang kita dapat dan rasakan selama itu akan membentuk dan memantapkan pola pikir dan kepirbadian kita sebelum kita terjun dalam medan masyarakat yang riil. Kenapa saya katakan riil adalah karena kehidupan kampus cenderung menawarkan idealisme dan semangat yang walopun bagus,tetapi bagi sebagian besar orang tidak mengetahui caranya menerapkan dan meleburkan hal2 tersebut dalam masyarakat. Hasil dari hal ini adalah terjadinya semacam lag antara apa yang terjadi di kampus dengan di masyarakat, baik itu untuk pelajaran yangkita terima di kuliah maupun tuk hal lainnya yang bersifat lebih abstrak.

So...the point is that, walopun kita telah lulus, namun kita tetap harus membuktikan bahwa kita layak dan sepantasnya untuk berada di masyarakat yang riil dan yang seringkali bertindak irasional sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi nyata baginya. Kita tidak lagi hidup di dunia awang-awang yang penuh keindahan idealisme dan perjuangan muda, tetapi kita telah menginjak dunia dimana idealisme dan perjuangan selama di kampus itu benar-benar dipertaruhkan nasib kelanjutannya, apakah terus berkembang atau justru layu sebelum berkembang.

Akhir kata. . . semoga kita-kita yang baru lulus bisa hidup penuh bahagia dan tidak terbawa arus kegilaan dan kesemrawutan yang telah melanda sebagian besar masyarakat negeri ini. . . amiiinnnn.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Movie Review : Nagabonar jadi 2

Finally, I'm back making reviews of movies again after a while. This time, I started out with an Indonesian movie called Nagabonar jadi 2. This movie is a direct sequel of the movie Nagabonar released in the 80s with Dedy Miswar as the main actor. The sequel takes us a years ahead form the first movie, telling us about Nagabonar and hisson, Bonaga.

Well, it's not usual for me to watch Indonesian movies. Its not that I hate them, but honestly, most of them suck. With themes just around horror and love, the stories really don't offer anything special and deep. But this movie is different. It does indeed conveys many moral messages. Not to mention the many comedic scenes around it.

This movie is all about the old Nagabonar visiting his son Bonaga in jakarta. There, he experiences many differences in various aspects concerning his views and perspectives with his son. But the main matter his about Bonaga trying to convince his father about letting him to build a palm coconut harvesting field near their family cemetry, something which Nagabonar misintprented as Bonaga trying to destroy the cemetry.

It did took Bonaga various efforts to convince his dad that wasn't the case, including asking his friend Monita, who also was his love interest to help him out. During the course of things, Nagabonar also did help his son on confessing his son on his love towards Monita, something Bonaga cannot do because of his awkwardness on doing so.

Besides the love story of Bonaga and abaout their familiy cemetry threatened to be wiped away, the whole movie is more about how Nagabonar is trying to understand the different views and developments that have happened during his time in the independence wars and now in the peacefull times. Luckily he managed to meet Umar, a bajay driver who throughout almost the entire movie acts as his chauffeur somewhat, driving him all around Jakarta, especially to places that have a historical value and meaning.

In the end, Nagabonar gives up and lets his son to do whatever he pleases with the family cemetry. But Bonaga already realizes how things shouldn't be this way and finally decides to forfeit the business deal leading to the wiping out of his family cemetry. For Nagabonar, he realizes that he should give way to the young people and that many things have changes in the hearts of people that he still cannot comprehend till the very end.

Eventhough the movie doesn't have a somewhat clear ending, but I guess it's fine. Afterall, the entire movie is filled with satires that reminds us on how far our hearts have differed to the people in the past. How we don't have the courage to clearly express our feelings and so on. It would be much more wonderfull if other Indonesian films were filled with such good messages. Too bad...they only think about trivial and profital movies. Overall, I think this film deserves a 4.5 star out of 5 ^^.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Forever Nights

Capek...capek....capek....tapi senang kok.Lho...kok bisa, hai...soalnya bareng ma temen temen sih.

Maklum...capek begadang. Habisnya...temen2 ku moro2 grudukan nang malang kabeh. Dan tentunya harus digilir juga kapan harus ketemu siapa dan sebagainya. Namun demikian, tentunya harus kunikmati. Kapan lagi bisa ketemu temen2, apalagi bentar lagi berangkat ke Australia.

Awalnya si Adhi datang tuk nginep. As expected, jadinya si nandar iutan juga. Nothing much than playing Playstation and exchanging interesting files. Kemudian giliran si fahmi. Berhubung ni anak cuma seminggu di Indonesia sebelum balik kul ke Malaysia, harus lebih banyak ketemu. Kebetulan pula aku juga harus ngambil file2 drama yang aku titip ke dia.

Tentunya aku begadang ma anak ini. Untungya pula mas bond sempet mampir tuk njenguk istrinya so we did have some quality time together after so long. even though short, tapi rasanya sungguh nikmat bisa kumpul kembali. Guyon dan nggudoi konco2.Lha....mau kapan lagi coz kita dah saling berpencar kerja. Bahkan beberapa ada yang dah merit segala.

Ternyata masih belum selesai. Gilira si adhi ngajak ke surabaya nemenin dia ke PTC liat pameran mainan. So...mendadaklah aku ke surabaya. Malamnya, ke PTC. N ternyata...lumayan asik pamerannya. Yang terutama sekali bikin asik dan menggiurkan adalah dijualnya gunpla2 dengan harga diskon. Wuaaaaaaaaa......asssiiikkkk!!Kapan lagi bisa.

Sayangnya aku ngga bisa langsung beli. Teringat aku di PTC ada satu hal penting lainnya yang harus kucari yakni nyari toko yang ngejual album artis jepang. Aslinya sih ketemu. Sayangnya harus pesen, huaaaaaa.Padahal aku dah sengaja nguras ATMku tuk beli jika ada. Jadinya uangnya kepake tuk beli gunpla deh ujungnya....

Masih belum selesai eh besoknya si arif datang pula ke surabaya. Sayangnya baru ketemu barengan sorenya pas kembali ke Malang. Zannen desu ne. Namun demikian, lumayanlah bagiku, jadi ada temen seperjalanan pulang di kereta sorenya. Kalo ditotal, dengan segitu banyak pertemuan dengan temen2 selama seminggu itu, jadi pengen keterusan.

Sayangnya ngga bisa. Jadi berpikir kapan bisa lagi ketemu grudukan rame2?Waktu 4-5 tahun kuliah sungguh ngga kerasa. Dan waktu ini akan semakin cepat habis dalam beberapa hari kedepan sampai wisuda karena setelah itu semua pada kerja dan kerja. So...I guess I'm gonna have to spend the last times here with my remaining friends more often before going to aussie.

Just my one hope and prayer is that shall we meet again succesfully and triumphant in the future and not forgetting the moments and memories we've had the past years...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

DVD review : 15th L'anniversary

Akhirnyaaaa......bisa ngeliat konser 15th anniversary-nya laruku. Ngga lagi ngeliat secara sepotong-potong dari youtube sebagaimana selama ini dilakukan. Aslinya sih pengennya beli. Eh...sapa sangka bisa keturutan nge-donlot dari bttorent. He..he..lumayaaaannnn, bisa hemat uang banyak. Langsung aja ke reviewnya.

Sebagaimana judulnya, konser ini diadakan dlam rangka mempertingati ultah laruku ke 15. Tuwir juga ya?Aslinya sih untuk konser ini diadakan polling online di websitenya dimana kita bisa memilih lagu2 yang nantinya dibawakan mereka di konser. Walo ngga semua ditampung dalam konser, tapi beberapa lagu yang lumayan jarang dibawakan akhirnya dibawakan juga dalam konser ini.

So...what makes this concert special besides it being the 15th anniversary concert??Banyak la yau!Pertama-tama adalah konsepnya. Konsepnya sendiri adalah time travel dimana lagu2 dibawakan menurut masa dimana lagu2 itu dirilis. Ada 4 masa menurut urutan kronologisnya dalam konser yaitu 1994, 2000, 1991 dan 2006. Dan jangan lupa, tiap masa berarti mereka juga membawakan lagu2 tersebut dengan balutan kostum yan sesuai dengan masa tersebut. So berasa banget deh nuansa nostalgianya tiap kali suatu lagu dibawakan.

Hal lainnya yang kepikiran adalah betapa primanya suara hyde kali ini. Dibandingkan konser2 terdahulu, rasanya emang hyde sengaja mempersiapkan suaranya agar prima di konser ini. Terbukti di konser, suaranya mantap banget, ngga pecah dan sanggup menjangkau nada-nada tinggi, suatu hal yang belakangan dia ngga sanggup. Selain suaranya hyde, rasanya aransemen dari beberapa lagu, terutama yang lama sepertinya dibawakan semirip dengan aslinya. Contohnya adalah ketika Carees of Venus dibawakan.

Aaahhhhh....rasanya banyak banget yang mau kutulis, tapi bingung nih mau yng mana aja??Oh ya....setting panggung. Panggungnya berisikian campuran2 pernak-pernik dari berbagai konser dan album mereka selama ini seperti ikon album SMILE, patung yang ada di cover REAL dan BB Cats yang tampil di konser Light MY Fire. Juga terdapat pangung kecil dibagian belakang Tokyo Dome untuk membawakan beberapa lagu, terutama yang dari jaman 1991. Lainnya sih ngga banyak banget selain adanya layar raksasa di atas panggung utama.

Tuk hal lainnya, gw ringkas aja, terutama bagian2 yang menurut gw lumayan jadi perhatian sebagai berikut

1. Mereka membawakan lagu TRICK dengan melompat dari bawah panggung (sama dengan GCC). Hanya saja kali ini semua personil membawa gitar dan bass dan masing2 kebagian menyanyi.
2. Adanya penari dalam PV STAY AWAY ketika lagu ini dibawakan.
3. Sadako muncul dibelakang hyde ketika finale selesai dibawakan, sayangnya hanya ada di layar raksasanya aja he..he..he.
4. Hyde kembali turun ke bawah panggung dan menyapa para fans sambil menyanyi KILLINg ME.
5. Masih ketika KILLING ME, kali ini hyde juga masuk lewat kedua kaki ken dan tidur terlentang sambil menyanyi dibawah kaki ken.
6. Adanya Salary man bermuka SMILE berjalan melewati panggung selama lagu READY STEADY GO dibawakan.
7. Ketika jeda lagu LINK, masing2 member diminta melakukan sesuatu seperti yang diminta MC, yang paling sik si hyde soalnya diminta menari break dance. Si tetsu...biasaaaa....bagi2 pisang, kali ini senampan. Ken diminta ngulangi beberapa kata dengan cepat dalam bahasa jepang. Si Yuki malah speechless.

Rasanya itu aja deh yang bisa kuingat.Pastinya sih banyak banget. Tapi I'll save for your pleasure. Yang jelas...rugi banget deh kalo ngga nonton konser ini. Sejauh ini bisa gw katakan konser ini adalah salah satu yang terbaik dari seluruh konser yang pernah mereka bawakan. Selain itu, kapan lagi bisa denger lagu2 laruku yang lama2 setelah sekian lama ngga dibawakan. Pokoke recommended banget deh tuk diliat. Gw kasih nilai 4,5 bintang dari 5 tuk konser ini.


The latest single from L'Arc~en~Ciel. This time, it's also an OST for the latest Gundam series which is Gundam 00 scheduled to air in October.The song itself is about war, which is explisitly implied throughout the song. By this only, it does certainly match Gundam because the anime itself is all about war.

The clip starts off in a Hogwarts style, I mean....all personels row on a boat as in the Harry Potter movies. The roblem here is that...the rowing scene is quite cheesy. I can really tell that the scene is fake. Not only that, all personels aside Tetsu can't act to make the scene more realistic. They just all watch forward without trying to make an improvement to make the scene look real.

Next...we move on to the center stage, depicted as if in the middle of a ruined city. The band performances were decent as usual, nothing special. The scenes here were taken as if they were singing in the middle of an air bombardment with interchanging scenes were a women in red is running through the bombardment. Nice thing. But they could have made things real for the city ruins. The planes used for the bombardment were enough.

Eventhough still enjoyable, I believed they could have made the PV more impressive. For me, even the SEVENTH HEAVEN PV looks more great. Much of the scenes in the PV looked as if they were made in a rush. I have no qualms about he band performances. Standard as usual. You wouldn't expect hyde to dance like in the two previous PV coz this song doesn't allow to do such things.

Oh yeah.one other thing is the poor usage of english...again?!When I first heard the song, I was wondering...what the hell is hyde trying to say in the refrain part twice?It was not only when I got the translation I finally got an understanding of what he said. He said "My Wish is over their Airspace" and "My Life I trade In for your Pain". Honestly...hyde should really improve his English in the near future. Poor english speaking in the songs really affect the enjoyment of the song, even not in a whole.

I guess that's all for now. If I'm not mistaken the next release will be a P'Unk~en~Ciel special single followed by their nex album named KISS. So I believe this makes this single the last one before the next album is released. For the PV...I guess 3,5 stars out of 5 would do.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Regaining my lost time......

Review lagi nih.....he..he..he..ngga kerasa dah setaon. Dan selama itu pula aku sukses menuliskan blog pribadiku secara konsisten. Alhamdulillah sejauh ini terbukti membantuku melewati masa-masa senang dn susah selama setaon ini.

Aku masih inget ketika menulis blog ini setaon lalu. Aslinya sih gara2 tertarik nyoba nulis aja. Tapi ternyata sejauh ini lumayan manjur jadi sarana pelepas stress dan tempat menuangkan segala ide dan pikiran yang berkecamuk di otakku.Waktu itu masih awal2 masa ngerjain skripsi. Masih penuh optimisme yang tinggi untuk dapat menyelesaikannya pada akhir 2006. But things back then turned out realy bad.

Ternyata setelah aku menyelesaikan prop-ku eh, dosenku malah seakan membiarkanku tanpa bimbingan apapun. Jujur aja, mendengar hal itu membuatku cukup pusing dan bingung, Mau ngerjain gimana kalo dilakukan tanpa suatu arahan dan bimbingan??Belum selesai mikirin hal ini eh gw kena lagi masalah lain terkait skripsiku. Rupanya aku baru tahu belakangan setelah diskusi dengan ebes'e denok bahwa apa yang ingin kuteliti ngga bisa dilakukan dengan metpen yang telah jauh2 hari kurencanakan. In other words....ganti metpen....yang juga berarti membongkar sekitar 60% isi skripsi yang tlah kukerjakan waktu itu agar kompatibel dengan metpen yang baru ini. TUk dua hal ini aja, cukup tuk membuatku linglung selama kurang lebih 2 bulan dari bulan Desember ampe awal februari. It took me a while to regain my courage and fighting spirit back then to quickly finish off my thesis whatever the consequences.

Pertengahan Februari aku mulai ngerjain proses penelitianku dengan mewawancarai responden2 yang kutemui di kampus. Sial pula bagiku. Anak2 di kampus pada libur jadinya aku sendiri ngga bisa mewawancarai banyak orang. Mau nunggu ampe masuk berarti jelasnya membuang waktu serta melanggar beberapa poin dari metpenku sendiri. Anyway....I did the finish up the job and continued to the next round which was summarizing the interview results.

Nasib buruk kembali menghadangku. Planku tuk menghadap dosen kembali pada awal Maret tertunda 3 minggu lamanya gara2 aku terkena gejala tipus. Yang pasti aku harus istirahat badan dan pikiran waktu itu agar cepat sembuh. Tapi tentunya dengan adanya hal ini ketika itu, maka waktu ujian kompre yang kucanangkan mau ngga mau harus kembali mundur. Luckily by the end of March I managed to see my counselor again after more than half a year.

Ngga seburuk yang kukira. Tapi tetap aja aku ditanyain segala macam pertanyaan terutama mengenai metpenku. Untungnya ditengah-tengah masa frustrasiku sebelum aku dah menyusun plan andaikata aku dihadapkan pada keadaan seperti itu. Dan alhamdulillah lolos. Tinggal poles sana sini untuk kemudian menjalani ujian skripsi.

Entah kenapa pula lagi.....waktu kompre pun ngga luput dari acara pengunduran. Ampe 2 kali lagi?!Awalnya sih diset tuk akhir April terus ngga taunya awal Maret.Dah siap2 eh dosen gw yang malah ngga bisa tnggal segitu. Akhirnya diputuskan akhir Mei. Stres, gelisah dan khawatir tentu saja ada waktu itu. Tapi allhamdulillah aku bisa melewati ujian itu tanp harus ngulang lagi, hanya kena revisi singkat aja yang memakan waktu sebulan.

Sebulan nggarap revisi, akhirnya aku bisa segera ngurus tetek bengek administrasi tuk lulus dan wisuda. Cukup melelahkan juga coz harus wira wiri ke berbagai gebdung di lingkungan Unibraw agar bisa menyelesaikan hal tersebut. Baru setelah hal ini selesai aku berkesempata melanjutkan ke level berikutnya yaitu mempersiapkan urusan kuliah S2 ku. Sebagai langkah awal, aku memulai IELTS prep di IDP.

Walaupun lumayan tuk ngisi waktu seusai nggarap skripsi, ternyata lesnya sendiri ngga sesantai yang kuperkiran. Apalagi dengan target ujian awal September, les 4 kal seminggu bener2 membuat badan dan pikiran lumayan lelah. Ternyata emang belajar di EF dengan tuk tes IELTS sendiri beda jauhhhhhh......sejauh Jakarta NYC jekkk!!Namun demikian harus ku bela-belain tahan agar dapat langsung lulus dengan nilai yang diperlukan.

And it really did pay of. I managed to get 7,5 for the overall score. It turned out to be quite a feat for a normal Indonesian and for me, coz I was predicting to get just 6,5 or 7. Lucky me. Reaching the goal was great but other things were ready in store for me after not atendding IELTS prep again. Things turned out really boring. RAmadhan was also approaching early in September.

As for my personal life, I guess the past months have been used to blossom and spice up my relationship. I had this relationship with one of my collegue (of course in the opposite sex). I only regarded her as a friend and fellow student doing the thesis together. But it turned out she liked me back then. Even though I did know this personally, I quite dissaoined to hear it after quite a while. Till now, kita tetep berteman aja sih. Hanya sja apa perasaanku aja, kok rasanya pertemanan kita kok berlebihan ya???Makanya aku belakangan ini berusaha keras tuk mengembalikan segala sesuatunya seperti seharus dan sepatutnya.

Belum cukup dengan hal ini, rupanya ada "badut" yang seneng banget ngekor gw. Temen kelas gw sih di EF. Kalo yang ini dah keliatan banget ampe aku merasa perlu tuk memperlakukannya secara tegas hanya sebagai temen biasa. Susah juga sih menyelesaikan masalah yang ditimbulkan gara2 kebanyakan flirting sana sini. Tapi tuk badut satu ini hukumnya wajib. Bukannya tega, tapi aku pikir tuk kebaikan dianya juga. Lagian anaknya masih SMA, masa depannya masih panjang. Kenapa harus nunggu bujangan lapuk yang ngga jelas masa depannya ini sih???

Kadang aku berpikir, kenapa dari dulu gw ngga pacaran ya??Tapi mungkin dah suratan takdir dari Allah SWT agar aku dijauhkan dari hal2 beginian. Hanya saja, gejolak ku sebagai pria sehat nan normal semakin mendorongku tuk paling ngga memikirkan bagaimana calon pasangn hidup gw. Andaikata hal2 seperti ini seindah dahulu kala.....(U know what ^^)

Hal lain yang juga menjadi pkiranku adalah tawaran tuk kembali ngaji oleh temen2 seperjuanganku dahulu. Tuk yang ini...jujur aja...aku takut. Bukan dalam artian takut menjalaninya, tetapi takut gagal. Mungkin bisa dikatakan ini jadi semacam penyakit latenku sejak masa-masa itu. Memang susah untuk menghilangkan trauma masa laluku.

Dan lagi....kembali ngaji,bukannya aku takut kehilangan kenikmatan2 yang selama ini telah kujalani, tetapi lebih pada kekhawatiran bahwa aku tidak akan kuat menjalani kehidupan itu sebagaimana hal ini telah menyebabkanku mutung seperti waktu itu. Juga ketakutan akan kegagalan yang mungkin akan kuhadapi.

Harus kuakui, hal-hal seperti ini timbul karena trauma ribadiku ketika masih ngaji di Jakarta. Pengalaman pertama waktu itu serta "clash" yang sempet erjadi dengan keluargaku menyebabkan aku berpikir, apakah aku bisa lepas dari bayang-bayang ketika itu??Sungguh, jika mengingat waktu itu, aku sangt merindukan semangatku yang menggelora, tapi sekaligus juga menyesali diriku yang sedemikian hijau sampai tidak memperhatikan keadaan disekitarku sehingga aku dcurigai yang tidak-tidak.

Gara2 ini, aku malah sampai sekarang sempat berpikir, apakah aku bisa melupakan masa2 pahit waktu itu agar aku dapat melangkah lebih lanjut. Memang, masa lalu tidak dapat dirubah, hanya dapat diambil hikmahnya. Hanya saja bagiku, masa lalu ku seakan-akan seperti sebuah hantu yang senantiasa siap menerkamku sewaktu-waktu.

Anyway, aku telah memutuskan untuk menerimanya. Hanya saja ....aku ingin menjalaninya secara perlahan....tapi pasti. Aku tidak ingin kegiatanku ini menimbulkan luka di hati orang2 terdekatku. Sebaliknya....aku ingin mereka bangga aku senantiasa memegang teguh panji kebenaran dan keadilan. Suatu cita2 yang sampai sekarang kuimpikan dan kurindakan realisasinya.

Last but not least....adalah concernku terhadap kuliah S2 ku di Australia nanti. Aku selama ini senantiasa bertanya untuk diriku sendiri, apakah untuk aku ato tuk kedua orang tuaku belaka?Memang...posisi orang tuaku menuntut aku untuk memenuhi image mereka didepan kolega dan keluarga. Hanya saja hal ini seringakali membuatku sakit dan terkekang. Sakit karena seakan mereka memintaku melakukan segala hal tanpa mempertimbangkan perasaan pribadiku. Terkekang karena aku tidak bebas untuk membuat keputusan bagi diriku sendiri.

Aku hanya berharap akan datang waktu dimana aku dapat mengepakkan sayap-sayap patah secara bebas sembari menyelam di langit yang biru nan cerah dimasa depan. Masa dimana aku tidak perlu lagi direcoki oleh hal2 yang dapat mengekang diriku untuk mengambil keputusan secara lebh mandiri. Dan bagiku.....ke Australia untuk mengejar hal ini bukanlh sesuatu yang buruk. Malah sebaliiknya....harus kumanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya.

Bagiku,,,,,letak kepatuhan, letak kesetiaanku bukanlah kepada sesuatu hal yang semu...tetapi pada sesuatu hal yang lebih abadi bagiku....dimana hal ini akan kurintis kmbali sebagaimana telah kusebutkan sebelumnya. Makanya....aku rela melepas segala simbol yang melekat padaku suatu waktu jika itu memang itu diperlukan untuk membebaskan diriku yang sekarang.

Oleh krena itu....aku takan keberatan jika harus menjalaninya dengan penuh rasa sedih....penuh rasa sepi dan melalui jalan yang terjal untuk menggapai impian dan citaku. Bukannya sombong...tetapi selama ini memang tidak banyak orang yang bisa memahami aku. Dan memang tidak perlu banyak....cukup aku dan Gusti Allah SWT yang patut tahu. Bagiku.....kesedihanku...kebahagiaanku.....semuanya hanyalah untuk aku dan aku sendiri saja....

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Another Eid Fitri

Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin, Taqabbalallahu mina wa minkum, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin

I guess that what's I'm gonna say first. Ngga kerasa dah setaun berlalu sejak Idul fitri yang terakhir. Dan kebetulan pula, blog ini juga telah melewati ultahnya yang pertama pula. Tanjoubu Omedetto Gozaimasu. 4 the blog itself, I'll talk bout it in a seperate writing. This time, it's all bout the past days around Eid Fitri.

Sejarah pasti berulang kata orang bijak, tapi gw benar2 ngga nyangka bakal berulang secapat ini. MAksudnya kenapa aku harus mengalami badan nggreges menjalang Eid Fitri dan selama asa itu?Awal puasa aku juga dah mengalami hal serupa samapi rasanya ragu banget waktu itu apakah aku sanggup menjalani puasa tepat pada waktunya. Sebetulnya cuma masuk angin biasa dan gejala kecil akan flu. Tapi aku masih kepikiran ampe sekarang apa yang kira2 menyebabkan aku jadi seperti ini???

Kalo sekarang ngga sembuh2 emang karena akunya sih yang agak bandel minum dan makan es serta diterpa hembusan AC mobil yang "mak..nyeeettt" banget rasanya selama berpergian ke rumah-rumah kerabat. Tuk yang pertama sih, oke lah.... gw ngaku salah tapi tuk yang kedua...asli....bagaikan buah singkong...eh...buah simalakama. Habisnya kalo AC mobil dimatiin, sekeluarga bkal kepanasan. Tapi kalo dihidupin...gw-nya yang bakal masuk angin tuk kemudian badan terasa nggreges ngga karuan.

Terlepas dari masalah masuk angin yang membuatku ampe detik ini masih merasakan nggreges yang lumayan, banyak hal yang bisa dibicarakan. Entah kenapa, rasanya Eid Fitri tahun ini kok aneh banget rasanya. Seperti dah lama banget ngga mengalami Eid Fitri dengan keluarga di tempat yang sama. Habisnya selama 6-7 tahun terakhir sejak aku di Malang, Eid Fitri selalu dirayakan di tempat lain dan bukan di rumah dewe. Baru kali ini bisa dilakukan bersamaan sejak rumah ini di Dieng selesai.

Tapi itu dia, rasanya malah ada yang ilang bagiku,khususnya selama puasa berjalan. Setelah kuingat ternyata karena aku seakan merindukan nuansa puasa di kos-kosan. Emang sih.....tempat itu memberikan banyak kenangn yang ngga bisa kulupakan. Sayangnya anak2 disana sendiri banyak yang dah pada keluar. If only I could relive those good old days again......Sayangnya kita harus menghadapi apa yang ada sekarang dan didepan kita selalu...

Selain itu, Eid Fitri tahun ini juga lebih damai rasanya. Maksudnya bisa Eid barengan. Tahun2 sebelumnya soalnya mesti adu mulut soalnya gwnya yang emang lebaran duluan daripada segenap anggota keluargaku. Why...?The usual thing...yakni karena perbedaan pandangan mengenai metode mana yang harus diikuti. Gw sih milih rukyat global dan keluargaku milih rukyat lokal. GW sendiri sih secara pribadi walopun pengen banget mengajak mereka barengan dengan gw tpi sepertinya susah banget jadinya gw sih ngga keberatan kalo mereka punya pandangan mereka sendiri tentang hal ini. Namun yang seringkali aku sayangkan kenapa ketika aku menyatakan posisi dan pandanganku kemudian orang lain menganggapku orang lain???Tanya Kenapa....?Wajar aja sih kalo demikian, namun yang seringkali aku temui adalah resistensi yang terlalu berlebihan dari orang2 disekitarku untuk paling2 mau diajak berdiskusi tuk masalah ini. Sejauh ini pun kalopun ada yang mau aku ajak diskusi mereka pun ngga mengikuti cara gw. Tapi paling ngga mereka mu menghargai dan ngga mempersoalkan apa2 yang kulakukan.

Memang, ketika menghadapi hal semacam ini, risiko dan dosa yang mungkin timbul harus ditanggung sendiri2. TApi aku rasa itu merupakan hal yang semestinya dan lumrah. Aku hanya ngga pernah habis pikir sampai sekarang kenapa banyak orang ngga mau membuka akal dan mata hatinya tuk berdiskusi secara terbuka???Walaupun aku sendiri masih banyak melakukan dosa sana sini tapi aku rasanya hal semacam ini tentunya tidak menghambat keinginan kuat dari lubuk hatiku tuk memperbaiki diri bukan, emangnya kebenaran harus selalu datang dari orang yang hidup bersih terus???

Hal lainnya sih nggak banyk selain brusaha menyibukkan diri di tengah kebosanan hebat yang melandaku selama 2 minggu terakhir ini. Dan anehnya hl ini justru semakin menjadi-jadi ketika keluargaku telah berkumpul semua. Bukannya aku ngga senang keluargaku kumpul, hnya saja kok rasanya sumpek dan strezz luar biasa jika mereka ada. Pengennya nyari suasana yang baru nan segar dimana aku bisa menikmatinya hanya untuk diriku sendiri. Apa ini gara2 aku merasa bosan karena aktiviasku sehari-hari yang itu-itu saja??Kemungkinan besar sih iya....But one problem still lies ahead...what shall i do to get rid of this boredom???

I guess that's all for now. I'm planning on writing a sort of annual review of what just happened this past year. It would also serve as my self introspection. C ya....^_^

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What I'd do to get rid of traffic congestions in Indonesia.....????

1). Tarik pajak yang mahal dan progresif untuk kepemilikan kendaraan bermotor.
2). Berlakukan masa maksimal pemakaian kendaraan bermotor.
3). Hasil pajak kendaraan bermotor dipakai tuk membangun sistem transportasi publik yang memadai dan komprehensif.
4). Membangun sarana kereta bawah tanah, monorail, bus AC berbagai trayek, jalur rel ganda yang lengkap di penjuru Indonesia.
5). Memberlakukan electronic pricing bagi tiap-tiap kendaraan yang masuk CBD.
6). Memberlakukan jatah kepemilikan kendaraan bermotor.
7). Bangun underground dan jembatan yang mengubungkan gedung-gedung, cek wong-wong nggak nyeberang sembarangan sehingga nggarai macet. Penghubung tersebut juga harus mbois dan memadai.
8). Batas minimal umur SIM semua kategori adalah 20 tahun dan wajib menempuh sekolah mengemudi.
9). Mendirikan perusahaan angkutan (baik itu mikrolet ataupun bis) sehingga moda transportasi diatur oleh sebuah perusahaan dan tidak per trayek angkutan umum.
10). Angkutan umum semua jenis tersedia selama 24 jam/7 hari seminggu.
11). Membangun jalan tol yang lengkap dan saling menghubungkan.

Dan terakhir.....semua dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan tegas. Ngga susah kok buat negeri ini maju kalo ada niat kuat.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Movie Review : The Simpsons Movie

Okay deh, saatnya review tuk salah satu film yang kunantikan tahun ini. Akhirnya.....keluar juga movie dari seri yang cukup lama beredar di AS ini. Gw sendiri dah ngeliat seri ini sejak gw masih kecil n tinggal di London. Ampe sekarang pun kadar "kehancurannya" masih belum berubah, malah cenderung tambah brutal aja rasanya.

Cerita di filmnya berputar pada kecelakaan yang ditimbulkan Homer pada seluruh kota Springfield akibat dia membuang limbah kotoran Babi ke danau kota sehingga menyebabkan seisi kota diisolasi dengan kubah kaca oleh pemerintah Amrik. Dan adalah tugas Homer sekluarga untuk kemudian membenahi kesalahan yang ia perbuat.

Singkat kata, sebetulnya sih serial Simpsons emang dah ancur banget dari dulu dan di filmnya sendiri jadi semakin "ancur". Walau mungkin bagi beberapa orang humor difilm ini cenderung slapstick dan basi, tapi bagi gw pribadi cukup menghibur. Pokoknya dijamin bisa ketawa deh walopun ngga begitu ngerti humor orang Amrik sono. Di filmnya sendiri rupanya juga banyak menyajikan satire dari kelakuan jelek orang Amrik. Mulai masyarakatnya ampe presidennya sendiri ngga lupt di"blejeti" oleh film ini. Tapi disitulah letak keasikannya.

Kalo mo dicari tema utama dari film ini keliatan banget yakni tema penjagaan lingkungan. Terlihat sekali bagaimana hipokrisi Amrik dengan upaya melestarikan lingkungan tapi disisi lain juga tidak kalah garanga dalam menghancurkannya juga. Bisa dikatakan, The Simpsons Movie berhasil dalam upaya menelanjangi perilaku Amrik tuk hal ini.

Anyway, peduli ato ngga dengan segala tema diatas, gw merekomendasikan banget film ini, terutama kalo pengen cepet ketawa tanpa perlu lagi repot2 mikir alasannya. Kalopun ada yang kurang dari film ini adalah kurang lam dikiit. Paling nggak sekitar 10 menit. Tuk lainnya, gw bilang sih cukup, apalagi tuk ukuran film yang sebaiknya sih dirilis sekitar 10 tahun lalu ketika masih jaya-jayanya.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Andaikan aku.......Ketua PSSI

1).Kompetisi level tertinggi hanya boleh diikuti oleh 10 klub terbaik dari seluruh penjuru Indonesia dengan kemampuan finansial sangat memadai (klub harus berbentuk perseroan terbatas serta terdaftar di lantai bursa efek) serta kemampuan pemain yang mumpuni
2).Mengirim pelatih2 Indonesia untuk menuntut ilmu ke Italia, Inggris, Brazil serta Argentina untuk mendalami ilmu kepelatihan sepakbola dan sekembalinya ke tanah air untuk membagi dan mempraktekkan ilmunya.
3).Membangun fasilitas latihan sepakbola terlengkap, terluas, dan termegah (Contohnya: Milanello-nya AC Milan) untuk kepentingan timnas Indonesia di lereng gunung Bromo (biar VO2 max pemain2 Indonesia kuat2!!)
4).Membatasi kuota pemain asing di klub sebanyak 5 orang (baik tim inti dan cadangan).
5).Divisi kompetisi setelah kelas utama ada 5, divisi 1 sebanyak 20 tim, divisi 2 sebanyak 40 tim dibagi 2 grup, divisi 3 sebanyak 20 tim dibagi 3 grup, divisi 4 sebanyak 30 tim dibagi 3 grup dan divisi terakhir merupakan divisi amatir.
6).Promosi dan degradasi di divisi selain divisi tertinggi adalah sebanyak 3 tim promosi dan 3-5 tim degradasi.
7).Mewajibkan semua stadion peserta divisi utama, 1, 2 dan 3 untuk memenuhi syarat keamanan stadion serta fasilitas penonton, pers dan pemain secara maksimal.
8).Membentuk kompetisi level U-19, U-15, U-12 dan U-9 untuk semua klub
9).Menjalankan suatu turmanen yangmelibatkan semua klub dari semua divisi yang ada dengan sistem sekali pertandingan
10).Yang menjadi ketua/pemimpin/presiden klu tidak BOLEH orang dari kalangan pejabat daerah (untuk mengindari konflik kepentingan serta agar lebih proffesional!!!!).
11).Membuang pejabat PSSI yang mempunyai mental tidak konsisten, tukang jilat serta bermental KKN.
12).Terakhir.......ketua PSSI ngga boleh seorang narapidana!!!!!!!!

Sori.....habis, jengkel aja persepakbolaan negara kita ngga pernah maju...lha...organisasinya aja ngga berez!!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

What's worthwhile......

Finally, got the mood to blog again. I don't know, I seem really bored to do anything. It really took me some courage and power to blog.

Nothing much happened. What could be noted is that I've received my IELTS results. Getting 7,5, this indeed exceeded my expectations. My target was 7 due to the requirement to enter Curtin, but 7,5 was really out of my imagination. What even made me hapier is that I got an 8 for my reading. This is quite a feat for me since during my prep, I only got 8 for reading only twice out of the many exercises. I guess it is a surprise for me.

Because of this, I really felt indebted to my friends, especially denok. Althought not being my girlfriend or sort, she did indeed give me some morale boost. Too bad I haven't repayed her till now. Being in Ramadhan now sure does limit the time to go out and treat our friends. Even for my other friends like adhi and nandar, I only managed to ask them out late at night around 11 pm. Nevertheless, I'm thankfull for all of them for the support till now.

Well....since I've cleared the IELTS, I guess that leaves me with almost nothing worthwhile to do. What I can do is just take the Nihongo lessons and do the daily house chores. But just those really have made me feel bored to death. With only approximately 3 months left in Indonesia, I've been thinking really hard on what to do. The pain from boredom is the feeling of loneliness. Honestly, I didn't know that such kinda things would happen, but it really did. Anyway...I can suppress this feeling and thought, but still I have to do something worthwhile to fill in my days.

The only thing I've thought is to do a new hobby. But I need to keep note that hobbies, any sorts of them, would surely take up my money and I really need to decide what can of hobby I would take in order to not burden my wallet and savings. Currently, my monthly allowance is to pay the internet subscription and fill in the fuels for the motorbke and cars. I wonder what hobby would suit me. Taking in again philately?Sounds good, but I really can't stand the amount of money I've got to save every month. Another choice is collecting Gundam Plastic Models. I've always been keen on having my own plamo, but the price sure is painfull. Till know, I've only bought HG types or SD types which aren't that expensive, but lack in joint articulation and pose.

Despite the many choices, I need to think about it carefully so that I don't get the feeling that I've wasted money for something unimportant. I do hope by November I'll be able to make up my mind o what's worthwhile to do. Speaking of November, it's been decided that my graduation ceremony will be on the 10th of November. so it's counting days till the 10th of November and it surely makes me anxious. The promised day that I'll receive my bachelor's degree is finally in front of me. It just gives me mixed feeling of hapiness, exitement but also sadness that I'll be departing with fellow friends that have been with me together for the past 4,5 years in campus.

I guess that's all. Hope I've made my mind the next time I blog. C ya.....

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Review Drama : Nodame Cantabile

Selesai ngikuti komiknya jadi ketagihan pengen ngeliat drama. Ternyata....ngga rugi rek!!

Drama ini diangkat berdasarkan komiknya yang mengisahkan tentang 2 orang. Yang satu yakni cewek slengengan nan ngga jelas tapi jago piano secara ngga sadar. Satunya lagi yaitu cowok yang jenius dalam main piano dan biola tapi ingin jadi seorang konduktor. Kisahnya berputar 2 orang ini dalam upaya mereka memahami satu sama lain serta dalam lebih jago memainkan musik.

Ternyata, walopun berlatar belakang musik klasik, letak keunggulan drama ini adalah dalam mengemas musik klasik tersebut dalam nuansa yang menyenangkan dan lucu sehingga sangat enak dinikmati. Harus diakui, letak kekuatannya adalah pada adegan lucu dan kocak yang banyak terjadi sepanjang drama ini.

2 pemeran tokoh utama juga sangat cocok memerankan tokoh masing2. Terutama si Hiroshi Tamaki yang jadi Shinichi Chiaki. SUmpah....cocok poll. Apalagi kalo ngeliat mukanya yang jadi sangat lucu kalo kaget. Tuk aktor2 lain juga lumayan mendukung tuh. Pemeran Franz von Streeseman juga lumayan kocak mengingat gaya bicara yang keliatan banget dibuat dalam bahasa jepang aksen londo.

Untung aja nih drama masih bakal lanjut dalam 2 episode spesial tahun depan. Walopun cuma 2 episode spesial, tapi lumayan lah. Coz aku sendiri masih pengen liat lebih banyak adegan2 kocak yang bisa ditawarkan drama ini. Nilai plus lainnya, aku jadi tahu bahwa ternyata lagu klasik ngga sebosan yang dibayangkan. Cukup menghibur juga kok.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Failed Project....

Puasa telah berjalan beberapa hari. Sejauh ini, keadaan masih lancar-lancar saja bak bisa Patas melaju di jalan tol.

Namun demikian, mengisi hari selama berpuasa ternyata juga ada dilema tersendiri. Bukannya ngga bisa ngapain tapi lebih tepatnya harus pinter mengatur tenaga biar nngelakuin aktivitas ngga keburu K.O duluan karena kehabisan tenaga.

Bicara masalah ngisi waktu puasa, ya gw sih ngelakuin hal-hal biasai sejauh ini minus olahraga. Soalnya aku masih perlu membiasakan stamina tuk beberapa hari pertama. Insya Allah minggu depan dah bisa mulai kembali kegiatan joggingny. Tentunta waktunya harus disesuaikan pas sore hari biar ngga jauh2 amat dengan waktu buka.

Anyway, aku ngelakuin suatu kegiatan baru dan ngga lazim kemaren tuk ngisi waktu yakni masak. Yup....masak....lha kok bisa. Berawal dari mimpi indah si chandra yang tau2 nyeletuk tuk nyoba masak. Menunya dia pilih sendiri dari kumpulan daftar resep yang ada di kompie. DAh gw saranin biar masak yang simpel-simpel aja, ngga usah yang bombastis amat menunya, tapi dia bersikeras biar rasanya lebih "beda" dari biasanya.

And so, siangnya kita meluncur tuk belanja di Hypermart MATOS. Berhubung hari sabtu, pastilah rame. Dan karena puasa...tambah rame pula. Entah kenapa aku punya feeling kalo puasa acara belanja kok jauh lebih nikmat ya???kembali ke cerita, ya sampai disana aku ma chandra segera nyari bahan2 yang dibutuhkan. Sayangnya ngga semua bisa terbeli. Terutama keju mozzarella yang harga duuuhh...90.oooan!gila...ternyata nih barang masih mahal aja. Akhirnya diputuskan tuk digantikan dengan keju cheddar yang lebih murah. Semua terkumpul dan tinggal ngantrilah di kasir sepanjang 1 kilo eh 4 meter saking ramenya tuh hypermart.

Sorenya...acara dimulai. Dngan bekal laptop yang nampilin resepnya dilayar, chandra mulai masak dengan merebus brokolinya. Aku baru bisa nyusul beberapa menit setelah gara2 harus nyiram kembang di taman. Selesai nyiram, gw segera bantu chnadra ngerebus bakso ma nggoreng bawang bombay yang dah jadi. Nah dari sini...sepertinya tragedi bermula...

Bakso dipake karena ngga ada daging. Namun di resep tertulis pake ditaburi tepung segala. Pikiran gw sih nih tepung buat daging. TApi entah kenapa ngga ada daging tapi tepungnya tetap aja dimasukin. Dah gitu, pas susunya ikut ditambahin kok jadinya seperti adonan kenyal yang uanehh bentuknya. Kayanya gara2 apinya kepanasan n bahan2 lainnya ngga langsung dicampur seketika tapi satu2.Berikutnya....nyampur bahan2 dengan brokoli di wajan yang tersedia. Ini sih gampang, yang susah tuh pas nyalain oven. Gara2 ngga berpengalaman jadinya pada bingung bareng...nh oven dah nyala belum. Baru beberapa menit kemudian dipastikan telah nyala gara2 panasnya yang menyengat.

Beberapa menit kemudian selesai. Dan selesainya pun juga bertepatan dengan azan maghrib. Setelah berbuka....si chandra dapat kehormatan tuk mencicipinya. HAsilnya...katanya sih enak. Sip deh pikirku. Namun setelah beberapa sendok rupanya raut wajahnya menunjukkan suatu keanehan. Ternyata dia bilang kejunya bikin cepat "blenger". Ah masa pikir gw. Gw langsung aja nyoba makan ma nasi yang tersedia....hasilnya...Yummy di awal.....wuekkkssss di akhir....Ternyata kesimpulan gw sama....kebanyakan kejuuu!!!!

Selesai makan, kami melakukan dikit introspeksi dan kajian mendalam. Harusnya memang kejunya di bagian atas ngga perlu ditambahi. JUga tepungnya ngga perlu coz adonannya jadinya uaaaneeehhh bentuk ngga karu-karuan. Kalopun ada yang bikin enak adalah adanya brokoli. Tapi itupun menurut gw kurang banyak. Andaikata agak banyak dikit aja.....pasti paling bisa nutupi rasa kejunya yang wowwww banyaknya.

Aaahhhh...proyek pertama gagal. Moga2 aja berikutnya ngga gagal lagi. Kali lain mau nyoba yang lebih simpel dan beradab menunya. Ngga menu yang aneh2 plus mahal harganya. Ngomong2 masalah resep yang kubuat, namanya sih brokoli saus putih, tapi jadinya malah brokoli with tooooooo much of a cheeessseeee.....Sumpah...rasanya baru kali ini aku merasa kaya keracunan keju. Padahal aku termasuk penggemar keju. Anyway, here's some tips biar ngga gagal..

1. Improvisasi bahan diperbolehkan....tapi kenali juga ciri2 dari masing2 bahan biar ngga uaneh rasanya.
2. Mulailah dari menu yang simpel dan lebih beradab bagi kebudayaan kita.
3. Start with a menu that is more friendly towards your wallet.

Ah cukupan ah....bahkan ampe sekarang....sisa brokoli semalam masih menghantui perutku ini.....

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Here Come Ramadhan....

At last Ramadhan. One of Islam most sacred month and of course I'm looking forward to this month.

Well, sepaking of the coming of Ramadhan, I thought I woudn't make it. 3 days before it I was still ill due to the fatigue I had suffered from my trip to Surabaya a couple of days ago. Not to mention that I had my meals late so it added to my illness. Eventhough it may not be that serious, it did made me loose my appetite and making me feel wanting to vomit any second.

But yeah...luckily things are cleared and I'm now back to business. Oh yeah....mentioning business, I do have to finish off one important thing which is to repair the the damages to my car. Well....about how it happened....it did occur in the bizzarest way as usuall. I was on my way 2 denok's house. Had to be a bit in of ahurry coz girls don't wanna wait. On the last turn to her house, their was car parking in my blind spot and since I had no options....I scratched my car succesfully ala F1 style as if Lewis Hamilton was turing to the chequered flag.

And the scratch did look serious. What made me more lucky was that the car I bumped into wasn't the car of any residents around so I didn't have to pay double. But just having to repair the scratches on my car alone has made a hole in my savings account. The night after the incident, I tried my best to at least rub away the paint marks on my car with car wax.

I wanted to have it repaired ASAP, but the next day I was ill. And it was not until yesterday that I finally forced myself to have it repaired. It turned out to cost around half a million, which means all my hard savings again lost for something really stupid. But it can't be helped. I do have to be responsibilble. And bout my parents...?surely I'll tell them, but after i get things finished. It's a good thing their all in JKT and not in SBY. If they were in SBY, they wold have know by the end of the week.

Nevertheless, it's not all bad news prior to Ramadhan. There are some good ones. At last, the internet connection has been restored. Alhamdulillah. 10 days surely seems to be long. It really turend out that the modem was broken. Luckily they gave me a more bonafide looking modem as the replacement. At least it didn't look that crapy compared to the old one.

As for Ramadhan, I'm planning to do some self improvements and introspection. I'll do it slow but surely. It's just I don't wanna loose the momentum and do things all just because it's Ramadhan. U know what I mean right??

Anyway.....I do hope to enjoy the next couple of days. Till next time...

Sunday, September 09, 2007


Finaly got time after my hectic schedule to write down a review.

By just hearing the song, I was expecting that it would be a better PV than SEVENTH HEAVEN. And it certainly did. While SEVENTH HEAVEN was very colorfull, MHDAD was all monochrom. But what I like bout it is the meaning conveyed through the entire PV and the natural feelings in it.

The band members also really look natural, I mean without any makeup that they usually wear. This does make them really old looking, but its a welcome change. I think laruku are already realising how old they are now. But the main attention is on the use of many animal scenes throughout the PV. Too bad it wasn't in a real landscape, but the use of animal scene makes the whole song more and more natural and fresh. Not to mention the kids that appeared on the last thirds of the PV. Another new inovation from laruku. It just adds more innocence in to it.

Overall, the PV itself really does stands out to laruku's other PV's. Due to the many new things used, I guess they managed to pull out the potential of the song itself to make it more universal to others. Can't wait for DAYBREAK"S BELL to come out.

Back In Line....

Finally got back after being stranded nearly a day in SBY. Eventhough, there seem to be some side effects. Yup, its seems i've caught a mild cold here. Luckily it ain't serious, or in other words not yet serious. Well, I hope it doesn't.

Anyway, I'm quite relieved that I can now enjoy my days a bit loosely and just wait for the test results a fortnight later. Ever since taking the IELTS prep, my days have been quite monoton and goodness its all over. I can continue to prepare myself for ramadhan and do other stuffs that have been postponed due to myself preparing for IELTS.

What still makes me sick is bout the speedy connection. F***ing s***!!I've paid many and all of a sudden I can't use it. Despite all the complaints i've sent the last couple of days, no one from telkom has bothered to help me out. I'll guess I'm gonna have to stop the subscribing. It's a shame but can't help it. I don't wanna pay for something I don't get u know.

As for Ramadhan, certainly I'm making some personal plans to achieve in that month. At least it must be better than the last Ramadhan. I can't wait for it. Especially since I've done many bad things lately. May Allah forgive me..amiiin....Oh yes, Its the first time for me spending Ramadhan in this house, so I think it's gonna give me some new experiences.

Nothing notable except that I'm lately reading comics related to classical music like Forest Piano and Nodame Cantabile. It certainly gives me a expanded view of things especially classical music. I'm even thinking on trying to hear such music. On another note is about me enjoying BoA's newest song which is LOVE LETTER and Beatiful Flowers. One ballad an the other upbeat. Don't forget laruku with their newest single MY HEART DRAWS A DREAM. I'll write down the revies for the PV in my other blog.

I guess thats all. Hope I feel much better tomorrow. I certainly don't wanna start Ramadhan with a sick body. C ya...

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


It's been a while. At last, my days are numbered before IELTS test. I've just finished my IELTS prep, which took my around 40-60 days approximately.

It really...lets say...tiring. Having lessons up to 4 times a week really is boring when your not in the mood. Its somehow different form regular lectures because your facing the same materials all over again. I did start of badly, around 5-6. But things turned out good, although the maximum average score I got was just 7 for reading and writing most of them.

I have done some recon for the test palace. Luckily its about half a kilo from gubeng station, which means i can walk for a while then. What I'm more concerned is about the fatigue I'll have to suffer from the journey coz I'm departing from Malang at about 5 am. Can'thelp it coz the train is the only means of transport that can guarrantee that I'll arrive there 
on time and near the test site

Anxious now...of course i'am, And it will be till I've finished my test. I do hope that i'll straightly pass it coz I dreally don't wanna do it again or take ELICOS which means going to Australia in November. AMIIIINNN dech pokoknya...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Long time no see.....

I guess it's been 2 weeks. Many things have happened, some to be noted and some not.

what makes things to be noted is because many things happened last week, mainly coz of my birthday and the independence day last week. Despite having my birthday, nothing much happened besides receiving messages of congratulations from my closest friends, just 3 of them. I intended to keep it quiet because I cannot afford if all of them wanted me to treat them.

But other thing had to be finished due to my birthday which was my ID card and driving license. Too bad for me, they expired the same day as my birthday, so I had to make some time to make new ones for them. For my ID, just mad it to the office due to my uncle chaving to change the familiy card. As for my driving license, luckily I managed to finish it off last week. Took 2 days to get a new one because I had to go to the police station another day to take the theory test and photographs.

Another thing to note is that my mom and dad won't be living in SBy anymore coz they have to move to JKt by the end of month. What's making a bit stuck is due to the fact that I have to go to SBY on the 1st and 8th of sepetember, which means, I have no place to go. For the moment, I've called adhi to let me have a stay for the night but what still bothers me is run aorund in sby wothout a vehicle. Eventhough I can manage to borrow one, I still don't know the way around and things could get worst because I heard that the police in SBy are very strict on traffic violators. Due to this matter too, I need to rearrange my plans in order to get myself used to SBY as soon as possible. I do hope things can get more easier he next few days.

Besides attending IELTS and nihongo lessons, it's just me reading manga, watching movies and drama and doing housechores. Sill the boring stuffs. Aaaaa....speaking about IELTS, I got 7 for the simulation test. I feel lucky because there were some parts that I thought would get lower than expected but it turned out the other way around. Just jope that the real test result would not be lower than the simulation, AMIIIINNNNN.

I guess that's all I can write down. Actually, there are a lot of things I wanna write, but, it's still jumbled up in my brain. Maybe I can sort it out as soon as possible. Jya na...matta ato de..

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Movie Review : Die Hard 4.0

Akhirnya kesampaian buat reviewnya. Aslinya sih dah sekitar 3 minggu yang lalu aku ngeliat film ini ma temen2 di MATOS. Sayangnya ada sedikit gangguan yang menyebabkan aku telat ngeliat filmnya sekitar 10 menit. Anyway, Aku masih bisa menikmati filmnya secara utuh.

Film yang sepertinya bakal menjadi sekuel terakhir dari seri Die Hard kali ini bermusuhkan seorang Hacker yang ingin melumpuhkan infrastruktur jaringan Amrik dan memanfaatkan kesempatan ini tuk ambisinya. Sayangnya seperti biasa, John McClane masih aja berada di tempat dan waktu yang salah. Jadinya penjahatnya ngga bisa ngejalanin plan secara lancar. Apes pula bagi McClane, musuhnya bukan lagi model konvensional yang mengandalkan otot dan pistol belaka tapi merupakan penjahat yang menggunakan teknologi informatika tuk menghancurkan musuhnya. Untung aja dia punya seorang "kacung" bernama Ferrell yang ahli ngatasi halo ini. Aslinya si Ferrell ini merupakan incaran si penjahat utama yang ingin membunuhnya karena telah mengetahui rahasia plannya, tapi keburu dilindungi ma si McClane. Sepanjang cerita, mereka berdua jadi semacam dynamic duo, yang satu ngurusi otot dan pistol, satunya ngurusi otak dan komputer. Good Match.

Gw buat singkat aja. Ceritanya sendiri sih ngga orisinil banget. Kalo ngga salah alur cerita dan temanya bahkan mirip banget ma film Undersiege II. Bedanya adegan aksi dan visual efeknya lebih tergarap di sini. Paling juga 2 hal ini yang jadi keunggulan utama filmnya. Tuk urusan logika di film...jangan tanya deh.....ketahuan banget banyak hal dari film semacam ini adalah khayal. Contoh utama adalah perusakan terhadap seluruh infrastruktur jaringan AS. Kalo emang di film semudah itu, jamin deehhh......Amrik dah lama banget keserang ma teroris. Walo emang aku bilang secara teori memungkinkan banget, tapi prakteknya pasti ngga segampang itu.JUga adegan F-35 yang bisa melakukan manuver hovering kaya begitu. Walo emang F-35 bisa melakukan VTOL flight, tapi kok rasanya manuver pesawatnya masih khayal banget tuh.

Aktingnya sendiri sih cukupan, ngga kurang ngga lebih. Bruce Wilis kayanya emang dah jadi tokoh yang paling pas tuk memerankan McClane. Cocok dan menghayati. Apalagi dengan kata2 trade marknya yakni Yippe Yee Kay Yi Mother F*****. Yang menarik perhatianku adalah hadirnya si Maggie Q. Sayangnya dia kebagian peran penjahat, ngga sebagai pihak yang baik seperti di film MI:3. Aktor2 lain bagiku dah cukup mendukung jalannya film.

Overall, kalo mo nyari film penuh aksi, kayanya film ini pas. Storyline sendiri sih walo ngga bisa dibilang bagus amat n orisinil tapi paling ngga dah cukup kuat tuk menyangga jalannya film ini. Bagiku, ini merupakan sekuel Die Hard terbaik yang ada sejak film pertamanya pada akhir dekade 80an.

Movie Review : Evan Almighty

Melanjutan rangkaian movie spree-ku, kali ini bisa ngeliat sebuah sekuel komedi yang lumayan lucu. Yup....Evan Almighty.

Temanya sih hampir hampir sama dengan prekuelnya. Tapi kali ini nih ceritanya Tuhan tidak lagi memberi tugasnya pada seorang manusia tetapi menunjuk seorang manusia tuk jadi seorang nabi. Dan manusia yang apes tersebut tidak lain adalah Evan Baxter. Kalo lupa orang ini adalah rival si Bruce Nolan pada film terdahulu.

Ceritanya sih si Bruce kepilih jadi anggota Kongres amrik. Jadinya harus pindah ke ibukota ma keluarganya. Berhubung dia pengen banget ngelakuin sesuatu yang "besar", maka dia berdoa agar dikabulkan. Dan ternyata.....dikabulkan euy...Ngga tanggung-tanggung....dia diminta ma Tuhan tuk membuat sebuah kapal besar layaknya cerita nabi NUh.

Awalnya sih ngga ditanggapi. Tapi tiap hari semakin banyak perubahan yang akhirnya memaksa dia tuk menjalaninya, mulai dari banyaknya hewan2 berpasangan yang mengikutinya kemanapun, banyaknya kayu2 yang ditaruh di sekitar rumahnya sampai adanya perubahan fisik pada dirinya yaitu tumbuhnya jenggot yang lebat sampai tak bisa dipotong bagaimanapun. Walhasil, karena menuruti hal ini, dia diskors sebagai anggota Kongres.

Layaknya seorang Nabi, tentunya dia dicemooh sama masyarakat dan keluarganya. Hanya keluargaya lah yang akhirnya mau rujuk dan kembali membantunya. Tiba saatnya, hewan2 dah pada masuk, hanya orang2 yag menontonya yang ngga mau masuk serta kedalamnya. Ternyata, alasan pembangunannya adalah karena ada gejala keretakan dis ebuah bendungan di dekat lokasi rumah si Evan. Dan lokasi perumahan si Evan sendiri juga bermasalah karena ditengarai sebagai hasil transaksi terlarang oleh seorang anggota KOngres.

Bendungan pun retak dan orang2 pun terpaksa masuk kedalam kapal itu. Air bah yangtiba pun menghancutkna seluruh perumahan itu dan menghanyutkan semua yang ada. Akhirnya kapalnya behenti di depan Capitol Hill dan semua pun terungkap. Yaaa.....Happy ending lah pokoke.

Sebetulnya sih film ini jelas2 banget "ngenyek" agama samawi karena tema yang dipake. Tetapi terlepas kontroversi tersebut, film ini mampu tuk menghadirkna sebuah komedi dengan gaya yang berbeda dengan prekuelnya tetapi sama2 lucu. Memang hal ini banyak dipengaruhi gaya si Steve Carell (pemeran Evan) yang berbeda ma Jim Carey (pemeran Bruce Nolan). Tapi gpp-lah.

Hal lain yang menjadi perhatian di film ini adalah diangkatnya isu lingkungan. Asli...aku ngga bakal nyangka hal ini sebagai tema utama film ini sampai akhir ceritanya. Selain itu, film ini juga mengajarkan betapa pentingnya keluarga dalam menghadapi godaan dan cemohan tetangga dalam menjalankan tugas "suci" dari langit. Intinya jangan lupakan peran keluarga sesukses apapun anda.

Aku ngga tau apa bakal dibuat lanjutannya. Kalopun iya....tebakan gw kalo ngga dari kisah nabi Musa ya Nabi Ibrahim. Aku sih menikmatinya sebagai film aja, ngga perlu terlalu serius memikirkan kontroversi yang ada.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Drama Review : Nobuta wo Produce

Aaa....another drama finished. Like the others, I finally had the chance to watch this drama. It also helped me a lot in variating my boring days lately.

The drama is about the the friendly realtionships between three students, two boys and a girl. It didn't start out that easily though. Things all started when the girl, whos was really timid and shy moved to a school where Shuuji and Akira, the two boys attended. with her timid nature, she sure was easily picked up by others. Because of this, Shuuji decided to remake her into a different person so that she can be more confident and attractive to others. Akira joined in to produce the girl who is named Kotani Nobuko into Nobuta.

Everything started progressing slowly. She was still teased and picked up, but both Shuuji and Akira found ingineous ideas to make it more entertaining. Some of them even managed to make a quick trend in the whole school like painting their school jackets and the Nobuta key chain.

As usuall, there's always the bad side. It seemed that a certain person didn't like Nobuta to be more famous. This person then repeatedly tried to damage and foul some of Shuuji and Akira's effort towards her like ruining the Haunted House, making fake copies of the Nobuta key chain etc. It turned out to be Aoi, the girl whos was all along acting friendsly towards Nobuko.

Despite the trouble in producing her, the three also had their problems between them to deal with. As expected, there was some kind of triangle romance between them. Akira directly said that he wouldn't again get involved in producing Nobuta because he loved her and wanted her by her side always. But, it certainly is that Nobuta has a feeling for Shuuji, proven by her hug to him in the park. Luckily thery managed to clear things up an become normal friends again.

If there's a start for everything, there's also and end. Shuuji had to move outside town because his father had to moved. This somehow causes some worries for Nobuta wether she would be able to survive without him. The time came and they had to bid farewell to each other. In his new town, to his surprise, Shuuji found out that Akira also moved to the same school as him. That meant that Nobuta was all alone again. But Akira assured him that she would be okay without them. And it was true, Nobuta did managed to became a more confident and popular girl school.

The drama is excellant really. The theme about producing is surely something unique. But don't forget there are other important moral things that we can take from this drama, like friendship, envy, jelousy, relationships etc. every episode can really convey a good message to the viewers. About the acting, I thing they all made a good job. Especially for Horikita Maki who played Nobuta, it really fitted her. Overall, I really would recommend this drama. It does have much message for us to digest.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

When people loot our backyard....

Ever wondered how it feels people playing cowboy at your garden, or throwing rubbish on to your cultivated soil??Well, Indonesia is soon gonna have a feel when the Defence Corporation Agreement will be efectively implemented.

The hassle on this DCA first started when Indonesia and Singapore agreed singing an agreement to extradise corruptors that are suspected to have taken shelter there. Things turned out good when it was discovered that the agreement was also in tie with a DCA also to Singapore.

Parliament went wild after knowing that various points in the DCA turned out to give much advantage towards Singapore when they conduct a military exercise. As a reminder, the whole DCA is about letting Singaporean Military force to do training on certain Indonesian soil and water. For exchange, Indonesia get to try and train with their military equipment which of course is far advanced than ours. Knowing the details, many people showed their dissagreement against the DCA. One of the main points is that by doing so, we are letting other nation to play around in our backyard. To make things worst, in some conditions, Singapore are allowed to invite another nation to loot Indonesian seas.

Well, the logic is, why let other people loot our backyard just for the sake of grabbing those corruptors or having a try at their advanced military equipment. It sure is an irony having to know that even though Indonesia has a vast area, but we don't have what it needs to defend it. Coz of this, Indonesia has always been played around by other nations in terms of their inability to guard their own teritorry.

So...would we mind another nation doing so. While they fire missiles, torpedoes and live amunition, the risk of poluting the environment is high? Not to mention that fishers cannot go fish while they have their exercise because they get the risk to get killed. But, what matters most is the breach of our sovereignity and our submission towards another country pressure. Is the price of getting back corruptors so low that we are able to sell our pride as a big nation???I'm pretty sure that the majority of the Indonesian people wouldn't do such things unless they are the ones who are able to sell their souls to the devil.

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Finally got time to write down this blog. I guess it's been around 2 weeks since the last time. Luckily I did manage to write down some pieces of my mind during the interval. I really didn't have much to write sown since my daily activities are fairly dull these days.

After some years, I finally went swimming a couple of days ago. I think it was in junior high that I last went swimming. I thought my body was able to remind some swimming technique, but then it turned out the opposite with me not able to synchronise my movements correctly. In other words....I was barely able to swim properly.

Why did I all of a sudden went swimming. It's simple. I've been feeling quite lazy to do jogging the last couple of days. Its just that I need a change of pace or things in order to refreshen myself. I thought swimming would be a good start. Indeed, I did feel fresh after days having to jog. It ended up really good despite myself struggling to swim.

I do intend to do some swimming regularly. For the moment, fortnightly would do. The current hindrance is that swimming does cost some money. As for this time, it turned out quite expensive, for 30.000 rupiahs. That's twice the amount in other places. Well, it certainly is a good place and it isn't that crowded (maybe due to the price). Turning away the price, swimming does deliver a different sensation because unlike jogging; in swimming, you almost move all your muscles, so it's somewhat more tiring but fun than jogging.

That should be enough for swimming. Overall, I just feel bored with my jogging. I'm trying in someway to find an equal substitute to jogging but that could also cause some sweat. At least swimming would help. Currently, I'm wondering on changing my course track. The current one sure is full of ups and downs. Other ideas...he..he..currently out of.

Still things are quite boring. Just doing IELTS lessons, now more frequently since it's 4 times a day. Too bad the test for the 25th is fully booked so I plan to take it on the 4th of september. That means I gotta register myself ASAP.

That's for now I'm afraid. Still gotta squeeze some more ideas on finding a substitute to jogging. Hope I succeed in the next couple of days. Till then.....

Saturday, July 28, 2007


What anomali??Well, it about my internet connection actually. Ever since I've had it installed, it seems that the download speedy is decreasing. It did start off amazingly with an approximate speed of around 20-30 kb/s with a steady browsing speed. But then, things went bad and it ended up with a speed of barely around 7-8.

The anomali itself started by the beginning of the week. The download rate finally increased, but the browing speed suddenly went down all of a sudden. It's a good thing that I can now again download stuffs quickly, but how I'm gonna start any downloads unless I can start to browse something. Except if I donwload from a ftp site, but I usually start mine through a direct download method.

This weirdness hasn't stopped till now. Luckily till now, I've managed somehow to map what time usually the connection is good to go, or in other words good to download. Usually its on the afternoon or past 9pm. But then, still with the anomali going through. Eventhough, I guess I still should be gratefull that I've now got an Internet connection.Since the raid IC's the few months ago, I heard that IC's are now getting more and more boring lately.

As you know, IC's in Indonesia don't just offer Internet connection, but a whole kind of things, from free mp3, video clips, software masters, anime, software crack...and even XXX stuffs. And all these vanished coz of one raid. I was expecting taht they would put up those stuffs again after a while, but It then didn't turn out that way. Either the IC's are too obidient or afraid I wouldn't know for sure. BUt I do know that going to an IC nowadays ain't a fun any more except you're purely browsing and surfing without additional entertainment.

The previous condition meant that I should make use of my Internet connection from now on. If it's just anime, western music and their PV's, I guess it would be a piece of cake. But for Indonesian mp3??now that's kinda hard. Till now, I have heard of a site that offers free Indonesian mp3 either through direct download or bittorent. But it's the internet, and coz of that I'm sure that I'll find it sooner or later.

Other critics..?Honestly...still lots of. One of them involve the inability of my browser to open a ceratin site or two. I'm sure it's coz of a plug-in that hasn;t been installed, but then which plug-in???For the time being, I guess I'm gonna have to open that site with another browser.

I guess that concludes thing for the moment. Do hope that things turn bake the way it used to be in the beginning. On my daily life?it's just the ordinary stuff while waiting for my graduation ceremony. Anyway...till then...^^

Tipe of movies U like....

If your wondering what are the likes of me when watching movies, here's a hint. Remember that it's not in order.

1. Action

Watching an action movie sure does pumpup your adrenalin. If though you're not in it, it just makes you feel that you're a part of it. Can't just let your eyes of the screen coz you'll suddenly miss some exciting event. But remember, the movie gotta have a good storyline so that the actions don't go in vain.

2. Love Comedy

It's always fun to see a couple having to go all those tiny bits about their relationship. Usually these movies have a perfect mix of romance and comedy which does lighten up the story.

3. Drama

Honestly, I seldom look at drama films. Its not that I hate them, It's just that I've gotta be sure that it at least has a decent storyline and plot. Or else, I might end up sleeping due to the dense stiry that a drama usually has.

4. Historical

It doesn have to be based on pure historical events, but it could have a certain historical background. The enjoyment have atching at this kind of movie is that the historical background makes me eager to learn new things after I finish the film.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

CSR....do we really need this???

Ah, here I meet again with this topic. Personally, it isn’t a weird phrase or word to me since I used this theme to work on my thesis. Eventhough it has only been about 2 month since I’ve finally finished my thesis, remebering it sure brings back the memories of me going through al those books, journals and reading materials all about CSR.
Anyway, I’m sure some of you don’t have a clue on what’s CSR. CSR stands for corporate social responsibility. It’s a kind of responsibility that a corporation must carry out as an act of responsibility towards their environment and social surroundings. It may sound like something noble. Well, virtualy it is. But still, for decades, it has been one of the major dispute on wether corporations should incorporate it through its operations.
The major destruction that have been plaging the planet for the last 5 decades, especially for corporations that work in excavating fields like mining, foresting and sorts of have been causing heaving wreckage to the earth environment. Eventhough the destruction is evident, still, little action is done to repair it. Not only the environment that suffers the most, but also the social life including the people around the area of operation suffer directly from them.
Due to those kinds of circumstance, CSR has received many attention and support for its implementation. And it is starting to be the pivotal point in many major corporations to applu good corporate governance, in which CSR is also a part of it. Some countries have also managed to make CSR as an obligation to corporations, with a sanction for not doing so.
Despite the growing support and visible action, there are still some points that still bother me personally in how CSR is conducted. Eventhough it is obliged for corporations to implement it, the fact is that it is still only a voluntary act. In other words, there ain’t any laws or rule that tie them to do CSR. Other facts are that eventhough corporations claimed that CSR has been implemented, many people residing near the corporations main facility claim that they haven’t received any sort of attention what so ever from the compnay despite them exploiting the environment.
That’s the big picture on CSR for the moment. In Indonesia, the news has recently bought up topics abaout CSR in the process of being included in an act which makes compaies obliged to conducted CSR, especially for resource exploiting companies. And as expected, the number of critizism has risen. Most of them reject the act which requires firms to have to implement CSR as an obligation and not as a voluntary act. Well, it seems firms do have one thing in common around the world if it goes to this part.
To me, companies of course need to pay attention to their current surroundings, and imlementing CSR is one part of it. But still, CSR should be done in a proper manner such like carefully planned with other groups and communty. Companies can’t just live and do nothing about their falling surroundings when they gain money day by day from using up their environment. Also, CSR is not to be limited to resource exploting companies, but all firms should conduct CSR as well. The method may differ between different industries, but still, as long as as companies start to give more attention and compassion towards their surrounding, then corporations and the social environment can live in harmony together without any disputes.