Owwwww . . . . really . . . my life’s writin times has been gettin more and more sparse. Though I have been fillin em up with some random and miscellaneous chants, seems I haven’t been keepin up with my journey. Not thats I didn’t think bout it, but certain matters had to be tended first #alesaaaaaaaaannnnnnn . . . .
Eeeeerrrrr . . . . I guess the last one was when I was still in ASD. Anyway, time has passed by since then, a whole new adventure as spurred up till recently. Things have been vehemently fast tracked and prompts me to keep in touch too.
Done with the back offices in work, it was time for us to move on to the middle and front layers of work. Hence forth, we had to get ourselves use to using our brains more than using our brawns :P. And depending on where u get stranded, u also might need to use our mouth too to work :)).
But before we could move on, out we were thrown to the outskirt for some periodical “conditioning” and so called training. Thanks god, this one was way better in terms of pace and in class materials. Things were more on the soft skill and prep for entering the middle/front depts. The only thing that kept us going goosebumps all thru those moments were the fact that we had to wait till almost the weekend to know our next deployment placement.
In the end, we did get our assignments. Some were expected, some others were quite surprising. However, we had to stay content and be sure that our next adventure had more in store for us than previous encounters had proven. We just had to prepare ourselves mentally for the rest of the week, while also praying for the best for ourselves for the next 4 months as the next rounds were set in 4 months periods.
There I went, this time with Hera, into the MMU. On a good thing, it’s a great place to start things of if u’r interested in goin to the treasury dept one day since this unit monitors, control and manage all the transaction of the Treasury Department, hence, acting as some sort of policeman if anything goes wrong. In short, this place is full of knowledge on the finance side of things.
Nevertheless, all good things must start up roughly, and the same goes for me. Remembering this is indeed a middle office unit, U gotta put more initiative, act more independent and use more of ur brains more than the back. Therefore, things started of pretty much slowly. Especially when our mentor instructed us to concentrate more on the knowledge side of things rather than putting to much efforts on doing the reports done.
That’s why, finishing the third week, we’ve been more on attaching ourselves to the staffs and learning the how to’s and what’s behind every report being done. To be honest, we also had to start of doing some reports, to also get a feel of what’s being done and know for ourselves what’s in store in case a problem happens with that particular report.
Asides that, I can’t complain. Things have been pretty much good. You’ve just gotta see things on the good side as it’ll keep u alive and well. On a personal side of things, I finally got my android phone :P. Really wasn’t planning to get one soon (mosoooooo’’’????) till my other phone was asked by my uncle to be used. In a need for two phone for emergency matters, there I went to get one. My choice landed on the Samsung GT-5510 a.K.a Galaxy 551.
As they say, the graphics are sleek, awesome software to make it a smart phone and most of all . . . its pretty much cheap but powerful compared to an iPhone or a BB. The only downfall is the really drain full battery that can only last for a around 12 hours straight :(. Nevertheless, certain settings had to be made to lasten its usage period. That includes turing off the internet connection when not needed. Besides that, I’m pretty much happy on this new gadget. Lets just pray that it still last long in my hand, considering I bougth this one myself :D.
Guess that’s all for now. I’m currently expecting a three month trip straight from now on, visting one place every once to refresh my life. Hope to feel envigorated after those events. Till then . . . Jya ne ;-)
Saturday, February 05, 2011
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