Hmm…how long has it been…

that time since I said I’ld stop writing for a while…yeah…2 months I guess…Well…I can say since those two months…many things have happened small and big. Lets try to write down what has happened lately

Anyway…I was pretty much stressed out when I said I’ld stop writing for the moment

. But then, things slowly eased away. But one thing didn’t go away which was those assignments. Even now, those assignments still bother with greater intensity given that there are only less than 1 months left to the end of semester. And thinking bout those assignments, I think that I won’t be able to get those 4 HD’s I planned for…

it just feels damn hard this semester…

guess I’m gonna give my all even though the chances of 4 HD’s have diminished….
Life…ah…full of ups and downs…when I remembered the fact that I came back down and wanted to forget that somebody…

guess what…now I’ve got one to think and care for…whew…what a turn of fate…when I remembered that I wanted to concentrate on study and work…now…I have to care for this someone that I hope to be my future wife (Insya Allah)…

Well…you might be surprised I found this person in the 2 months I didn’t write anything…well..

it’s kinda long and short of a story. As I wanted to forget and move on…she came…as we interacted, I kinda comfortable. Time passed and I spent the nights not able to forget her..days went and I thought…”yeah…this feeling came again at such short intervals”. But hey…I’ve learnt my lessons and I fully know that I’m already attracted to her. I gave it a shot and…yeah…I’ve let go of my “jomblo” status after 25 years of my life

Obviously our relationship would have ups and downs…especially we both started of in a LDR. But…what I believe is that it isn’t the time to play around in these kind of relationships. Even though I yet have to meet her…with the interactions we’ve had…I have faith in myself that this is my one

. I just need to ascertain myself. Even though she doesn’t turn out to the best of my expectations…at the very least my basic requirements have been fulfilled and that has already got myself content. We’ll just have to polish and improve ourselves as the time goes on between us.
Aside of that and studies…life has been pretty much dull. To fill in time, I tried to re live my wanna be hobby of gundam plastic model building. Since there aren’t many choices in Perth, I had to buy some online at ebay. Though I still need to finish of 2 remaining models, the 2 others have certainly decorated my room in some way

Wallet?Ah yeah….it’s the month of sheer bankruptcy I guess. The need to buy a brand new bike has caused one hole in my savings. Couldn’t help it though since I really need a new one that had no trouble to replace my dying old bike. And thank God…My new battle hopper really lives up to my expectations

. Just need to be alert o bike thieves that linger around on campus….ready to break the chains on my bike.
The other wallet meteor was the fact that I had to register IELTS. For the sake of getting a PR status after graduation, I again have to go through the pain of such tests again after two years since the last one. Just hope my English hasn’t deteriorated...why I say this is coz that even though I live in Perth in which I’m supposed to speak English, I tend to speak more Indonesian and Malay coz of my friends…not good…
What else…aha..yep…forgot to tell that me and the kids from TPA went on a trip to AQWA. It was quite the memory since we had fun with the kids and all TPA staffs together

. The place itself was kinda like a mini version of Seaworld in Ancol. Nevertheless…the place was quite enjoyable…besides…you don’t get much tourist attractions in Perth so better enjoy things as it is

Ahh…I guess that’s all for now…hope from now on I can start writing in a normal interval like before

. It really turns out that writing can soothe my thoughts that have been contaminated by mundane affairs. Eniwei…c u…

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