OOohhh….pekan sunyi kedua dataaannggg…..Ya Allah….akhirnya daku bisa istirahat dari pergumulanku dengan panglima2 assignment yg sungguh telah menguras tenaga dan batinku…Dikala aq harus bisa memanfaatkan ramadhan dengan meningkatkan ibadahku….aku malah lebihs sering mendem nang kamar nggarap tgs….ohh…sungguh merugi aku (.Terutama tuk 2 minggu terakhir….really…aq engga bisa tenang mikir bagaimana harus nyelesein tugas2 itu….1 selesai…1 datang kemudian.
But hey…just enjoy aja break ini…walo dengan kondisi yg bisa dibilang engga kalah mengenaskan…eits…not that bad though….The truth is….walo break…seperti biasa...PR banyak menumpuk….palagi sudah menjelang akhir semester…fiuhhhh…..ooohh…hidupp….sungguh penuh tantangan tiada henti…
Kadang kalo dah gini,....ngiri juga ama teman2q yg ada kelebihan rejeki dan menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga di tengah2 suasana lebaran ini. It’s my 2nd time having ied here…so things are not as its supposed to be. Satu2nya cara tuk mendapatkan suasana ini hanyalah dengan silahturahim dna anjangsana ke rumah WNI dan muslim2 dri Negara lain disni. Walo g sama kaya d indo…but that’s the least I can do here ;)
Seminggu ya….well…in fact its 10 days for me. Agar bisa memanfaatkan waktu lebih maksimum…kali ini aku mengaturnya agar liburan ini bisa lebih kunikmati secara pribadi…as literally. Tugas2 bagaimanapun tetap harus kukerjain karena emang itulah adanya break ini. Namun demikian porsi refreshingnya aq selipkan. Aq g mau seperti break yg pertama ketika aq terlalu banyak ngerjain tugas. Jadinya malah bikin jenuh setengah mati akhirnya.
An as planned…I did some refreshments of my own. Just personally…as I wouldn’t want to spoil the calm and solitudeness that I’ve quite longed for in my hectic life here. And it did work out somehow. By planning to not think or touch assignments on the first 3-4 days of my break really cleared up my mind when I had to come back to them. Reading articles….manga and watching movies from my HDD….weeeww…it sure did defrag my mind after too much Trojan horses in the name of classes and assignments…
Asides assignments…the only thing I could moan is the fact that I’ll be working extra hours this week. Semua karena ada banyak teman2 ku anak malay yg balik kampong (ooohhh….pengennya daku pulang juga T_T). Luckily….semua main plan refreshingq dah tuntas sejauh ini…so aq g masalah hrs kerja extra. Hanya saja aq jadi harus memanfaatkan waktu luang yg tersisa tuk ngerjain tugas2ku dan belajar….must use the time.
Nevertheless….my life here is like a sunset…my time here is pretty much limited. Asuming all things are not gonna change drastically again, it would mean that these are my final times in Perth. With all I’ve done and experienced here good and bad, I just want to wrap things up neatly and tidily. But by the looks of things in the middle of this semester, gaining the same result like last term would be even quite hard. The best I can do now is to patch things up and do my best. Even though it would cause me to fade myself in the eyes of friends. It’s a risk…especially when you have high aimes for your future….often....pragmatic sacrifices are needed in order to achieve it. May Allah grany me the strength to overcome such poor heart resolutions so that I can gain my goals.
Eniwei…semoga break seminggu ini bisa memulihkan badan dan mentalku yang dah remek lahir batin selama beberapa minggu lalu…just wanna stay low for some time to relieve myself of the mundane matters that’s surrounding me. Wanna keep myself in the shadows for some time and calm myself for the next challenges that awaits me.
Disfrutando de mi tiempo de soledad ….. :)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Spring + Winter = Sprinter.....
Ketika angin berhembus....seketika aku merasa diterbangkan sang bayu...
Cucian numpuk gara2 hujan tiada henti turun membasahi bumi
Jaket hujan membuat diri berasa gundam dengan full armor.....
Ditambah hujan yang menerpa miring 45 derajat....membuat payungku sia-sia saja keberadaannya...
Jiahh...makes me wanna tuck in bed for the rest of day...
But ain't that least you have this humid sensation...makes you feel at home in July :D
Compared to those freezing cold days...where you felt your skin had warped.
Watching the smoke that blows out of our mouth as we breath in and out.
And you had to relentlessly turn on that heater...causing a future hole on your bills due to excessive use >.<
Or even trying to getaway to some hot place to heat up the heart that has frozen...
Nevertheless...its all a process...a state of enjoying every little step and second of life...
When you look back at home where only two seasons....grateful should we be on the experience of having 4 seasons.
Though spring might start of in a wet wet's the start of springing opportunities...
The spring of forgiveness...the spring of hope....the spring of assignments >_<....the spring of vacations and the spring of joy ^^
Cucian numpuk gara2 hujan tiada henti turun membasahi bumi
Jaket hujan membuat diri berasa gundam dengan full armor.....
Ditambah hujan yang menerpa miring 45 derajat....membuat payungku sia-sia saja keberadaannya...
Jiahh...makes me wanna tuck in bed for the rest of day...
But ain't that least you have this humid sensation...makes you feel at home in July :D
Compared to those freezing cold days...where you felt your skin had warped.
Watching the smoke that blows out of our mouth as we breath in and out.
And you had to relentlessly turn on that heater...causing a future hole on your bills due to excessive use >.<
Or even trying to getaway to some hot place to heat up the heart that has frozen...
Nevertheless...its all a process...a state of enjoying every little step and second of life...
When you look back at home where only two seasons....grateful should we be on the experience of having 4 seasons.
Though spring might start of in a wet wet's the start of springing opportunities...
The spring of forgiveness...the spring of hope....the spring of assignments >_<....the spring of vacations and the spring of joy ^^
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Get lost.....
New Zealand....hmmm....a class mate is there and i wouldn't miss it for the world as it may be my last time seeing him for years to come...
Sydney...not bad....always been thinking how good it to take a photo in front of the opera house...
Melbourne...part of the tour above....i wonder which is better?
Jakarta....hate it...but gonna have to love it since i'll be working there soon :(
Yogyakarta...looking forward to spend time with my love :)
Malang...short detour and wrapping up my seasonal date with her ;)
Perth...last chance...better see those places you haven't gone to for it'll be a chance of a life time
What next.....????
Makassar....masa kota tebesar di sulawesi engga dikasih bagian...
Padang...hmmm....recommended by a friend....i wonder what's in store for me....
Anyone wanna add it...?
Sydney...not bad....always been thinking how good it to take a photo in front of the opera house...
Melbourne...part of the tour above....i wonder which is better?
Jakarta....hate it...but gonna have to love it since i'll be working there soon :(
Yogyakarta...looking forward to spend time with my love :)
Malang...short detour and wrapping up my seasonal date with her ;)
Perth...last chance...better see those places you haven't gone to for it'll be a chance of a life time
What next.....????
Makassar....masa kota tebesar di sulawesi engga dikasih bagian...
Padang...hmmm....recommended by a friend....i wonder what's in store for me....
Anyone wanna add it...?
Krisis paruh semester ding :P
tu wa ga pat....tu wa ga pat....tu wa ga pat....
nope2...aku engga sedang berlari kok...cuma iseng2 aja ngitung :P. intermesso sejenak ditengah tumpukan tugas kuli-ah (belagak pekerja romusha) yang semakin aneh tong sampah (baca : bin) ajaib.
Seperti dah expect kalo semakin mendekati akhir semester....tugas2 akan semakin banyak. Tapi ketika kupelototi kalender september dan Oktober tiba2..."WHAT??" ada suatu anomali....anomali yang membuat ku terbelakak (lebay mode)...
eniwei...the thing is..."Kok banyakan assignment due di september sih daripada oktober kaya biasanya?"Kalo diibaratkan grafik....tugas2 ku sekarang bagaikan ilustrasi normal distribution.....besar di tengah dari yang harusnya bagaikan gambar lereng gunung naik (istilahku dewe :D ).
Kekagetanku belum selesai...ternyata ketika itu...aku baru sadar bahwa sebagian besar asinan (bahasa gaul wong jogja di perth tuk assignments) itu akan due di bulan puasa...subhanallah (mending bilang gini aja daripada misuh...bisa batal puasaku ntar :P)...makin banyak komitmen neh di ramadhan...
And it proved true....minggu2 ini bener2 berat dan menantang. Butuh suatu kedewasaan dan kecersdasan emosi tuk mampu mengatur irama hidup. Gampang di kata...susah di fakta....dan sejauh ini telah cukup memberiku kamplengan di hati dan kepalaku (litterally) atas beratnya menjalani hal ini.
Especially...this week....1 (suspected) quiz....1 mid exam...1 homework...1 presentation....6000 words asinan....1 critical lit review....would anyone say...HELL??Ok....the presentation was postponed for two weeks (matur suwun gusti Allah SWT T_T). But hey...itu hanya menunda pekerjaan...sisa kerjaku...tetep bikin nggliyeng >.<
Mo refreshing....susah...namun demikian...entah kenapa kok sik iso yoh nyuri2 waktu??Seakan ada kesadaran alam bawah sadar...semakin banyak masalah semakin banyak refreshing...lho....ini mah pedoman hidupku sendiri lagi :P. Eniwei...this kinda thing did happen....malam minggu kemaren....yang harusnya bukber d malah diajak makan sushi all u can eat di JAWS seharga $27.50 >:D<.
Niatnya sih narget 20 piring (berencana bangkrutin tuh JAWS >:) ). Eehhh...apa daya cuma sanggup 16 piring doang. Keluar2....berasa dah mau jackpot di jalan aja. Masih untung engga langsung pulang habis itu coz tuh makanan sempet diendapkan dengan nonton pilem (lama) nang omah konco. So....pulang2....mek kare' klenger'e thok....
Hari berganti sampe hari ujian exam tiba....sumpe....dino iku jan remek awakku. Isuk kuliah....awan'e tutorial...bengine ujuan...wes....teko2 nang omah mek kare' ampas'e tenogo :-S...
Derita berlanjut esoknya....walo udah tidur cepet...esoknya sukses bangun kesiangan...impact??gw KAGAK SAHUUURRRR :((....damn....padahal bengine wis nglilir dan setengah bangun sambil ngrogoh hp yang jatuh di kolong kasur gara2 kelempar tangan yang mo matiin alarm....walhasil....pagi itu diriku mencari sahur "batiniyah" dari "penari muda" ku :D...we made up (after some misunderstandings...oh...what a dynamic couple we are B-) ) and really felt ready to go to school :).
Daya kuliah....mentalku ambruk (bukan berarti aku gila moro2)....dipake tuk belajar otak dah nge-hang minta di defrag. Ditambah rasa letoy akibat lewat sahur dan hawa dingin yang menusuk ulu hatiku....jadinya harus nge-scrap rencana tuk belajar di kampus dan berbuka disana...After seeing my physiothrapist....i quickly grabbed some food for the evening and sahur and got the next bus....@ home.....NGEBO!!!
And so here i am still....mentally broken though still struggling to do my asinan's little by little (boso inggris'e cicilan). Dunno if i can finish it of in a neat manner as usual...but lets just see...biasanya potensi keluar saat terdesak...i'll gamble on this :P.
So...i'll just continue my mid semester slump and feather out all the tasks one by one...
nope2...aku engga sedang berlari kok...cuma iseng2 aja ngitung :P. intermesso sejenak ditengah tumpukan tugas kuli-ah (belagak pekerja romusha) yang semakin aneh tong sampah (baca : bin) ajaib.
Seperti dah expect kalo semakin mendekati akhir semester....tugas2 akan semakin banyak. Tapi ketika kupelototi kalender september dan Oktober tiba2..."WHAT??" ada suatu anomali....anomali yang membuat ku terbelakak (lebay mode)...
eniwei...the thing is..."Kok banyakan assignment due di september sih daripada oktober kaya biasanya?"Kalo diibaratkan grafik....tugas2 ku sekarang bagaikan ilustrasi normal distribution.....besar di tengah dari yang harusnya bagaikan gambar lereng gunung naik (istilahku dewe :D ).
Kekagetanku belum selesai...ternyata ketika itu...aku baru sadar bahwa sebagian besar asinan (bahasa gaul wong jogja di perth tuk assignments) itu akan due di bulan puasa...subhanallah (mending bilang gini aja daripada misuh...bisa batal puasaku ntar :P)...makin banyak komitmen neh di ramadhan...
And it proved true....minggu2 ini bener2 berat dan menantang. Butuh suatu kedewasaan dan kecersdasan emosi tuk mampu mengatur irama hidup. Gampang di kata...susah di fakta....dan sejauh ini telah cukup memberiku kamplengan di hati dan kepalaku (litterally) atas beratnya menjalani hal ini.
Especially...this week....1 (suspected) quiz....1 mid exam...1 homework...1 presentation....6000 words asinan....1 critical lit review....would anyone say...HELL??Ok....the presentation was postponed for two weeks (matur suwun gusti Allah SWT T_T). But hey...itu hanya menunda pekerjaan...sisa kerjaku...tetep bikin nggliyeng >.<
Mo refreshing....susah...namun demikian...entah kenapa kok sik iso yoh nyuri2 waktu??Seakan ada kesadaran alam bawah sadar...semakin banyak masalah semakin banyak refreshing...lho....ini mah pedoman hidupku sendiri lagi :P. Eniwei...this kinda thing did happen....malam minggu kemaren....yang harusnya bukber d malah diajak makan sushi all u can eat di JAWS seharga $27.50 >:D<.
Niatnya sih narget 20 piring (berencana bangkrutin tuh JAWS >:) ). Eehhh...apa daya cuma sanggup 16 piring doang. Keluar2....berasa dah mau jackpot di jalan aja. Masih untung engga langsung pulang habis itu coz tuh makanan sempet diendapkan dengan nonton pilem (lama) nang omah konco. So....pulang2....mek kare' klenger'e thok....
Hari berganti sampe hari ujian exam tiba....sumpe....dino iku jan remek awakku. Isuk kuliah....awan'e tutorial...bengine ujuan...wes....teko2 nang omah mek kare' ampas'e tenogo :-S...
Derita berlanjut esoknya....walo udah tidur cepet...esoknya sukses bangun kesiangan...impact??gw KAGAK SAHUUURRRR :((....damn....padahal bengine wis nglilir dan setengah bangun sambil ngrogoh hp yang jatuh di kolong kasur gara2 kelempar tangan yang mo matiin alarm....walhasil....pagi itu diriku mencari sahur "batiniyah" dari "penari muda" ku :D...we made up (after some misunderstandings...oh...what a dynamic couple we are B-) ) and really felt ready to go to school :).
Daya kuliah....mentalku ambruk (bukan berarti aku gila moro2)....dipake tuk belajar otak dah nge-hang minta di defrag. Ditambah rasa letoy akibat lewat sahur dan hawa dingin yang menusuk ulu hatiku....jadinya harus nge-scrap rencana tuk belajar di kampus dan berbuka disana...After seeing my physiothrapist....i quickly grabbed some food for the evening and sahur and got the next bus....@ home.....NGEBO!!!
And so here i am still....mentally broken though still struggling to do my asinan's little by little (boso inggris'e cicilan). Dunno if i can finish it of in a neat manner as usual...but lets just see...biasanya potensi keluar saat terdesak...i'll gamble on this :P.
So...i'll just continue my mid semester slump and feather out all the tasks one by one...
仲間 ~ Friends
Walking to the same path...we share the same dreams friends...
But life is as cruel as it it...departing us from visions we shared
Nevertheless...we keep our nexus as tight as we could...for it'll be a memento for years and forever
we laugh and we cry...all if the future was never there
One lets their hand out....
One goes astray....the other reminds of their mistakes....though it's sometime tough to keep it objective
This bond is what defines us for years to it would be forever in our souls
But life is as cruel as it it...departing us from visions we shared
Nevertheless...we keep our nexus as tight as we could...for it'll be a memento for years and forever
we laugh and we cry...all if the future was never there
One lets their hand out....
One goes astray....the other reminds of their mistakes....though it's sometime tough to keep it objective
This bond is what defines us for years to it would be forever in our souls
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