dreamt of having your own house, from your own money, by your own sweat?
everyone does, who doesn’t? Thing is, nowadays, such dream are becoming and
becoming more utopic.
it, soaring land prices, (Over) Priced houese from the developers. On top of
that, average or (if not to say) low salary and rising living costs. All these
summed up together, getting your own house would be a heck of struggle.
on me? Sure it does, especially here in Jakarta. Even seeking outside Jakarta,
the prices are fairly similar. Sometimes, the prices doesn’t even compensate
for the lack of infrastructures to it.
Like it
or not, I had to face this issue sooner or later. Being the head of the family,
your in the constant position to always seek out ways to improve and better the
lives of your family. Having your own house is just one of them.
Do I
hate my current house? Hell no! Well, its just not that I hate it, but it’s
just bout anticipating my future. Staying in a (said) subsidized flat just
besides the national heroes cemetry, things are fairly OKAY for the moment. Just
meters away within walking distance to the train station, a shopping center
just at the basement, and all amenities within close range, what more can you
I said, its about the future. In a flat, you don;t have the luxury of space. In
a somewhat 30m2 unit, things
are pretty much packed. No room for useless things. All items must be of
essential need and can be stored tedily. Otherwise, I risk making my unit a
pile of garbage storage. Not to mention the lack of a garden. Meaning that there’s
no green thingy to watch on and get that fresh and natural feelin.
the past few month, I’ve been eyed with this new land opening from a house
developer in South West of Jakarta. Well, its not technically Jakarta. Anyway,
since then and till now, I’m in the struggle get this house within my grasp. Although
some sacrifices will ensue.
only way I can ensre it is to secure a house loan from my office. But that
means, I’m kinda pawning my life to my office. Asides from the fact that I can
set it to another house mortgage or new office, I’ll be pretty much stay for
the rest of my life.
Is it
worth it? For me now....YES?? In my circumstances, I think its now bout now or
never. Some years back, I wouldn’t be thinking of doing so. But as you get
older, get more commitments, and looking prices at a never ending upward trend,
you’ve just gotta have the guts.
I’ve somewhat secured help from my ol’ man. However, I’ll be sure to repay him
as soon as I can afford it. Man, I sure owe lots in my life. Even till now when
I’m in need for a housing fund. Just need to get the paperwork right in all
parts, and hopefully, I can secure the deal in the next month.
time is ticking for me. Thus everyday, its an adrenaline rush. However, if I
vision the future that I want, I guess its gonna be worth it. As for myself
being tied, I don’t mind for the moment. Let’s just think bout it when you’ve
already hit the upper ceiling. Not to say that I’ve haven’t. But this thing
makes the ceiling go higher, and forces yourself to reach that upper ceiling.
For the