Akhirnya...selesai juga 1 semester disini. Kalo temen2 lain pada masih harus nyiapin diri menghadapi UAS, well...luckily i don't have to go through all that pain. Why..?Coz I don't have any exams!!Ya...ada sih...tapi itupun cuma 1 dan dalam bentuk take home exam. Jadi..technically, you can say that i don't have any exams right?
Namun demikian, bukan berarti prodi-ku termasuk yg gampang. Bisa dibilang sama susahnya, hanya aja prodi-ku lebih menitik beratkan ke tugas2 sehari-hari. Jadinya, aku lebih banyak menghadapi tugas membuat paper dan telaah pustaka ato kasus. Who says this kind of ass is easy...??It can turn out bloody hard actually.
Nevertheless, dalam menghadapi batch terakhir tugas2 gw, aku belajar banyak bagaimana me-manage diri dan waktuku. Belajar dari pengalaman 1st tuition free week, aku sukses mengatur jadwalku sehingga menjelang tenggat pengumpulan semua tugas2, aku sanggup menyelesaikan tugas2ku 2-3 hari lebuh cepat dari seharusnya.
Namun demikian, I did have my ups and downs on finishing my assignments. But then...alhamdulillah all got finished. dengan kondisi sudah kerja terutama, aku jujur aja g nyangka bisa sampe gini. Kepikiran aja..."kok bsa ya?". Anyway, it did happen, so I'm still left on how i did pull out my potential.
Singkat kata, now i can enjoy and reap my free time for the next 1,5 months onwards. Pastinya sih aku bakal nambah waktu kerjaku, mo ngapaian lagian kalo g kerja. G mungkinlah aku nganggur di kamar aja ato jalan2 ngabisin duit. Be productive ker!!!
Speaking of work...he..he..finally...got my first ever payroll!!Sure was tough, but it certainly maked me realize that money is sure hard to get. U've gotta put all your efforts and concentration to get even the slightest amount of money. By this I've realized more that, money is indeed not something u can waste on since its hard to get nowadays.
So...here i come too enjoy life in the winter holiday once again (after not feeling winter for the last 14 years)...YEAH!!!!