Thursday, May 29, 2008

Holiday Time...YEAH!!!!

Akhirnya...selesai juga 1 semester disini. Kalo temen2 lain pada masih harus nyiapin diri menghadapi UAS, well...luckily i don't have to go through all that pain. Why..?Coz I don't have any exams!!Ya...ada sih...tapi itupun cuma 1 dan dalam bentuk take home exam. Jadi..technically, you can say that i don't have any exams right?

Namun demikian, bukan berarti prodi-ku termasuk yg gampang. Bisa dibilang sama susahnya, hanya aja prodi-ku lebih menitik beratkan ke tugas2 sehari-hari. Jadinya, aku lebih banyak menghadapi tugas membuat paper dan telaah pustaka ato kasus. Who says this kind of ass is easy...??It can turn out bloody hard actually.

Nevertheless, dalam menghadapi batch terakhir tugas2 gw, aku belajar banyak bagaimana me-manage diri dan waktuku. Belajar dari pengalaman 1st tuition free week, aku sukses mengatur jadwalku sehingga menjelang tenggat pengumpulan semua tugas2, aku sanggup menyelesaikan tugas2ku 2-3 hari lebuh cepat dari seharusnya.

Namun demikian, I did have my ups and downs on finishing my assignments. But then...alhamdulillah all got finished. dengan kondisi sudah kerja terutama, aku jujur aja g nyangka bisa sampe gini. Kepikiran aja..."kok bsa ya?". Anyway, it did happen, so I'm still left on how i did pull out my potential.

Singkat kata, now i can enjoy and reap my free time for the next 1,5 months onwards. Pastinya sih aku bakal nambah waktu kerjaku, mo ngapaian lagian kalo g kerja. G mungkinlah aku nganggur di kamar aja ato jalan2 ngabisin duit. Be productive ker!!!

Speaking of my first ever payroll!!Sure was tough, but it certainly maked me realize that money is sure hard to get. U've gotta put all your efforts and concentration to get even the slightest amount of money. By this I've realized more that, money is indeed not something u can waste on since its hard to get nowadays. i come too enjoy life in the winter holiday once again (after not feeling winter for the last 14 years)...YEAH!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008


Finally,its getting to the end of semester here. After almost 3 months of hard study, I can finally take a rest for myself. I do hope that the results turn out in my favor. Of course, I can now concentrate on things that were neglected during semester. Can't remember on by one, but surely there r a bunch of it.

Then again, i can start to let my mind run wild after the last few months having to put it in line with others. What I like when there's nothing to do is to let myself dream. Not a mere dream, but its more like reminisce. Relating the past with current and future things.

Ever since I've arrived here, I've been doing dozens of contemplations of my dreams, conscious or not. In short, I'm greatfully thankfull to Allah SWT that I've been a second chance to prove my worth. To regain my lost time during my bachelor days.

Now, its more like putting the pieces of my scattered dreams all together. What dreams?Well...everything a man can think of. Since the first time I've dreamnt on something till everything was scattered 2 years ago, there were countless things I've dreamnt of.

I heard a saying that one man gets one chance, but a good man gets a second chance. So...I do hope I'm a good man by gaining a second chance to rebuild my dreams. Rebuilding ones dream isn't a simple task. Its like learning everything all together again, from zero.

Over the past 2 years since my dreams were shattered, I've been contemplating and wondering, what really went wrong with my dream. Was it feasable or was it just a mere utopia 4 me? Those early months did make myself calm and rethink my whole future and dreams. From that moment on, I learned life the hard way.

It certainly did make me mature in life to a certain degree. Enabling me to think from a broader and comprehensive perspective. And also make me realize that life is still full of dreams to be reached. But only if u know what ur doing and the path u follow.

Again bout sayings, I read a novel. In that novel, there was a saying that roughly means "Let urself to dream, for God shall embrace your dreams". Then I realized, life hasn't ended for me. LIfe is still is enjoyable if u stay put with your dreams and strive for it.

Therefore, I've always been dreaming on what my future would be. But still, I don't want to let myself become a dreamer. Therefore, I've always prayed for Allah SWT just to give whats best for me. Surely over the time, I too will improve myself. Just so I can make myself suitable for whats destined for me.

So...what else can i hope for?Nothing much though i think. Humans can only hope, But it is Allah SWT who shall decide...

Sunday, May 04, 2008


It's been 3 month here in perth and its heading to the final stages of my 1st semester here. With the last tuition free week passing, what's left are just heaps of final assignments from each subject to finish off. And I'm not talking bout ordinary asses, but asses with thousand word numbers like 3000-5000 words.

Not like the previous tuition free week where I kinda slacked off, this time I made things right. I managed to put everything back in order, my schedules, mentality and my health. I had to do this to avoid repeating the same mistake on the first tuition free week whiched caused me to pile work at the last moments.

Eventhough the last 5 weeks will be more of a hell, I'm quite confident on doing it coz I've managed to get things straight until now. Just need to jog things up so that everything can really be put into motion. At least, there will be no day for me without even studying. So...time to gear up.

While my mind can gear up, something is going down...which is my wallet. I thought this was only at the end of the month but it seems its gonna last for the next month of may. This definitely has caused me to tighten my spendings here for the rest of the month. One of the consequences for me are no hanging out with friends for the whole month. Even though I can, there are just many unexpected spendings bound to happen. Not to mention the high risk of having to skip prayer times, which is one thing i really despise from my friends. Don't they even remember this???:(

Eventhough I had money to hang out, with all the work to be done, It's just a wish coz my work until now has overweighed the desire to hang out. So, I guess its a blessing in disguise for me not having much money to begin with. Therefore I can concentrate more on my studies. So...a simple life is wha I'm gonna have to do for the whole month...

The only chance for me to get more money is to work here. Luckily I did make a deal on this matter, earning myself a job at a local halal butcher. Thanks least I can fill in the holes in my pocket from my own salary. Despite the rising study work, I'm sure my work won't be in the way coz the work itself isn't that hard. I was even tod it was quite laid back with flexible hours. But then again, the trade off is that the place doesn't offer great pay to begin with.

I just hope i can survive the rest of the month with just $350 in hand. Man....that's sure tough. Even I'm gonna reduce my groceries and eat with a smaller portion. Can'tskip meals coz I'm just gonna end up sick like I did in the last week before the last tuition free week.

As for refreshments, I'm not really keen on walking around. Besides, eben if I where to walk around, I have the money to at least act as a buffer in my wallet. BUt its not of a worry. As matter of fact, I was sent 3 animonz magazine from home. Just reading these magz can make my mind fresher in the midst of the pile of work. A novel was also sent to me called "Ayat-Ayat Cinta". I was wondering whats special about this novel till it can make a huge impact in Indonesia lately/

Just 4 weeks left till the end of semester. Gotta give it ur all and struggle to the end. Maybe after that, I can really relax myself thoroughly till the start of the next semester comes. So....FIGHT!!!