Monday, April 06, 2009

What if....

What if…I hadn’t known u back then…would my heart stay as cold as before?

What if…I wasn’t bedazzled by u back then…would my 1st still be in my mind forever?

What if...we hadn’t interacted too much…would we still have words to discuss now?

What if…you didn’t call me that night…would I wonder how nice to hear your sound?

What if…I didn’t go back too quick…would you still feel lonely by yourself that time?

What if…we didn’t have some force majeur…would we still think positively on each other?

What if…the sacred time didn’t come…we still maintain that ongoing pace that would look so quick?

What if…u didn’t send me that note…would I still be hoping for that promise that I thought was a joke?

What if…u weren’e intrenched by your duties…would u have time to just say hello to me?

What if…I wasn’t engulfed in solitudeness…would u still have a flowing conversation with me?

What if u didn’t tell me your past…would I then had the courage to say…”daisuki” ?

What if we didn’t get to see each other back then…would that mean there’s still a chance?or do I just have to consider myself foolish and unlucky again?

What if…we were to cross paths some day one day…would we be able to recognize each other?

What if…what if…what if…Wallahualam bis shawab….


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous5:20 am

    nyuuutt, kok 'dark' gini sih??
    you told me before, that you will never think about this anymore...
    you make me worried about you...

  3. bukan memikirkan ini lagi kok

    ya anggap aja ini semacam perpisahanku terkait hal ini ;)
