Saturday, August 14, 2010

Taking a toll. . .

Darn . . . tanpa kuduga kerja ini pada akhirnya membawa dampak yang tidak kusangka . . . gejala tipes ringan yang pada akhirnya memaksaku tuk istirahat 2 hari. Gara2 aku juga sih g segera memeriksakan batukku ke dokter seusai dari Novus. Jadinya kaya gini deh . . . Sekarang sih dah mendingan. But really, i need to boost my stamina as other busy things are waiting me to do.

Kerjapun demikian, semakin hari semakin memuncak kesibukannya. Dan hal ini jujur saja membuat diri ini terlena dan melupakan hal2 lain yang justru membuatkan sadar tuk kembali menapakkan kaki ke bumi. Things like reading . . . watching movies alone and writing has really been a luxurious thing for me to do lately. Such things that keeps my sanity in place is now being slowly eroded from the palm of my hands. It seems the next couple of weeks would be my struggle to take and fight back slowly my precious activities. If not, I might not end up not being myself. Just a mere self in a soulless fleshed container being a puppet of the surroundings.

And now with the BSMR gone, I’d really like to start do so. Try to find back my rhythm. Like it or not, it seems solitude has really been my best companion in one way or another as it is thru solitariness that I can gain a peace of mind of things thats strangles me. But then . . . this to . . . is one of the most things that is being taken away from me . . .

Alon alon asal kelakon . . . better i thing rather than taking a toll but it would just hurt me in the end . . .

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