Finally, I'm back making reviews of movies again after a while. This time, I started out with an Indonesian movie called Nagabonar jadi 2. This movie is a direct sequel of the movie Nagabonar released in the 80s with Dedy Miswar as the main actor. The sequel takes us a years ahead form the first movie, telling us about Nagabonar and hisson, Bonaga.
Well, it's not usual for me to watch Indonesian movies. Its not that I hate them, but honestly, most of them suck. With themes just around horror and love, the stories really don't offer anything special and deep. But this movie is different. It does indeed conveys many moral messages. Not to mention the many comedic scenes around it.
This movie is all about the old Nagabonar visiting his son Bonaga in jakarta. There, he experiences many differences in various aspects concerning his views and perspectives with his son. But the main matter his about Bonaga trying to convince his father about letting him to build a palm coconut harvesting field near their family cemetry, something which Nagabonar misintprented as Bonaga trying to destroy the cemetry.
It did took Bonaga various efforts to convince his dad that wasn't the case, including asking his friend Monita, who also was his love interest to help him out. During the course of things, Nagabonar also did help his son on confessing his son on his love towards Monita, something Bonaga cannot do because of his awkwardness on doing so.
Besides the love story of Bonaga and abaout their familiy cemetry threatened to be wiped away, the whole movie is more about how Nagabonar is trying to understand the different views and developments that have happened during his time in the independence wars and now in the peacefull times. Luckily he managed to meet Umar, a bajay driver who throughout almost the entire movie acts as his chauffeur somewhat, driving him all around Jakarta, especially to places that have a historical value and meaning.
In the end, Nagabonar gives up and lets his son to do whatever he pleases with the family cemetry. But Bonaga already realizes how things shouldn't be this way and finally decides to forfeit the business deal leading to the wiping out of his family cemetry. For Nagabonar, he realizes that he should give way to the young people and that many things have changes in the hearts of people that he still cannot comprehend till the very end.
Eventhough the movie doesn't have a somewhat clear ending, but I guess it's fine. Afterall, the entire movie is filled with satires that reminds us on how far our hearts have differed to the people in the past. How we don't have the courage to clearly express our feelings and so on. It would be much more wonderfull if other Indonesian films were filled with such good messages. Too bad...they only think about trivial and profital movies. Overall, I think this film deserves a 4.5 star out of 5 ^^.
Well, it's not usual for me to watch Indonesian movies. Its not that I hate them, but honestly, most of them suck. With themes just around horror and love, the stories really don't offer anything special and deep. But this movie is different. It does indeed conveys many moral messages. Not to mention the many comedic scenes around it.
This movie is all about the old Nagabonar visiting his son Bonaga in jakarta. There, he experiences many differences in various aspects concerning his views and perspectives with his son. But the main matter his about Bonaga trying to convince his father about letting him to build a palm coconut harvesting field near their family cemetry, something which Nagabonar misintprented as Bonaga trying to destroy the cemetry.
It did took Bonaga various efforts to convince his dad that wasn't the case, including asking his friend Monita, who also was his love interest to help him out. During the course of things, Nagabonar also did help his son on confessing his son on his love towards Monita, something Bonaga cannot do because of his awkwardness on doing so.
Besides the love story of Bonaga and abaout their familiy cemetry threatened to be wiped away, the whole movie is more about how Nagabonar is trying to understand the different views and developments that have happened during his time in the independence wars and now in the peacefull times. Luckily he managed to meet Umar, a bajay driver who throughout almost the entire movie acts as his chauffeur somewhat, driving him all around Jakarta, especially to places that have a historical value and meaning.
In the end, Nagabonar gives up and lets his son to do whatever he pleases with the family cemetry. But Bonaga already realizes how things shouldn't be this way and finally decides to forfeit the business deal leading to the wiping out of his family cemetry. For Nagabonar, he realizes that he should give way to the young people and that many things have changes in the hearts of people that he still cannot comprehend till the very end.
Eventhough the movie doesn't have a somewhat clear ending, but I guess it's fine. Afterall, the entire movie is filled with satires that reminds us on how far our hearts have differed to the people in the past. How we don't have the courage to clearly express our feelings and so on. It would be much more wonderfull if other Indonesian films were filled with such good messages. Too bad...they only think about trivial and profital movies. Overall, I think this film deserves a 4.5 star out of 5 ^^.
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