Haha…biar kutebak…pasti mikir arti judul tulisan ini apa hehehehe :p
Eniwei…segalanya bermulai pada sabtu pagi nan indah di butcher dimana aq bekerja. Semua berjalan dull seperti biasa…terutama karena belum padatnya kerja pagi itu….dan ketika kusedang menghayati memotong lapisan daging demi daging …eh…bos gw nnya…”tok…bagaimana pendapatmu tentang pasangan yang menikah muda…?setuju engga?”. Jujur aja…gw kaget pagi2 ditanyain pertanyaan berat macam itu. Bukannya gw sendiri engga pernah bicara masalah ini atau apa…Cuma gw emang secara pribadi sampe saat ini menghindari aja isu macem ini yg bagi gw agak2 “sensi”
Eniwei…mauku sih mengelak jawaban ini…but yeah…my bos insisted on me answering yes or no…Oh crap…now I’m in some sort of awkward position…Eniwei…I just answered..mostly no…hehe…now here where things get interested. She asked why I didn’t agree..?kujawab…karena kalo menikah muda..bagaimana anda akan menghidupi keluarga…bos gw jawab …”ya orang tua masing2 lah..”….gw pun reply…”okelah kalo begitu…masalahnya…sangat jarang ditemukan orang tua yang semacam itu”
Dan berikutnya kukekmukakan alasanku bahwa ketika 2 insan telah menikah…pada hakikatnya ortu sudah tidak bertanggung jawab atas mereka (terutama secara keuangan)…but then…my bos said…”lho…kenapa harus tidak lagi bertanggung jawab?”…now…this is where I suddenly felt checkmate :P…
Pembicaraan selanjutnya yakni bos-ku ngomong bahwa di dunia sekarang ini…dalah mengapa menikah muda bener2 dipermasalahkan padahal anak2 sekarang secara fisik tumbuh dewasa secara cepet…which also means that they are physically mature (especially in terms of sex). But then…just coz of not financially ready…then many people decide to not or at least postpone marriage. Until this…she did hae a point…
And then…bos ku bilang mengapa ada pandangan bahwa ketika anak sudah menikah dikatakan bahwa tanggung jawab ortu putus..itu lebih dikarenakan alasan budaya doang…dan ketika kuberpikir sampe point itu…gw juga inget…apa ada dalil ayat baik di al-qur’an atopun hadist-lah yang mengatakan bahwa ortu tidak lagi bertanggung jawab atas anak2nya (especially financially) ketika mereka2 sudah menikah?engga ada deh rasanya…:P
But I tried to refute by saying that once married, a man has the responsibility to feed the family or in other words…work. Till here…we both agreed. Tapi bosku menambahkan…betul emang demikian…tapi faktanya seringkali hal ini menyebabkan anak2 muda takut untuk menikah hanya karena alasan kerja…kerja…dan kerja. Kalopun sudah kerjapun…masih banyak dijumpai para bujang yang tidak mau menikah…alasannya….yg lom mapan lah yg itu lah dan 1001 alesan lainnya.
That was one fact that I couldn’t deny…even 4 myself. Another fact that my bos stated was about bagaimana para bujang harus seringkali menempuh pendidikan tinggi (sampe S2) dan pada saat yang bersamaan harus menekan gejolak naluri biologi terhadap lawan jenis di tengah gempuran keterbukaan aurat disana sini yang dah bener “syaithannirajimmmm” (istilah gw sendiri :D ). Dia menambahkan…apa para bujang2 perlu menunggu utk lulus utk kemudian kerja trus baru nikah?Can’t just both the parents help out at least with the funding of their education while still maintaining their marriage?Must it be education…or work that separates two loving people from being married to each other?
Up till this point…I couldn’t say more…What my boss said was in fact all the most true…Kenyataan (atau mungkin tatanan masyarakat) seringkali harus kejam terhadap para bujang2 (dan perawan2 maybe :D ). But my boss put more emphasis on parents nowadays…why do they have to require their kids to graduate and get a job (for boys) before getting married?Can’t they help and play their part in helping young married couple by soothing their financial distress (especially when they both have to undergo uni 1st).
Mendengar omongan itu…aq juga jadi berpikir…alangkah baiknya jika semua orang tua bisa seperti yang didambakan bos gw. Kadang gw juga mikir…anak2 jaman sekarang emang cepet banget dewasa secara fisik. Dan tentunya hal ini juga membawa konsekuensi hasrat penyaluran nafsu seksual juga pada puncak2nya. Namun ya itu dia…selalu harus tertekan karena menyelesaikan skul/kul :-S
Selama hidupku pun aq pernah mendapati teman2q nikah muda dan alhamdulillah ortu mereka masih mau at least membiayai dari segi uang kul…beberapa bahkan masih ngasih uang saku ;) (ooohh…how lucky they are…). But in regards to them being married…I do notice some differences after they got married…something which me and my boss agreed on…they in certain ways…become mentally more mature in doing and facing life. I don’t know why…but I guess it’s coz of their binding commitment of marriage that makes them (even unconsciously) to do so.
Oh well…walo kita berharap ortu2 sekalin mau melakukan hal seperti yang diangankan bos gw…that’s life…changing such kind of thought frame is gonna take time. But I also like to add something from my POV concerning this matter. Just to add up things of what I’ve written down here ;)
Sebanyak apapun kita berharap agar ortu2 mau seperti itu…nyatanya juga bahwa anak2 sekarang walo dewasa secara fisik..tapi hamper kebanyak masih belum dewasa secara pikiran…alias masih berpikir kekanak-kanakan. So…How can we demand for parents to fulfill such wish if we even cannot prove to them that we are also mature in terms of mental and mind?
But then…it’s not us who’s completely us at fault here for being not mature in terms of mind. Tetapi system pendidikan kita yang juga berperan kita dalam membentuk pribadi yang tidak akan pernah siap secara mental. Untuk dapet dikatakan siap…bagiku kita harus secara awal dihadapkan pada kenyataan hidup dalam pendidikan kita agar kita dapat segera terjun ke masyarakat dan berpartisipasi…tapi faktanya sekarang?Kita dikungkung oleh berbagai jenjang pendidikan yang kebanyakan mengajarkan teori belaka yang kemudian membuat kita akan kagok ½ hidup sewaktu2 kita engga lagi bersekolah…why? Coz they haven’t taught us anything on how to survive in such time and age. They just teach us on how to make ourselves dependant on out parents (financially especially).
Eniwei…akan sangat bahagia andaikata kita bisa mendapatkan nikmat macem yang telah dirasakan oleh teman2 yang beruntung diatas. Tetapi kita juga harus memainkan peran kita bahwa kita juga telah sanggup bersikap dan berpikir secara dewasa aja, jangan Cuma dewasa fisik doang :D. Oh yeah….the current social system juga harus berperan dalam membentuk insan2 yang lebih mampu survive dalam usia muda dan tidak hanya membuat kita bergantung ama ortu aja…so…3 pihak inilah yang harus berperan kedepannya ;)
PS : For those lucky friends of mine out there…may Allah SWT bless u for able to fulfill half of your diens at such a young age ;)…hontou ni…INVU
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Lost…soulless…even though skyscrapers plundge high to the heavens…
Filthy rich…still…a piece of light dims away
Laughs…hurrays...and cheers…nevertheless…they stay dull
Struggling to live…yet at the same time it’s just a mere event of drowning in the
depths of hell
Without the heavenly light…mundane would it be forever without any sacred benefits
And still…people flock year by years…searching for that better life…yet…is it worth it?
Risking our light and pride…sometimes…we can only tell when it’s only too late….
Would the hopes be true eventually…nonetheless…we live as bubbles in the ocean…unaware of what we can do…
Leaving us astray by that sweet but deadly warmth….
Forgiveness and consciouness is all I ask…to go through the times till the promised is fulfilled
Filthy rich…still…a piece of light dims away
Laughs…hurrays...and cheers…nevertheless…they stay dull
Struggling to live…yet at the same time it’s just a mere event of drowning in the
depths of hell
Without the heavenly light…mundane would it be forever without any sacred benefits
And still…people flock year by years…searching for that better life…yet…is it worth it?
Risking our light and pride…sometimes…we can only tell when it’s only too late….
Would the hopes be true eventually…nonetheless…we live as bubbles in the ocean…unaware of what we can do…
Leaving us astray by that sweet but deadly warmth….
Forgiveness and consciouness is all I ask…to go through the times till the promised is fulfilled
Coridor…pale yet warmth…at a verge of a cliff
However….eyes gazed at a dim light at the end
Closer it came…bedazzled I was
Sacred from its start, shockingly revealing its boundaries not even allowed
In awe….wondering who and why now
Knewing it would be an end…you came closer shouting out that hidden urge of closeness…
Embracing…as if time stood still…drops fell…
Happy as I was…still…in the silence of grasping things
Suddenly…you raised your face…showing me what’s supposed to be something for the dialogues to come
Losing my time…words of promise exchanged…vowing to wait each other despite all odds
Overwhelmed by it…nevertheless…I overlooked how I was supposed to address….the one with a sweet and tender smile
Even though…it all was nice…despite an unknown promise to whom I should fulfill it….
However….eyes gazed at a dim light at the end
Closer it came…bedazzled I was
Sacred from its start, shockingly revealing its boundaries not even allowed
In awe….wondering who and why now
Knewing it would be an end…you came closer shouting out that hidden urge of closeness…
Embracing…as if time stood still…drops fell…
Happy as I was…still…in the silence of grasping things
Suddenly…you raised your face…showing me what’s supposed to be something for the dialogues to come
Losing my time…words of promise exchanged…vowing to wait each other despite all odds
Overwhelmed by it…nevertheless…I overlooked how I was supposed to address….the one with a sweet and tender smile
Even though…it all was nice…despite an unknown promise to whom I should fulfill it….
Friday, March 13, 2009
1 Month After
Kembalilah diriku menulis blog ini setelah agak lama tidak menulis...well not really. Selama selang waktu itu, sebetulnya ada beberapa notes yang tela kutuangkan di facebook, aslinya itu juga gara2 blm keinstall Office d laptop, jadinya langsung aja ketulis di facebok.
1 bulan sejak kukembali...well..almost sih. Selama 1 bulan setelah kembali dari Indo, banyak hal2 yang kembali kualami. Tetapi lebih banyak hal baru yang kualami selama 1 bulan ini. Terlepas dari baru ato engganya...yang pasti semua itu telah membuatku berpikir akan suatu hal.
Pikiran pertama ketika kukembali ke perth adalah kembali lagi memulai rutinitas normal yang biasa kujalani. Pertama kerja, luckily I managed to get myself tuned without any setbacks. Secara fisik, alhamdulillah engga berubah banyak. Untungnya selama liburan aku senantiasa menjaga kondisi fisikku (walo ujung2nya balik ke perth nambah 1 kilo :P)
But then...there came study. Hal yang menjadi tujuan utamaku dsini ternyata tidak semgampang yang kubayangkan. Twists and turns here and there menjadikan semester ini menjadi JAAAAUUUUUHHHHH lebih susah daripada semester2 sebelumnya. Even though i can use my past experience to get my self geared up quicker, life just won't be the same again.
And also, it's not only studies that's occupying my mind, it's also the fact that I'm in my last year here.Meaning?I have to get a grip on the reality that I'm gonna face later..which is finding a job. Despite the fact that I've always yearned to work overseas (regardless of critics and cynical views from my friends), it just seems difficult when I look back at my past facts. The fact that I have no work experience what so ever in accounting, no PR status, and all other stuffs, just seems to sum up in my head, making me anxious on how to face this future of mine.
Ok...honestly, I've somehow got a grip on what to do on this part. It's all coz I thought that I've just gotta do the things that lead to it. Despite the long and hard road ahead, that's the path I ave chosen and engraved to my self...3,5 years ago.
Relationship...oh no...please. But honestly, as a normal guy..who doesn't want to have a close relationship with the opposite sex?However, I was always a sucker for these kinda things...and it seems to be going on. My past experience over the last vacation has taught me some good lessons concerning this. However, constant dreams coming makes me always loose my cool to face this bothering situation. I'ld like to follow those dreams..but yet...after I think again...I don't deserve it...at least for now...therefor...it seems I'm gonna have to endure the loneliness huh ....
Loneliness..?yeah...speaking of that...it sure does reminds me of that fateful day....3,5 years ago. And when I relate it to now...it just all adds up and make sense. Though painful....but what I've thought back then would be how I'll be and should be doing things. And it certainly does help to save myself that is becoming weak hearted.
Why I chose that path back then...?Nothing more and nothing less to redeem myself from my lost times. That's wy I'm here...to retrieve it back...Therefor...cold minded...cold hearted are just some of the qualities I need to execute my dreams back then and get back my lost time. It's obviously gonna be painfull...not to mention lonely...but I believe that's the fate I have to shoulder.
This might be my last blog for the next couple of time ahead. NO blogs...and no notes....so no boring reading anymore for all u readers. And do not expect any lame poets again (sorry for the promised poet that I'ld like to give u a look). Even though I will be making any...it'll be for private consumption only since names are gonna be in it....don't wanna stir any troubles with saying names :P
1 bulan sejak kukembali...well..almost sih. Selama 1 bulan setelah kembali dari Indo, banyak hal2 yang kembali kualami. Tetapi lebih banyak hal baru yang kualami selama 1 bulan ini. Terlepas dari baru ato engganya...yang pasti semua itu telah membuatku berpikir akan suatu hal.
Pikiran pertama ketika kukembali ke perth adalah kembali lagi memulai rutinitas normal yang biasa kujalani. Pertama kerja, luckily I managed to get myself tuned without any setbacks. Secara fisik, alhamdulillah engga berubah banyak. Untungnya selama liburan aku senantiasa menjaga kondisi fisikku (walo ujung2nya balik ke perth nambah 1 kilo :P)
But then...there came study. Hal yang menjadi tujuan utamaku dsini ternyata tidak semgampang yang kubayangkan. Twists and turns here and there menjadikan semester ini menjadi JAAAAUUUUUHHHHH lebih susah daripada semester2 sebelumnya. Even though i can use my past experience to get my self geared up quicker, life just won't be the same again.
And also, it's not only studies that's occupying my mind, it's also the fact that I'm in my last year here.Meaning?I have to get a grip on the reality that I'm gonna face later..which is finding a job. Despite the fact that I've always yearned to work overseas (regardless of critics and cynical views from my friends), it just seems difficult when I look back at my past facts. The fact that I have no work experience what so ever in accounting, no PR status, and all other stuffs, just seems to sum up in my head, making me anxious on how to face this future of mine.
Ok...honestly, I've somehow got a grip on what to do on this part. It's all coz I thought that I've just gotta do the things that lead to it. Despite the long and hard road ahead, that's the path I ave chosen and engraved to my self...3,5 years ago.
Relationship...oh no...please. But honestly, as a normal guy..who doesn't want to have a close relationship with the opposite sex?However, I was always a sucker for these kinda things...and it seems to be going on. My past experience over the last vacation has taught me some good lessons concerning this. However, constant dreams coming makes me always loose my cool to face this bothering situation. I'ld like to follow those dreams..but yet...after I think again...I don't deserve it...at least for now...therefor...it seems I'm gonna have to endure the loneliness huh ....
Loneliness..?yeah...speaking of that...it sure does reminds me of that fateful day....3,5 years ago. And when I relate it to now...it just all adds up and make sense. Though painful....but what I've thought back then would be how I'll be and should be doing things. And it certainly does help to save myself that is becoming weak hearted.
Why I chose that path back then...?Nothing more and nothing less to redeem myself from my lost times. That's wy I'm here...to retrieve it back...Therefor...cold minded...cold hearted are just some of the qualities I need to execute my dreams back then and get back my lost time. It's obviously gonna be painfull...not to mention lonely...but I believe that's the fate I have to shoulder.
This might be my last blog for the next couple of time ahead. NO blogs...and no notes....so no boring reading anymore for all u readers. And do not expect any lame poets again (sorry for the promised poet that I'ld like to give u a look). Even though I will be making any...it'll be for private consumption only since names are gonna be in it....don't wanna stir any troubles with saying names :P
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