Monday, June 01, 2009


Fu…fu…fu…fu….the semester has almost ended here…and still wondering what I’m gonna do on my vacation…go back home or be freezing cold in the winter of Perth.

With myself in this study week…I can finally get my body and mind to rest for a bit after those battering assignments. Especially those two stats unit…really…they were the main nightmare of this season…flipping my brain up side down just to get a grip on this exquisite subject.

Though I’ve still got like two assignments and a exam to finish of, I can pretty much do all those on a walking pace since the due dates for both are like a week in between. That means I can prepare them carefully….hopefully :P…Heeyyyy….you’ve gotta do it…wrap the semester nicely ;)

Speaking of how this semester went…I wouldn’t say it went the best of ways as expected. In fact….I’ld say it went worse than expected. Too many factors contributed to this semesters wreckage…some latent…some were due to my ineptness.

For the latent part…I guess I’ve said it many times in previous blogs before. Sure…it did somehow affect me. But what I really hated that it consumed my time and mind early at the semester till it left me forgetting what I had to plan and prepare for this semester.

And…it proved me right…I lagged behind in terms of my performances since I couldn’t tune myself in. Aside of that…I guess I took too long of a vacation…something that I finally realized lately. Even though I lagged behind, I tried my best to plan and prepare would could still be done. Though hard…some things finally came up to face this semester.

But then…I forgot…this semester wasn’t the same as before…why?Coz you have two tution free weeks pooled together. Good?OBVIOUSLY NOT !!coz that also means your gonna have a double load of assignments on your tail to finish of during that time. And sure it did….double bill of ASS-ignments really loaded my mind leaving me without any time and chance to re-build my strength.

As the tuition week passes…there I was working my ass and getting a grip on how to untie the challenges that faced me. Also…the need to prepare the AQWA outing for the TPA kids came by. Little that I knew…at that time…something bad was coming that would cost me a month of strength.

Yeah…those two weeks passed and I somehow managed to get the PANTAT finished. Also…I somehow managed to salvage some plans to finish of this semester but then…I fell sick…and it just dragged on for a month!!First…just a normal flu…next….pollen allergy…and now….chesty coughs. Now…it has kinda relieved…but still the signs show that it can go back anytime. For the time being….I just hope that vacation comes so that I can concentrate on getting back my health.

Back to the main topic…though the 2 weeks passes…I was there again…facing even more hard core work to do….most of them courtesy of stats of course (I even made a note on this in my facebook). It couldn’t had been harder had my fellow group mates didn’t screw and be stiff headed. Really…it did cost us finally in the presentation stage. Though not slaughtered as I thought would be…still…I just thought we could have done better and patch those unneeded holes in our work. But yeah…let by gone be by gones…there’s nothing I can do.

Eventhough some results have come up…and honestly…its not as worst as expected…but the feeling that I could have done better still lingers in me. Now…all the mistakes are visible to me and it just makes me wonder…why couldn’t I realize it earlier….days…weeks…months ago. And another thing that makes me feel kinda regretfull is the fact that most of the mistakes I made this semester…technically or not…were things that I did in the past…meaning…I’ve fell in the same hole again!!!!!^%^&$^*$*^#%*#%#%

Hmm…yeah…we as humans do encounter these mistakes… really is a normal thing. But why I hate it is coz that means I’m jeopardizing my chance to redeem my lost time is getting harder and harder…As for now…All I can hope is for a miracle to happen…again as what happened last semester. But still…I doubt it…coz u know…miracles only come once…that’s what I believe…

For the rest of my work…hope I can really wrap those up…as a consolation for myself…to get the best out of the worst right now….


  1. Anonymous12:04 pm

    masih nyesel?

  2. Anonymous3:14 pm

    tinggal jawab "ya" ato "ga" aja susyeh amat
