Monday, April 26, 2010

Ichi nen ato de . . . .

Ichi nen no mae ni . . . I made you speechless with my confession of love

Clueless of how it might end up . . . you sincerely accepted as things were

Since, we started low but sure, regardless of the thousands of miles that separated

Like rubber, I would bounce back to your place every once in a while when possible, just to fulfill the feelings of longing and seeing

As promised, we would get closer as life grew older, but the snailish pace can do sometimes feel slow

But hey, why bother or sad? Once we reminisce back, proud we are that we have made, a small yet fundamental milestone for each one of us :)

And as the days passes onwards, I can slowly feel and see, that our dreams are slowly manifesting, to what we both vibrated, hoped, yearned and visioned together.

Hence, as the numbers tingle back to the same one last year, I can only say thank you for everything until this moment, never stop or tired to together grasp the moment that we we will forever be united

Indeed, the road is still tough, but hey, as long as it's with you, I believe we can achieve it, not half and half :P, but together . . . body and soul ;)

Though my body is far, my soul is with you

Though our eyes are different, we envision the same things

Though our hearts are separated, we vibrate the same resonance

Together >:D< . . . Happy :) . . . Resonating ;). . . Vibrant ;)) . . . Understanding :D . . . Caring ;;) . . and Loving :*


  1. Anonymous10:40 pm

    ooh, tanggal ini toh, jadiannya, hehehe... :D


  2. hai, mas anto......aku pusing baca blogmu, bahsa inggris semua.....
    atas rekomendasi mbak kuuuuuuuun, aku baca yng ini dah, wkwkwkwkkw......
    puisi yang aduhai, hahahahahahahhaha.....
    salam kenal mas.....

  3. anatomynteristi1:07 pm

    lam kenal juga ;)

    jangan pusing atuh...nanti g bisa lancar PKP-nya :P

    Masih banyak yang lain2 yang bisa dibaca kok :)
