Sunday, September 05, 2010
I wish . . . . .
I wish…langit jakarta biru cerah tanpa polusi penuh timbal . . . I wish…jalanan jakarta lengang tanpa adanya kemacetan parah yang membuat dir ita di jalan . . . I wish…jakarta tidak sumpek dengan mal yang bikin hidup semakin hedon . . . . I wish…transportasi umum di jakarta punya rute lengkap nan terintegrasi . . . . I wish….jakarta penuh dengan taman tempat keluarga bercengkrama dan bermain secara alami . . . . I wish….jakarta tidak pernah banjir tiap tahunnya palagi 5 tahunan . . . . I wish….I wish….I wish ………
Macet sampe mencreeeettttttttt . . . . .
G tau apa yang bikin aq ngebet banget pengen nulis ini . . . rasanya emang kejengkelanku akan macetnya Jakarta dah sampe ubun. I know bukan aku saja yang ngerasa demikian, I bet there’s millions. But the thing is, does anyone know how to settle such things that even the so called people who think and have the required capability and knowledge do so? Well . . . in this short writing, I’ld like to share a bit of my mind on how to settle the problems of traffic congestions in Jakarta. I know it might not please some people . . . but then . . . it’s worth a try ;)
1. Pemutihan SIM
Kenapa aku berpikir ini adalah hal yang bisa dilakukan adalah karena berangkat dari beberapa fakta bahwa jumlah pengendara bermotor baik roda 2 ataupun 4 sudah sungguh banyak. Dan bagi yang tiap harinya bergelut di jalan raya mengemudikan kendaraannya pasti akan sedikit banyak terheran-heran dan kegeregetan dan tingkah laku dan sikap berkendara dari beberapa jika tidak sebagian besar pengendara yang tidak kenal sopan santun dan etika.
Hal ini aku pikir berangkat dari kesalahan di awal pengurusan SIM yang kalau kita mau jujur mengakui . . . amat sangat mudah untuk didapat. Ayolah . . . mari kita sama2 tidak munafik. Jika kita inget ketika kita mengurus SIM, akan kita dapati betapa mudahnya dan simple syarat yang harus dipenuhi (padahal ini saja masih ngurus sendiri dan engga’ pake calo). Cukup memenuhi syarat administrative dan ujian tertulis . . . nunggu . . . dan voila !! You’ve just got a driving license and ready to roll the streets of Indonesia >:).
But wait . . . masa engga’ ada tes praktek :-/ ??? Theoretically there should be one, namun fakta di lapangan berbicara bahwa hal ini tidak pernah dilakukan oleh polisi yang menguji kita. Bagi mereka, cukuplah mereka tahu bahwa kita bisa dan tahu cara membawa kendaraan secara mendasar. Apakah hal ini cukup? I don’t think so . . . coz it’s not just a matter of able to drive, but also a matter of how to act and behave on the street when driving. And to be honest, i really think most drivers in Indonesia do lack this basic knowledge and ability to behave appropriately and courteously. They might be good drivers in terms of skill but speaking of acting politely? We’re just mere noobs T.T
Karena inilah, saya fikir bahwa perlu diadakan pemutihan SIM untuk menyaring kembali siapa2 saja yang bener2 layak tuk mengemudikan kendaraan dengan kemampuan mendasar mengemudi yang mumpuni sekaligus sopan dan bertata krama. Jika dilakukan, perkiraan pribadiku sih mengatakan g bakal ada 20% dari total pemilik SIM (semua jenis) yang bener2 layak memiliki SIM. Lumayanlah kalo begini, tentu jalanan2 di Indo akan sedikit lebih sepi dan para pengendara lebih sopan di jalan :D.
2. Pembenahan dan penambahan transportasi massal
As for this part, it’s not just about repairing and adding, it’s also about providing mass transportation that suits all kind of people regardless of their class. Jika kita liat fakta yang ada tentang transportasi massal di Indonesia, sebenarnya sudah ada langkah2 perbaikan dan pembenahan (walo mungkin masih bisa dikatakan tambah sulam solusinya >_>). Hanya saja, sepertinya kok yang naik transportasi massal g pernah yang dari golongan “the have” ato para pemakai dasi nan berjas? Padahal golongan2 ini saja di luar negeri sangat mau dan lebih prefer menggunakan transportasi umum daripada menaiki kendaraan pribadi mereka yang cozy.
Ada gerangan apakah . . . hmmmm . . . Well, i think it all has to do with another fact that the public transportation in Indonesia are pretty much lousy and has a low class look to it. Add them up with the condition that they are frequently late and overcrowded; no wonder high class people get an ill feeling to ride them.
That’s one thing, but there are also many subsets of public transportation that needs to be mended. Aspects such as integration of every transportation mode, punctuality, infrastructure building and funding (and all other factors that I might have forgot or mentioned) all play a vital role in enabling a good and suitable public transportation mode to go on track.
3. Law Enforcement
Huehehehe . . . ok . . sapa yang pernah ditawari damai ma polisi ketika kita melakukan pelanggaran? Atau jangan2 kita malah yang ngajak polisi damai :P ? Terlepas siapa mengajak siapa, yang jelas sudah jadi rahasia umum bahwa penegakan hukum untuk pelanggaran lalu lintas di jalan bisa dikatakan masih belum bisa membuat pelanggar2 jera. Seringkali banyak pelanggaran (ok . . . try to list some of them, I’m just tired to do so xP) terjadi di jalanan tapi polisi malah membiarkannya.
Entah karena kurang berani, kurang personel, kurang alat pendukung, atau kurang . . . . yang jelas hal ini masih menjadi salah satu hal pendukung tertibnya lalu lintas yang dirasa masih kurang. Yang ada juga adalah kenyataan bahwa polisi (bersama pemerintah) baru melakukan tindakan nyata setelah terjadi suatu peristiwa yang memakan korban jiwa atau menimbulkan kerusakan umum yang sangat parah. Jika demikian, tampak nyatalah bagaimana reaktifnya aparat polisi kita >.<
Sekedar saran sih . . . alangkah baiknya jika polisi juga terus dan terus mengampanyekan langkah2 preventif meminimalisir pelanggaran sehingga kemacetan dapat dicegah. Unless Indonesian people are already out of their minds, I’m sure the police can play their role in helping threading out traffic congestions ;)
4. Perangkat hukum
Terkait dengan poin sebelumnya diatas . . . perangkat hukum kita juga sepertinya juga masih keteteran tuk memberikan efek jera sekaligus tidak bisa mendukung terciptanya terobosan2 baru dalam terciptanya kelancaran lalu lintas. Entah karena apa ya . . . pemerintah kita kok kesannya lambat nan lelet tuk memberikan paying hukum yang memadai hiks...hiks...hiks... T_T
5. Political goodwill
Menjawab permasalahan poin diatas, nampaklah nyata kenapa pemerintah lelet. G lebih karena kurangnya niat dan keberanian mereka tuk menerapkan hukum yang jelas dan tegas demi terciptanya kondisi lalu lintas yang lancar dan kondusif. Kalopun ada niat baik dari pemerintah . . . lagi2 niat yang ada hanyalah bersifat tambal sulam dan tidak komprehensif menyangkut berbagai aspek yang terkait. Jadinya . . . seringkali beberapa pihak merasa diuntungkan, beberapa yang lain menolak dengan keras . . . beberapa saat kemacetan reda . . . namun beberapa saat kemudian menjadi macet dan tambah paraaaahhh . . . :(
6. Car producers
On this part . . . I’m quite ambivalent to say whether car producers have a role or not in making ou traffic congestion problems worst or not :-?. But, we just cannot deny the fact that Indonesia as one of the largest market for car producers, also contribute to the rising increase in car usage, especially on an individual level. Ditambah lagi dengan semakin dimudahkannya kepemilikan mobil beserta cara pembayarannya, rasanya membeli mobil sekarang dah seperti beli kacang goreng.
Rasanya ini dululah tuk sementara. Aku tahu bahwa isi tulisanku ini masihlah dangkal tuk bener2 menyatakan satu per satu sebab kemacetan. Tapi ya namanya juga isi hati yang jengkel atas kemacetan (terutama di Jakarta) jadinya ya terciptalah notes/blog ini. I bet there are other ingineous minds out there that can help and try to solve one of Indonesia’s worst problems. Feel free to comment ya ;)
1. Pemutihan SIM
Kenapa aku berpikir ini adalah hal yang bisa dilakukan adalah karena berangkat dari beberapa fakta bahwa jumlah pengendara bermotor baik roda 2 ataupun 4 sudah sungguh banyak. Dan bagi yang tiap harinya bergelut di jalan raya mengemudikan kendaraannya pasti akan sedikit banyak terheran-heran dan kegeregetan dan tingkah laku dan sikap berkendara dari beberapa jika tidak sebagian besar pengendara yang tidak kenal sopan santun dan etika.
Hal ini aku pikir berangkat dari kesalahan di awal pengurusan SIM yang kalau kita mau jujur mengakui . . . amat sangat mudah untuk didapat. Ayolah . . . mari kita sama2 tidak munafik. Jika kita inget ketika kita mengurus SIM, akan kita dapati betapa mudahnya dan simple syarat yang harus dipenuhi (padahal ini saja masih ngurus sendiri dan engga’ pake calo). Cukup memenuhi syarat administrative dan ujian tertulis . . . nunggu . . . dan voila !! You’ve just got a driving license and ready to roll the streets of Indonesia >:).
But wait . . . masa engga’ ada tes praktek :-/ ??? Theoretically there should be one, namun fakta di lapangan berbicara bahwa hal ini tidak pernah dilakukan oleh polisi yang menguji kita. Bagi mereka, cukuplah mereka tahu bahwa kita bisa dan tahu cara membawa kendaraan secara mendasar. Apakah hal ini cukup? I don’t think so . . . coz it’s not just a matter of able to drive, but also a matter of how to act and behave on the street when driving. And to be honest, i really think most drivers in Indonesia do lack this basic knowledge and ability to behave appropriately and courteously. They might be good drivers in terms of skill but speaking of acting politely? We’re just mere noobs T.T
Karena inilah, saya fikir bahwa perlu diadakan pemutihan SIM untuk menyaring kembali siapa2 saja yang bener2 layak tuk mengemudikan kendaraan dengan kemampuan mendasar mengemudi yang mumpuni sekaligus sopan dan bertata krama. Jika dilakukan, perkiraan pribadiku sih mengatakan g bakal ada 20% dari total pemilik SIM (semua jenis) yang bener2 layak memiliki SIM. Lumayanlah kalo begini, tentu jalanan2 di Indo akan sedikit lebih sepi dan para pengendara lebih sopan di jalan :D.
2. Pembenahan dan penambahan transportasi massal
As for this part, it’s not just about repairing and adding, it’s also about providing mass transportation that suits all kind of people regardless of their class. Jika kita liat fakta yang ada tentang transportasi massal di Indonesia, sebenarnya sudah ada langkah2 perbaikan dan pembenahan (walo mungkin masih bisa dikatakan tambah sulam solusinya >_>). Hanya saja, sepertinya kok yang naik transportasi massal g pernah yang dari golongan “the have” ato para pemakai dasi nan berjas? Padahal golongan2 ini saja di luar negeri sangat mau dan lebih prefer menggunakan transportasi umum daripada menaiki kendaraan pribadi mereka yang cozy.
Ada gerangan apakah . . . hmmmm . . . Well, i think it all has to do with another fact that the public transportation in Indonesia are pretty much lousy and has a low class look to it. Add them up with the condition that they are frequently late and overcrowded; no wonder high class people get an ill feeling to ride them.
That’s one thing, but there are also many subsets of public transportation that needs to be mended. Aspects such as integration of every transportation mode, punctuality, infrastructure building and funding (and all other factors that I might have forgot or mentioned) all play a vital role in enabling a good and suitable public transportation mode to go on track.
3. Law Enforcement
Huehehehe . . . ok . . sapa yang pernah ditawari damai ma polisi ketika kita melakukan pelanggaran? Atau jangan2 kita malah yang ngajak polisi damai :P ? Terlepas siapa mengajak siapa, yang jelas sudah jadi rahasia umum bahwa penegakan hukum untuk pelanggaran lalu lintas di jalan bisa dikatakan masih belum bisa membuat pelanggar2 jera. Seringkali banyak pelanggaran (ok . . . try to list some of them, I’m just tired to do so xP) terjadi di jalanan tapi polisi malah membiarkannya.
Entah karena kurang berani, kurang personel, kurang alat pendukung, atau kurang . . . . yang jelas hal ini masih menjadi salah satu hal pendukung tertibnya lalu lintas yang dirasa masih kurang. Yang ada juga adalah kenyataan bahwa polisi (bersama pemerintah) baru melakukan tindakan nyata setelah terjadi suatu peristiwa yang memakan korban jiwa atau menimbulkan kerusakan umum yang sangat parah. Jika demikian, tampak nyatalah bagaimana reaktifnya aparat polisi kita >.<
Sekedar saran sih . . . alangkah baiknya jika polisi juga terus dan terus mengampanyekan langkah2 preventif meminimalisir pelanggaran sehingga kemacetan dapat dicegah. Unless Indonesian people are already out of their minds, I’m sure the police can play their role in helping threading out traffic congestions ;)
4. Perangkat hukum
Terkait dengan poin sebelumnya diatas . . . perangkat hukum kita juga sepertinya juga masih keteteran tuk memberikan efek jera sekaligus tidak bisa mendukung terciptanya terobosan2 baru dalam terciptanya kelancaran lalu lintas. Entah karena apa ya . . . pemerintah kita kok kesannya lambat nan lelet tuk memberikan paying hukum yang memadai hiks...hiks...hiks... T_T
5. Political goodwill
Menjawab permasalahan poin diatas, nampaklah nyata kenapa pemerintah lelet. G lebih karena kurangnya niat dan keberanian mereka tuk menerapkan hukum yang jelas dan tegas demi terciptanya kondisi lalu lintas yang lancar dan kondusif. Kalopun ada niat baik dari pemerintah . . . lagi2 niat yang ada hanyalah bersifat tambal sulam dan tidak komprehensif menyangkut berbagai aspek yang terkait. Jadinya . . . seringkali beberapa pihak merasa diuntungkan, beberapa yang lain menolak dengan keras . . . beberapa saat kemacetan reda . . . namun beberapa saat kemudian menjadi macet dan tambah paraaaahhh . . . :(
6. Car producers
On this part . . . I’m quite ambivalent to say whether car producers have a role or not in making ou traffic congestion problems worst or not :-?. But, we just cannot deny the fact that Indonesia as one of the largest market for car producers, also contribute to the rising increase in car usage, especially on an individual level. Ditambah lagi dengan semakin dimudahkannya kepemilikan mobil beserta cara pembayarannya, rasanya membeli mobil sekarang dah seperti beli kacang goreng.
Rasanya ini dululah tuk sementara. Aku tahu bahwa isi tulisanku ini masihlah dangkal tuk bener2 menyatakan satu per satu sebab kemacetan. Tapi ya namanya juga isi hati yang jengkel atas kemacetan (terutama di Jakarta) jadinya ya terciptalah notes/blog ini. I bet there are other ingineous minds out there that can help and try to solve one of Indonesia’s worst problems. Feel free to comment ya ;)
Music Memories (Part 2)
1. Sparkling
One thing that always caughts me when listening to this song is how I first started to gain my own money by working part time as a butcher. In the midst of studying hard, this moment was a breakthrough to me as it challenged myself to do better and more. It also reminded me of the times when I had the spark of attraction to the opposite after quite some while.
2. My Heart Draws A Dream
Masa ketika sedang nganggur2nya setelah usai kuliah S1 . . . yang aku inget pasti bahwa ni lagu kluar pas ketika bulan ramadhan, ketika aku, adhi n nandar mari cangkruk’an ning mc D bengi2 :P. Yang pasti, ni lagu juga semakin membuat niatku kukuh tuk menjalani S2 di ozzy beberapa bulan usai ini
3. Eien
One klip from BoA yang akhirnya menampilkan dansa yang cukup rumit bagiku. Keluar di awal bulan februari 2009, entah kenapa liriknya ketika itu bener2 mencerminkan kegalauan hatiku atas suatu hal yang tidak bisa kucapai. But now . . . it’s really just about the dances that inspires me and how that memory led on to a whole new eternity for me now ;)
One thing that always caughts me when listening to this song is how I first started to gain my own money by working part time as a butcher. In the midst of studying hard, this moment was a breakthrough to me as it challenged myself to do better and more. It also reminded me of the times when I had the spark of attraction to the opposite after quite some while.
2. My Heart Draws A Dream
Masa ketika sedang nganggur2nya setelah usai kuliah S1 . . . yang aku inget pasti bahwa ni lagu kluar pas ketika bulan ramadhan, ketika aku, adhi n nandar mari cangkruk’an ning mc D bengi2 :P. Yang pasti, ni lagu juga semakin membuat niatku kukuh tuk menjalani S2 di ozzy beberapa bulan usai ini
3. Eien
One klip from BoA yang akhirnya menampilkan dansa yang cukup rumit bagiku. Keluar di awal bulan februari 2009, entah kenapa liriknya ketika itu bener2 mencerminkan kegalauan hatiku atas suatu hal yang tidak bisa kucapai. But now . . . it’s really just about the dances that inspires me and how that memory led on to a whole new eternity for me now ;)
This mecha is nothing short of one word . . . BADASS!! And it really does live up to its name. The ability to bust up one space colony makes it pretty much overpowered. But that’s why I like it soooooo much :D. Not to mention its angel like wings make it a perfect gundam who can whip up the enemy frontline with a angelic look but devastating result :)). Too bad, the story of this mecha didn’t live long. But its legacy as one of the strongest gundam’s live on ;).
2. HI NU GUNDAM (RX-93-2)
This cool gundam could count as one of the best out there. It even inspired the making of Strike Freedom for the SEED series. With the best newtype pilot out there, it sure had a name for it self. The only shortback is that this mecha never really made it to the animation line as it was only depicted in the novel. Nevertheless, even thru the writing itself we can know the sheer power and ability of what this gundam can do >:).
I’ld say the series itself was a breakthrough in terms of story and design. Though it ended up not as what the series started in a hype as expected, this series to me rolled out one of the best designs and gundam to date. With all the techs and specs in it, it surely turned out to be one devastating weapon for a lad who turned out to be the first pure innovator. This in the end abled the mecha to unleash its full potential in battle. I’m hoping how it’s successor the 00 Qan[T] would carry on this mecha’s legacy :-?.
Ok . . . . this might not be one of the strongest out there in terms of strength and firepower. But why I chose this was because this mecha is a breakthrough !! The first transformable gundam led to a huge series of transformable lines later on. In other words . . . its sort of a gran pa for the transforming gundams :D.
What took my attention of this gundam is its hidden mode underneath its skin. Though I’ve yet to see what this mecha can do more in the upcoming OVA’s, I’m already pretty much impressed by its design and potential strength that it poses due to the NT System it boasts. One last thing . . . it’s finally a UC mecha! The first one after ages . . . really an oldschool one :D.
This mecha is nothing short of one word . . . BADASS!! And it really does live up to its name. The ability to bust up one space colony makes it pretty much overpowered. But that’s why I like it soooooo much :D. Not to mention its angel like wings make it a perfect gundam who can whip up the enemy frontline with a angelic look but devastating result :)). Too bad, the story of this mecha didn’t live long. But its legacy as one of the strongest gundam’s live on ;).
2. HI NU GUNDAM (RX-93-2)
This cool gundam could count as one of the best out there. It even inspired the making of Strike Freedom for the SEED series. With the best newtype pilot out there, it sure had a name for it self. The only shortback is that this mecha never really made it to the animation line as it was only depicted in the novel. Nevertheless, even thru the writing itself we can know the sheer power and ability of what this gundam can do >:).
I’ld say the series itself was a breakthrough in terms of story and design. Though it ended up not as what the series started in a hype as expected, this series to me rolled out one of the best designs and gundam to date. With all the techs and specs in it, it surely turned out to be one devastating weapon for a lad who turned out to be the first pure innovator. This in the end abled the mecha to unleash its full potential in battle. I’m hoping how it’s successor the 00 Qan[T] would carry on this mecha’s legacy :-?.
Ok . . . . this might not be one of the strongest out there in terms of strength and firepower. But why I chose this was because this mecha is a breakthrough !! The first transformable gundam led to a huge series of transformable lines later on. In other words . . . its sort of a gran pa for the transforming gundams :D.
What took my attention of this gundam is its hidden mode underneath its skin. Though I’ve yet to see what this mecha can do more in the upcoming OVA’s, I’m already pretty much impressed by its design and potential strength that it poses due to the NT System it boasts. One last thing . . . it’s finally a UC mecha! The first one after ages . . . really an oldschool one :D.
The sky is your limit . . .
A really hard month . . . one tough month to be precise. Even though had my birthday at this month, it turned out to be one bloody and messy month in the end. Not to mention all these came during the holy month of Ramadhan (1st one in Indo after 2 years :D ). Hence, I felt that I’ve been pushed to the limits by the heavens both physically and mentally.
After novusland, more work was awaiting us. It wasn’t long after this that I got transferred to another unit within my ongoing department. As things looked easy before, things turned out hellish for the next couple of weeks. A series of faults, mistakes and errors in my work raised an alarm from other co-workers. This caused myself to be under scrutiny for my ability to do things correctly and timely.
It wasn’t bout work solely that made me into this. A volley of of work stuffs like preparing the TRP ifthtar, relationship quarrels and the decrease in body fitness and stamina added up to all the mess. On a physical side, I’ve already lost a whopping 6 kg in a mere 3 weeks (still counting) during fasting. Not to mention losing a couple of mL’s of blood due to frequent nosebleeds. Mentally? bloody tired and drained would be two words to help describe my condition.
When I thought all hell would be unleashed at me during this holy month, I then realized, it is at this very moments that my patience, firmness and consciousness is put to the ultimate test. I might be able to say such things rite now since the storm that I’ve been going thru has pretty much weathered away. But if I look back 3 weeks ago . . . damn . . . things were so low and poor for me. I even failed to think properly and calmly due to all the hectic and mess caused.
But what really caused me to do so? Ineptness to listen and implement given solutions would be one cause. My nature of listening things first while needing to internalize it later on seemed to not work and be accepted in the work place at they demanded quick and thorough response. And that gave me one punch. One more things was the lacking of anger and emotion venting for myself. It might sound stupid, but the ongoing pile of stress and workload also forced me for the need to vent out all negative excess emotions in myself in good and healthy manner . . . which I was obviously low on . . . . T_T
Therefore, with the slightest will to settle things, I embarked on a 2 day therapy session with my sweet psychologist to help me weather things up. In some ways it work but id does need more practice and patience. Another things is to keep my ears and heart open to new and constant critic from anyone. It’s not like my ability to mess things up was given in the first place, it was just about how I haven’t harnessed my potentials and even ended up neglecting myself.
Speaking of potentials, a small chat with my work mentor gave a little bit of flashback on how I’ve been neglecting my potentials and leaving them away unharnessed. When she asked how I would put my right and left arm together, she said that my position ended up with myself as someone who has high potentials in art . . . ART???? AAARRRTTTTTT???? Huahahahahaha . . . . . seriously . . . I was laughing in my heart when I heard this. Why coz I really do suck in this area. Even though I did learn the piano and painting when I was young, it never ever did any result nor caught my firm passion. Even if there was one art that I really put my passion to was martial arts.
However, things gave a turn when I told this to my mentor. She said that all my experiences were a waste since they had to stop at such early levels. I do admit so. And then she continued on that even such experience shows that I do have the potential to excel in arts. I just have to put more time, effort and passion in learning to do so. It’s such a waste to not let my experience continue on in these areas as all I needed was a little more effort and practice. Well . . well . . .well . . . that was one life lecture that really hit me. And I have to be honest that she was right on the spot.
With this, I was then left wondering, have I been neglecting a whole lot of things in my life where I actually could have been good at? Have I not given my 100% in all areas of my life?If the sky is my limit . . . than what means must I take to reach the sky??
PS : Why do I wonder that I end up with more and more answers :P
After novusland, more work was awaiting us. It wasn’t long after this that I got transferred to another unit within my ongoing department. As things looked easy before, things turned out hellish for the next couple of weeks. A series of faults, mistakes and errors in my work raised an alarm from other co-workers. This caused myself to be under scrutiny for my ability to do things correctly and timely.
It wasn’t bout work solely that made me into this. A volley of of work stuffs like preparing the TRP ifthtar, relationship quarrels and the decrease in body fitness and stamina added up to all the mess. On a physical side, I’ve already lost a whopping 6 kg in a mere 3 weeks (still counting) during fasting. Not to mention losing a couple of mL’s of blood due to frequent nosebleeds. Mentally? bloody tired and drained would be two words to help describe my condition.
When I thought all hell would be unleashed at me during this holy month, I then realized, it is at this very moments that my patience, firmness and consciousness is put to the ultimate test. I might be able to say such things rite now since the storm that I’ve been going thru has pretty much weathered away. But if I look back 3 weeks ago . . . damn . . . things were so low and poor for me. I even failed to think properly and calmly due to all the hectic and mess caused.
But what really caused me to do so? Ineptness to listen and implement given solutions would be one cause. My nature of listening things first while needing to internalize it later on seemed to not work and be accepted in the work place at they demanded quick and thorough response. And that gave me one punch. One more things was the lacking of anger and emotion venting for myself. It might sound stupid, but the ongoing pile of stress and workload also forced me for the need to vent out all negative excess emotions in myself in good and healthy manner . . . which I was obviously low on . . . . T_T
Therefore, with the slightest will to settle things, I embarked on a 2 day therapy session with my sweet psychologist to help me weather things up. In some ways it work but id does need more practice and patience. Another things is to keep my ears and heart open to new and constant critic from anyone. It’s not like my ability to mess things up was given in the first place, it was just about how I haven’t harnessed my potentials and even ended up neglecting myself.
Speaking of potentials, a small chat with my work mentor gave a little bit of flashback on how I’ve been neglecting my potentials and leaving them away unharnessed. When she asked how I would put my right and left arm together, she said that my position ended up with myself as someone who has high potentials in art . . . ART???? AAARRRTTTTTT???? Huahahahahaha . . . . . seriously . . . I was laughing in my heart when I heard this. Why coz I really do suck in this area. Even though I did learn the piano and painting when I was young, it never ever did any result nor caught my firm passion. Even if there was one art that I really put my passion to was martial arts.
However, things gave a turn when I told this to my mentor. She said that all my experiences were a waste since they had to stop at such early levels. I do admit so. And then she continued on that even such experience shows that I do have the potential to excel in arts. I just have to put more time, effort and passion in learning to do so. It’s such a waste to not let my experience continue on in these areas as all I needed was a little more effort and practice. Well . . well . . .well . . . that was one life lecture that really hit me. And I have to be honest that she was right on the spot.
With this, I was then left wondering, have I been neglecting a whole lot of things in my life where I actually could have been good at? Have I not given my 100% in all areas of my life?If the sky is my limit . . . than what means must I take to reach the sky??
PS : Why do I wonder that I end up with more and more answers :P
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