1. Sency
Singkatan dari Senayan City, mall terdekat dari rumah gw :D. Melihat ukurannya, emang pantes banget dibilang city, secara selain mal, juga ada apartemen dan perkantoran. Terdapat banyak toko2 kelas dunia from A to Z, just mention it. Dilengkapi foodcourt n bioskop XXI, dijamin bisa betah deh :p. Paling yang kurang yakni ngga’ adanya underpass ke mal depannya yakni PS juga ukuran toko buku yang kurang besar dibandingkan ukuran mal-nya sendiri.
2. Plaza Senayan
Ibarat kaca, mungkin PS ini merupakan cermin langsung dari Sency karena letaknya yang hadap2an. Mal yang cukup lama berdiri, sejak 1997-1998 kalo ngga’ salah. Dulu berasa banget bosennya di mal ini berhubung yang ada cuma butik2 kelas dunia yang liat harganya aja dah biki sakit hati. Sekarang dah lumayan lah. Gw pribadi ke sini paling kalo da perlu ke Metro n ke Kinokuniya. Andai ngga’ ada 2 toko ini, kayanya bisa jarang banget gw kesini.
3. Pondok Indah Mall
I’ld reckon this one to be one of the oldest mall’s in Jakarta. And until now, its still one of the largest in the southern parts of Jakarta. Dulu adanya cuma 1 gedung PIM doang, sekarang dah ada pengembangan di depannya dengan nama PIM2. Dengan letak yang strategis n dilewati jalur busway, mal ini bener2 bisa dikatakan one of the best malls to me. All you can find here lah ;-).
4. ITC Permata Hijau
Levelnya n tampilan sih kelas matos, tapi gw ngga’ akan meremehkan yang ini. Selain deket, tempat ini juga jadi tujuan belanja sehari2 secara ada Carrefour yang harganya lebih bersahabat dibandingkan foodhall yang ada di mal2 diatas. Paling yang kurang di tempat ini cuma ngga’ ada toko buku (ada sih tapi macem tak niat tampilannya @.@) n bioskop. Other tan that, menurut gw tempat ini cukup decent lah :).
5. Gandaria City
The new kid on the block!! Another superblock mall yang hadir deket rumah gw. Besarnya mungkin bisa dikatakan setara ama Sency kayanya. Begitu pula dengan fasilitas2 n hiburan yang ada didalam, really what you would expect from a modern day supermal. However, tempat ini masih kurang dalam beberapa aspek. Jalurnya yang berada pada jalur macet (ruas jalan arteri pondok indah) kadang bikin agak males kesana. Trus tuk urusan foodcourt, cara bayarnya lumayan ribet gara2 pake kartu prabayar :-S
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Surviving in Oz
Ok . . . maybe gw kangen belakangan ama hidup gw setahun lalu di ozzy . . . sampe bikin blog kedua dalam beberapa hari ini tentang oz. Hanya saja . . . daripada mendem aja di otak, gw pikir ditulis aja, daripada ada ide bagus tapi malah g dipublish. Keburu jadi fosil di utekku nanti :p
Eniwei, its all bout what made me survived in Ozzy. Well, pastinya beda2 tiap orang, but then again, its just an illustration of I could do back then during those 2 years. Lets see . . .
1. Yahoo Messenger
First things first, gw harus berterima kasih ama di sopwer. Tanpa ini, bisa jadi gw bakal malah membusuk ato berevolusi jadi orang aborijin. Karena adanya ini, gw bisa tetep keep in touch ama temen2 n keluarga gw di ozzy. Di ozzy pun, adanya ini bisa membuat gw lebih leluasa ngebahas soal di kala g bisa kopdar karena hal2 lain. Dan 1 lagi yg gw suka . . . pake YM pu bisa disambi dengan ngerjain tugas (kcuali emang bener2 butuh konsen lho yo :p). Bener2 gw harus bersyukur dah ada sopwer ini. Really can’t imagine life would be without n
2. Internet
Tentu kalo pengen bisa YM-an, harus ada inet :p. Tapi terlepas dari YM, inet sendiri juga memainkan peran signifikan dalam upaya gw bertahan hidup. Gw masih inget hari2 pertama gw disana tanpa adanya koneksi, sumpah . . . . hambar nan hampa! Masih untung ada warnet yg bisa gw datangin sampe saat gw subscribe koneksi. Selain gw bisa update dengan berita2 n memudahkan dikala harus ngerjain tugas, yang paling gw suka adalah bandwithnya yg melimpah ruah !!. Ngga’ punya kampus, kos2an atopun pribadi, sumpeh . . . . 2 tahun gw jadi bandwith monster dan tak terhitung brapa banyak DVD yang gw hasilkan tuk backup data2 yang dah gw donlot . . . mulai dari BoA, laruku, manga, anime sampe drama. Just imagine . . .unlimited di kos, 7gb pribadi n 1 gb di kampus (sempet unlimited c dulunya :p). Sungguh . . . . masa2 indah yang entah kan terulang lagi . . . . .
3. Pecel
Panganan ndeso nan ngangeni >:D< . Resep pertama yang gw bawa dari Indonesia dan bahkan sempet pula bikin gw batal masuk ozzy gara2 dipermasalahkan ama petugas imigrasi :)). Begitu yg dari indo dah habis, alhamdulillah ternyata disini pun banyak yang jual bumbu pecel. Dan yang bikin gw semakin bangga . . . . itu bumbu bikinan MALANG!!! Subhanallah . . . . jan hidup AREMA . . . g kemana2 ada dimana yeahh !!! Eniwei. Mangan lecep iki jan nggarakno awak iki rasane koyo mulih kampung ae, muantap vokoke :D
4. Casual Work
Okay . . . to be honest, walo kliatan capek, gw saranin banget tuk bisa kerja di luar. Emang sih bakal harus pinter2 ngatur waktu, tenaga n pikiran dengan kuliah kita. But trust me, the benefits are way bigger if you are able to manage things properly. Yang pasti dapet uang saku tambahan dan tabungan kalo dah pulang nanti. Tapi selain itu itu juga akan membuka wawasan n melatih mental kita dalam menghadapi hidup coi ;), Belum juga hal2 positif lain seperti menambah kenalan n koneksi seruta memperlacar bahasa inggris. Banyak deh, its obviously worth the effort :D.
5. Get engaged with national organizations
Ini bisa lewat PPI atao sejenisnya. Yang jelas cari teman sebangsalah. Bukannya apa, walo emang dianjurkan memperbanyak kenalan2 asing mumpung di nagri, jangan ampe ngelupain ama teman dari negoro dewe. Selain udah klop dari segi bahasa, urusan2 tetek bengek biasanya jadi lebih cincai, dari kos2an, hang out sampe common interest. Syukur2 emang kalo ampe aktif di organisasi. Tapi kalo engga pun its not problem. Tapi paling g harus punya lah beberapa teman sebangsa yang bisa dikontek kalo2 ada apa2
6. Personal Skills
Yang ini emang agak rancu, tapi dalam hal ini, maksud jelas gw adalah try to do things yourself. Bukannya mencabut diri kita dari berbagai interaksi sosial yang memang mempermudah hidup kita. Tapi sebelum ke arah sana, ngga ada salahnya pabila kita mencoba mencoba menyelesaikan tantangan yang ada di depan kita alias MANDIRI!! Ini bisa dari segi belajar, bertransportasi, makan ataupun hal2 lain. Emang sih bakal kluar banyak usaha n dana. But believe me, every thing is worth it as it’ll enrich our self capability and confidence. Bukannya apa, soalnya di negeri kita yang cenderung semua ada n bisa minta tolong orang lain tuk ngerjain, di LN kondisinya bertola belakang. Kalopun ada yng bisa seperti di negeri sendiri, itupun biasanya g semua mau atao imbalannya besar. As they say. . . there’ aint’ free lunch :). For me personallym the things i was able to learn autodically was things such as cooking, repairing my bicycle, DIY stuffs and commuting alone B-).
I guess there’s loads left, but these six are the basics that I thingss have saved me from those times. If possible, might add some later on in a same title or even different one. Lets see later on . . . jya ne :).
Eniwei, its all bout what made me survived in Ozzy. Well, pastinya beda2 tiap orang, but then again, its just an illustration of I could do back then during those 2 years. Lets see . . .
1. Yahoo Messenger
First things first, gw harus berterima kasih ama di sopwer. Tanpa ini, bisa jadi gw bakal malah membusuk ato berevolusi jadi orang aborijin. Karena adanya ini, gw bisa tetep keep in touch ama temen2 n keluarga gw di ozzy. Di ozzy pun, adanya ini bisa membuat gw lebih leluasa ngebahas soal di kala g bisa kopdar karena hal2 lain. Dan 1 lagi yg gw suka . . . pake YM pu bisa disambi dengan ngerjain tugas (kcuali emang bener2 butuh konsen lho yo :p). Bener2 gw harus bersyukur dah ada sopwer ini. Really can’t imagine life would be without n
2. Internet
Tentu kalo pengen bisa YM-an, harus ada inet :p. Tapi terlepas dari YM, inet sendiri juga memainkan peran signifikan dalam upaya gw bertahan hidup. Gw masih inget hari2 pertama gw disana tanpa adanya koneksi, sumpah . . . . hambar nan hampa! Masih untung ada warnet yg bisa gw datangin sampe saat gw subscribe koneksi. Selain gw bisa update dengan berita2 n memudahkan dikala harus ngerjain tugas, yang paling gw suka adalah bandwithnya yg melimpah ruah !!. Ngga’ punya kampus, kos2an atopun pribadi, sumpeh . . . . 2 tahun gw jadi bandwith monster dan tak terhitung brapa banyak DVD yang gw hasilkan tuk backup data2 yang dah gw donlot . . . mulai dari BoA, laruku, manga, anime sampe drama. Just imagine . . .unlimited di kos, 7gb pribadi n 1 gb di kampus (sempet unlimited c dulunya :p). Sungguh . . . . masa2 indah yang entah kan terulang lagi . . . . .
3. Pecel
Panganan ndeso nan ngangeni >:D< . Resep pertama yang gw bawa dari Indonesia dan bahkan sempet pula bikin gw batal masuk ozzy gara2 dipermasalahkan ama petugas imigrasi :)). Begitu yg dari indo dah habis, alhamdulillah ternyata disini pun banyak yang jual bumbu pecel. Dan yang bikin gw semakin bangga . . . . itu bumbu bikinan MALANG!!! Subhanallah . . . . jan hidup AREMA . . . g kemana2 ada dimana yeahh !!! Eniwei. Mangan lecep iki jan nggarakno awak iki rasane koyo mulih kampung ae, muantap vokoke :D
4. Casual Work
Okay . . . to be honest, walo kliatan capek, gw saranin banget tuk bisa kerja di luar. Emang sih bakal harus pinter2 ngatur waktu, tenaga n pikiran dengan kuliah kita. But trust me, the benefits are way bigger if you are able to manage things properly. Yang pasti dapet uang saku tambahan dan tabungan kalo dah pulang nanti. Tapi selain itu itu juga akan membuka wawasan n melatih mental kita dalam menghadapi hidup coi ;), Belum juga hal2 positif lain seperti menambah kenalan n koneksi seruta memperlacar bahasa inggris. Banyak deh, its obviously worth the effort :D.
5. Get engaged with national organizations
Ini bisa lewat PPI atao sejenisnya. Yang jelas cari teman sebangsalah. Bukannya apa, walo emang dianjurkan memperbanyak kenalan2 asing mumpung di nagri, jangan ampe ngelupain ama teman dari negoro dewe. Selain udah klop dari segi bahasa, urusan2 tetek bengek biasanya jadi lebih cincai, dari kos2an, hang out sampe common interest. Syukur2 emang kalo ampe aktif di organisasi. Tapi kalo engga pun its not problem. Tapi paling g harus punya lah beberapa teman sebangsa yang bisa dikontek kalo2 ada apa2
6. Personal Skills
Yang ini emang agak rancu, tapi dalam hal ini, maksud jelas gw adalah try to do things yourself. Bukannya mencabut diri kita dari berbagai interaksi sosial yang memang mempermudah hidup kita. Tapi sebelum ke arah sana, ngga ada salahnya pabila kita mencoba mencoba menyelesaikan tantangan yang ada di depan kita alias MANDIRI!! Ini bisa dari segi belajar, bertransportasi, makan ataupun hal2 lain. Emang sih bakal kluar banyak usaha n dana. But believe me, every thing is worth it as it’ll enrich our self capability and confidence. Bukannya apa, soalnya di negeri kita yang cenderung semua ada n bisa minta tolong orang lain tuk ngerjain, di LN kondisinya bertola belakang. Kalopun ada yng bisa seperti di negeri sendiri, itupun biasanya g semua mau atao imbalannya besar. As they say. . . there’ aint’ free lunch :). For me personallym the things i was able to learn autodically was things such as cooking, repairing my bicycle, DIY stuffs and commuting alone B-).
I guess there’s loads left, but these six are the basics that I thingss have saved me from those times. If possible, might add some later on in a same title or even different one. Lets see later on . . . jya ne :).
Saturday, June 04, 2011
Was it?
Was it when i first saw u with the veil on back then in ramadhan 2001?
Or was it when I read your blog on fs?
Did it happen when you downloaded the song?
Or was it when you said you had the drama’s I wanted?
It could be any out of all the possibilities
But surely our moments so far ain’t no possibility :)
Was it when u said you’ve been reading my writings?
Or was it when you said . . . you liked me too :D ?
Or was it when I read your blog on fs?
Did it happen when you downloaded the song?
Or was it when you said you had the drama’s I wanted?
It could be any out of all the possibilities
But surely our moments so far ain’t no possibility :)
Was it when u said you’ve been reading my writings?
Or was it when you said . . . you liked me too :D ?
All about ozzy (Part 1)
The barbie’s on lakeside . . . or maybe on the riverside, accompanied by the sunset
The blue sky above, barely any clouds seen, could either be mixed in the heat or the breeze
Cycling from places, easy as it comes as the lane is reserved just for us, just remember ur helmet and stay alert :)
Or you can just hop on the train or the bus, do bring your fully loaded smartrider to ease things
Hungry? Just stop by at your favorite kebab parlor and have a juicy bite of those tender lamb meat inside *sluurrpppnyamnyam
Or if its just a thirst quencer that you need . . . just find some fountains that can be seen almost everwhere :p
The clean streets and roads, all with the happy go life that they live, is far away from the bust
That’ll constantly put your mind at peace . . .
(to be continued . . . .)
The blue sky above, barely any clouds seen, could either be mixed in the heat or the breeze
Cycling from places, easy as it comes as the lane is reserved just for us, just remember ur helmet and stay alert :)
Or you can just hop on the train or the bus, do bring your fully loaded smartrider to ease things
Hungry? Just stop by at your favorite kebab parlor and have a juicy bite of those tender lamb meat inside *sluurrpppnyamnyam
Or if its just a thirst quencer that you need . . . just find some fountains that can be seen almost everwhere :p
The clean streets and roads, all with the happy go life that they live, is far away from the bust
That’ll constantly put your mind at peace . . .
(to be continued . . . .)
Two Cups
Coffee . . . a rich flavored beverage that has shapened up civilization till now
Chocolate . . . a sweetness that have made people flock around for its taste
Being poured into the white mug . . . it adds atmosphere to the place its served
It brings liveliness to the room
It addresses the mouth with all the best a taste bud could feel
And it gives you fondness to enjoy the talks after that
Just taking a sip of it . . . it prompts us to take the eternity of being together
Endless fondness thru chit chats are made genuinely as our thirst is being quenced
Until the last slurp . . . it makes us go for more, for the moment is what makes us want to hold hands forever . . . . :)
Chocolate . . . a sweetness that have made people flock around for its taste
Being poured into the white mug . . . it adds atmosphere to the place its served
It brings liveliness to the room
It addresses the mouth with all the best a taste bud could feel
And it gives you fondness to enjoy the talks after that
Just taking a sip of it . . . it prompts us to take the eternity of being together
Endless fondness thru chit chats are made genuinely as our thirst is being quenced
Until the last slurp . . . it makes us go for more, for the moment is what makes us want to hold hands forever . . . . :)
When experience matters
Time flies . . . and all of a sudden . . . we’re just into the 5th round of deployment, or the second ever since entering the middle/front offices. Damn i guess a lot of things have happened over the past 4 months in MMU. From the lamest to the greatest . . . . just name it ... from weekend-ing at Singapore, double visiting Jogja and a trip to Malang. Well . . . i guess I’ve spent at least once a month going outside city. Can’t help it though, with the increasing routines and workload to swallow up, your bound to do such things sooner or later, even if it does cost some bucks, its worth it :)
And now, we’re in the CAD a.K.a Credit Analyst Department. Well, after having some heart popping weekdays preparing the BSMR test, we can now all move on the next phase. Damn it took time for the HR’s to figure out our placements. It took until H-2 for them to finally announce our destiny. Though i got the news while in Jogja, I ket following who went where. While some people did go to places where they wanted and where expected to do so, some others still didn’t. But that’s what you expect from the HR’s . . . . always with the element of surprise :p.
Anyway . . . first day of the month, of I went with two others. To be honest, every first things feel daunting, and I do still feel so even when having moving to new places. Regardless of the fact that the job description here ain’t something alien for me though as a former accounting student before, doing it first handily in the real world was something different. It’s full of the real consequences . . .
Therefore, off i went filling the first day with having myself in a mode of stage fever. Knowing what to do as I was given an assignment to analyze a certain company’s loan renewal, I was left awestruck without having a clue on what and where to begin. In the end of the day, all i managed to do was just reading out the manuals and previous works on how to get things started.
After a days break due to public holiday, the last day of the week back in office was way better (in my standards :p). I just started of with the simplest of task first. As the day started off, I received more instructions on what to do next. Hence forth, the day ended of with a days full of analyzing the financial reports. Really, even though it was just basically reading the numbers and the relationship in between them, it really left me hell drained out body and soul. Luckily I managed to have some good hang out with my TRP mates to let loose the stress out due to office the nite later.
In overall, I do somehow have mixed feelings having being placed here currently. While i cannot deny the fact that this current placement is in line with my academic qualifications, but i do realize that the job itself is more daunting since we’re talking bout real life cases. The fact that while it says its all bout analyzing, to me . . . its more bout an art being covered with calculations. There’s no shortcut in doind the job. While you can study the basics in college, what makes you a seasoned analyzer is the degree of exposure you get from doing the job continuously over and over again. Or in short . . . experience matters !
I know its normal feel helpless since i’ve just done 2 days of work. But the sheer anxiety within me keeps me from always prompting myself to keep up with the achievements of the previous rounds. Not to mention that my pride of an accounting alumni puts me on the edge to keep performing as what others expect me to do so. All i can do right now to keep opening up those accounting books of mine while also praying for the best so that I can end this round in a happy state insya Allah :)
And now, we’re in the CAD a.K.a Credit Analyst Department. Well, after having some heart popping weekdays preparing the BSMR test, we can now all move on the next phase. Damn it took time for the HR’s to figure out our placements. It took until H-2 for them to finally announce our destiny. Though i got the news while in Jogja, I ket following who went where. While some people did go to places where they wanted and where expected to do so, some others still didn’t. But that’s what you expect from the HR’s . . . . always with the element of surprise :p.
Anyway . . . first day of the month, of I went with two others. To be honest, every first things feel daunting, and I do still feel so even when having moving to new places. Regardless of the fact that the job description here ain’t something alien for me though as a former accounting student before, doing it first handily in the real world was something different. It’s full of the real consequences . . .
Therefore, off i went filling the first day with having myself in a mode of stage fever. Knowing what to do as I was given an assignment to analyze a certain company’s loan renewal, I was left awestruck without having a clue on what and where to begin. In the end of the day, all i managed to do was just reading out the manuals and previous works on how to get things started.
After a days break due to public holiday, the last day of the week back in office was way better (in my standards :p). I just started of with the simplest of task first. As the day started off, I received more instructions on what to do next. Hence forth, the day ended of with a days full of analyzing the financial reports. Really, even though it was just basically reading the numbers and the relationship in between them, it really left me hell drained out body and soul. Luckily I managed to have some good hang out with my TRP mates to let loose the stress out due to office the nite later.
In overall, I do somehow have mixed feelings having being placed here currently. While i cannot deny the fact that this current placement is in line with my academic qualifications, but i do realize that the job itself is more daunting since we’re talking bout real life cases. The fact that while it says its all bout analyzing, to me . . . its more bout an art being covered with calculations. There’s no shortcut in doind the job. While you can study the basics in college, what makes you a seasoned analyzer is the degree of exposure you get from doing the job continuously over and over again. Or in short . . . experience matters !
I know its normal feel helpless since i’ve just done 2 days of work. But the sheer anxiety within me keeps me from always prompting myself to keep up with the achievements of the previous rounds. Not to mention that my pride of an accounting alumni puts me on the edge to keep performing as what others expect me to do so. All i can do right now to keep opening up those accounting books of mine while also praying for the best so that I can end this round in a happy state insya Allah :)
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