Sunday, October 29, 2006
Tired Mornings......
>_nothing extraordinary has happened the past two days. Just finding back my rythem of life after Idul Fitri. On the side note, i did manage to get back to my dorm when i thought it'll be left by my friends. jadinya malam sabtu kemaren bisa tidur di kos deh, back to my humble place of deep contemplation. Namun demikian, kos masih sepi sampe tadi malam, coz rupanya mas ivan ma aris keceng lom pada datang, padahal janjinya mereka pada datang rabu kemaren. sampe tadi sih baru mas ivan yang dateng ma istrinya, aris keceng?who knows......
Kemaren ngga ngelakuin banyak hal,cuma ngebantu-bantu fattah ma dedi ngerjain software akuntansi. udah gitu pak achsin (bapak-e fattah) datang pula, jadinya sempet dijelasin panjang lebar. It turns out to be quite a difficult but challenging task completing this program. Yang susah coz rupanya pak achsin bilang softwarenya hars bisa dipake semua perusahaan. Jadinya bakal repot beberapa minggu kedepan masukin semua jenis jurnal n transaksi dari berbagai jenis perusahaan,ex :koperasi,persekutuan,perseoran,CV,pribadi deelel.
sesampai dirumah, hal pertama yang gw lakuin yakni makaaan. masalahnya sejak paginya perut gw cuma gw isi indomie n sebatang coklat.jadinya di rumah gw jadi kapal penyapu makanan,apa yang ada di meja gw sikat.untung masih nuansa idul fitri so makanan masih melimpah ruah ^ ^.habis itu, tidur,yang ini ngga bisa gw tolak coz nguantuk gara2 pagi2 dah harus bangun. Pengennya sih bangun cepet tuk main ke nandar,eh speda-nya liem malah dipake.jadinya sore itu gw cuma pancalan ke ruko kelud mbalikin komik,sayangnya juga rupanya belom ada barang, it seems i'll have to spend the rest of this weekend concentrating on my thesis.
I think nothing much is to be posted now.My minds right now is mixed with various things. dari masalah skripsi,pindahan rumah ampe *****.Tuk masalah pindah rumah, gw sih pengennya pelan2 aja,toh perabot disana juga belom lengkap,but it seems my family wants my ass to get out as quickly as possible from my dorm,so,it seems i'll need to do a bit of high class negotiation and diplomatics about this matter. My thesis ??still at a stalemate. Need the right journals to write down the proper theories in my thesis, patience....patience.....n about *****????hah...., i've been writing down some lowsy poems these past five days.why lowsy, well, it's just because i picked up and arrange some song titles to make up a poem. And who is it for???secret laaahhhhh.......,well,i'll give you a hint,it someone in my campus.i first knew her last semester. we were in two classes together.The problem is, i forgot to introduce myself,aarrrgghhhh....,itulah masalahnya, gw kadang2 telat nyadar klo ada ce cantik di deket gw, sama kaya dua tahun lalu....
gara2 hal ini, jelasnya gw dah bolak balik digodain n dikerjain ma temen2 gw, khususnya oknum dengan nama **** n ******. asli,klo dah ngadepi dua orang ini bisa mati kutu gw.khususnya ****,gw pernah dikerjai persis depan orangnya di lobi PPA,malu nih.....well,bout *****,i'm not really in to it now. It's just i wanna concentrate n enjoy my life now. let those kind of things be a spice of my life. But that still opens that chance for me to build up a good n healthy relationship with my opposite sex
udahan dulu ya, ngantuk nih, mana download rate-nya lagi down nih, padahal lagi donlot PV Fate-nya laruku,still doing some download sprees. Till next time, jya na......
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