Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Long time no see.....

I guess it's been 2 weeks. Many things have happened, some to be noted and some not.

what makes things to be noted is because many things happened last week, mainly coz of my birthday and the independence day last week. Despite having my birthday, nothing much happened besides receiving messages of congratulations from my closest friends, just 3 of them. I intended to keep it quiet because I cannot afford if all of them wanted me to treat them.

But other thing had to be finished due to my birthday which was my ID card and driving license. Too bad for me, they expired the same day as my birthday, so I had to make some time to make new ones for them. For my ID, just mad it to the office due to my uncle chaving to change the familiy card. As for my driving license, luckily I managed to finish it off last week. Took 2 days to get a new one because I had to go to the police station another day to take the theory test and photographs.

Another thing to note is that my mom and dad won't be living in SBy anymore coz they have to move to JKt by the end of month. What's making a bit stuck is due to the fact that I have to go to SBY on the 1st and 8th of sepetember, which means, I have no place to go. For the moment, I've called adhi to let me have a stay for the night but what still bothers me is run aorund in sby wothout a vehicle. Eventhough I can manage to borrow one, I still don't know the way around and things could get worst because I heard that the police in SBy are very strict on traffic violators. Due to this matter too, I need to rearrange my plans in order to get myself used to SBY as soon as possible. I do hope things can get more easier he next few days.

Besides attending IELTS and nihongo lessons, it's just me reading manga, watching movies and drama and doing housechores. Sill the boring stuffs. Aaaaa....speaking about IELTS, I got 7 for the simulation test. I feel lucky because there were some parts that I thought would get lower than expected but it turned out the other way around. Just jope that the real test result would not be lower than the simulation, AMIIIINNNNN.

I guess that's all I can write down. Actually, there are a lot of things I wanna write, but, it's still jumbled up in my brain. Maybe I can sort it out as soon as possible. Jya na...matta ato de..

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Movie Review : Die Hard 4.0

Akhirnya kesampaian buat reviewnya. Aslinya sih dah sekitar 3 minggu yang lalu aku ngeliat film ini ma temen2 di MATOS. Sayangnya ada sedikit gangguan yang menyebabkan aku telat ngeliat filmnya sekitar 10 menit. Anyway, Aku masih bisa menikmati filmnya secara utuh.

Film yang sepertinya bakal menjadi sekuel terakhir dari seri Die Hard kali ini bermusuhkan seorang Hacker yang ingin melumpuhkan infrastruktur jaringan Amrik dan memanfaatkan kesempatan ini tuk ambisinya. Sayangnya seperti biasa, John McClane masih aja berada di tempat dan waktu yang salah. Jadinya penjahatnya ngga bisa ngejalanin plan secara lancar. Apes pula bagi McClane, musuhnya bukan lagi model konvensional yang mengandalkan otot dan pistol belaka tapi merupakan penjahat yang menggunakan teknologi informatika tuk menghancurkan musuhnya. Untung aja dia punya seorang "kacung" bernama Ferrell yang ahli ngatasi halo ini. Aslinya si Ferrell ini merupakan incaran si penjahat utama yang ingin membunuhnya karena telah mengetahui rahasia plannya, tapi keburu dilindungi ma si McClane. Sepanjang cerita, mereka berdua jadi semacam dynamic duo, yang satu ngurusi otot dan pistol, satunya ngurusi otak dan komputer. Good Match.

Gw buat singkat aja. Ceritanya sendiri sih ngga orisinil banget. Kalo ngga salah alur cerita dan temanya bahkan mirip banget ma film Undersiege II. Bedanya adegan aksi dan visual efeknya lebih tergarap di sini. Paling juga 2 hal ini yang jadi keunggulan utama filmnya. Tuk urusan logika di film...jangan tanya deh.....ketahuan banget banyak hal dari film semacam ini adalah khayal. Contoh utama adalah perusakan terhadap seluruh infrastruktur jaringan AS. Kalo emang di film semudah itu, jamin deehhh......Amrik dah lama banget keserang ma teroris. Walo emang aku bilang secara teori memungkinkan banget, tapi prakteknya pasti ngga segampang itu.JUga adegan F-35 yang bisa melakukan manuver hovering kaya begitu. Walo emang F-35 bisa melakukan VTOL flight, tapi kok rasanya manuver pesawatnya masih khayal banget tuh.

Aktingnya sendiri sih cukupan, ngga kurang ngga lebih. Bruce Wilis kayanya emang dah jadi tokoh yang paling pas tuk memerankan McClane. Cocok dan menghayati. Apalagi dengan kata2 trade marknya yakni Yippe Yee Kay Yi Mother F*****. Yang menarik perhatianku adalah hadirnya si Maggie Q. Sayangnya dia kebagian peran penjahat, ngga sebagai pihak yang baik seperti di film MI:3. Aktor2 lain bagiku dah cukup mendukung jalannya film.

Overall, kalo mo nyari film penuh aksi, kayanya film ini pas. Storyline sendiri sih walo ngga bisa dibilang bagus amat n orisinil tapi paling ngga dah cukup kuat tuk menyangga jalannya film ini. Bagiku, ini merupakan sekuel Die Hard terbaik yang ada sejak film pertamanya pada akhir dekade 80an.

Movie Review : Evan Almighty

Melanjutan rangkaian movie spree-ku, kali ini bisa ngeliat sebuah sekuel komedi yang lumayan lucu. Yup....Evan Almighty.

Temanya sih hampir hampir sama dengan prekuelnya. Tapi kali ini nih ceritanya Tuhan tidak lagi memberi tugasnya pada seorang manusia tetapi menunjuk seorang manusia tuk jadi seorang nabi. Dan manusia yang apes tersebut tidak lain adalah Evan Baxter. Kalo lupa orang ini adalah rival si Bruce Nolan pada film terdahulu.

Ceritanya sih si Bruce kepilih jadi anggota Kongres amrik. Jadinya harus pindah ke ibukota ma keluarganya. Berhubung dia pengen banget ngelakuin sesuatu yang "besar", maka dia berdoa agar dikabulkan. Dan ternyata.....dikabulkan euy...Ngga tanggung-tanggung....dia diminta ma Tuhan tuk membuat sebuah kapal besar layaknya cerita nabi NUh.

Awalnya sih ngga ditanggapi. Tapi tiap hari semakin banyak perubahan yang akhirnya memaksa dia tuk menjalaninya, mulai dari banyaknya hewan2 berpasangan yang mengikutinya kemanapun, banyaknya kayu2 yang ditaruh di sekitar rumahnya sampai adanya perubahan fisik pada dirinya yaitu tumbuhnya jenggot yang lebat sampai tak bisa dipotong bagaimanapun. Walhasil, karena menuruti hal ini, dia diskors sebagai anggota Kongres.

Layaknya seorang Nabi, tentunya dia dicemooh sama masyarakat dan keluarganya. Hanya keluargaya lah yang akhirnya mau rujuk dan kembali membantunya. Tiba saatnya, hewan2 dah pada masuk, hanya orang2 yag menontonya yang ngga mau masuk serta kedalamnya. Ternyata, alasan pembangunannya adalah karena ada gejala keretakan dis ebuah bendungan di dekat lokasi rumah si Evan. Dan lokasi perumahan si Evan sendiri juga bermasalah karena ditengarai sebagai hasil transaksi terlarang oleh seorang anggota KOngres.

Bendungan pun retak dan orang2 pun terpaksa masuk kedalam kapal itu. Air bah yangtiba pun menghancutkna seluruh perumahan itu dan menghanyutkan semua yang ada. Akhirnya kapalnya behenti di depan Capitol Hill dan semua pun terungkap. Yaaa.....Happy ending lah pokoke.

Sebetulnya sih film ini jelas2 banget "ngenyek" agama samawi karena tema yang dipake. Tetapi terlepas kontroversi tersebut, film ini mampu tuk menghadirkna sebuah komedi dengan gaya yang berbeda dengan prekuelnya tetapi sama2 lucu. Memang hal ini banyak dipengaruhi gaya si Steve Carell (pemeran Evan) yang berbeda ma Jim Carey (pemeran Bruce Nolan). Tapi gpp-lah.

Hal lain yang menjadi perhatian di film ini adalah diangkatnya isu lingkungan. Asli...aku ngga bakal nyangka hal ini sebagai tema utama film ini sampai akhir ceritanya. Selain itu, film ini juga mengajarkan betapa pentingnya keluarga dalam menghadapi godaan dan cemohan tetangga dalam menjalankan tugas "suci" dari langit. Intinya jangan lupakan peran keluarga sesukses apapun anda.

Aku ngga tau apa bakal dibuat lanjutannya. Kalopun iya....tebakan gw kalo ngga dari kisah nabi Musa ya Nabi Ibrahim. Aku sih menikmatinya sebagai film aja, ngga perlu terlalu serius memikirkan kontroversi yang ada.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Drama Review : Nobuta wo Produce

Aaa....another drama finished. Like the others, I finally had the chance to watch this drama. It also helped me a lot in variating my boring days lately.

The drama is about the the friendly realtionships between three students, two boys and a girl. It didn't start out that easily though. Things all started when the girl, whos was really timid and shy moved to a school where Shuuji and Akira, the two boys attended. with her timid nature, she sure was easily picked up by others. Because of this, Shuuji decided to remake her into a different person so that she can be more confident and attractive to others. Akira joined in to produce the girl who is named Kotani Nobuko into Nobuta.

Everything started progressing slowly. She was still teased and picked up, but both Shuuji and Akira found ingineous ideas to make it more entertaining. Some of them even managed to make a quick trend in the whole school like painting their school jackets and the Nobuta key chain.

As usuall, there's always the bad side. It seemed that a certain person didn't like Nobuta to be more famous. This person then repeatedly tried to damage and foul some of Shuuji and Akira's effort towards her like ruining the Haunted House, making fake copies of the Nobuta key chain etc. It turned out to be Aoi, the girl whos was all along acting friendsly towards Nobuko.

Despite the trouble in producing her, the three also had their problems between them to deal with. As expected, there was some kind of triangle romance between them. Akira directly said that he wouldn't again get involved in producing Nobuta because he loved her and wanted her by her side always. But, it certainly is that Nobuta has a feeling for Shuuji, proven by her hug to him in the park. Luckily thery managed to clear things up an become normal friends again.

If there's a start for everything, there's also and end. Shuuji had to move outside town because his father had to moved. This somehow causes some worries for Nobuta wether she would be able to survive without him. The time came and they had to bid farewell to each other. In his new town, to his surprise, Shuuji found out that Akira also moved to the same school as him. That meant that Nobuta was all alone again. But Akira assured him that she would be okay without them. And it was true, Nobuta did managed to became a more confident and popular girl school.

The drama is excellant really. The theme about producing is surely something unique. But don't forget there are other important moral things that we can take from this drama, like friendship, envy, jelousy, relationships etc. every episode can really convey a good message to the viewers. About the acting, I thing they all made a good job. Especially for Horikita Maki who played Nobuta, it really fitted her. Overall, I really would recommend this drama. It does have much message for us to digest.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

When people loot our backyard....

Ever wondered how it feels people playing cowboy at your garden, or throwing rubbish on to your cultivated soil??Well, Indonesia is soon gonna have a feel when the Defence Corporation Agreement will be efectively implemented.

The hassle on this DCA first started when Indonesia and Singapore agreed singing an agreement to extradise corruptors that are suspected to have taken shelter there. Things turned out good when it was discovered that the agreement was also in tie with a DCA also to Singapore.

Parliament went wild after knowing that various points in the DCA turned out to give much advantage towards Singapore when they conduct a military exercise. As a reminder, the whole DCA is about letting Singaporean Military force to do training on certain Indonesian soil and water. For exchange, Indonesia get to try and train with their military equipment which of course is far advanced than ours. Knowing the details, many people showed their dissagreement against the DCA. One of the main points is that by doing so, we are letting other nation to play around in our backyard. To make things worst, in some conditions, Singapore are allowed to invite another nation to loot Indonesian seas.

Well, the logic is, why let other people loot our backyard just for the sake of grabbing those corruptors or having a try at their advanced military equipment. It sure is an irony having to know that even though Indonesia has a vast area, but we don't have what it needs to defend it. Coz of this, Indonesia has always been played around by other nations in terms of their inability to guard their own teritorry.

So...would we mind another nation doing so. While they fire missiles, torpedoes and live amunition, the risk of poluting the environment is high? Not to mention that fishers cannot go fish while they have their exercise because they get the risk to get killed. But, what matters most is the breach of our sovereignity and our submission towards another country pressure. Is the price of getting back corruptors so low that we are able to sell our pride as a big nation???I'm pretty sure that the majority of the Indonesian people wouldn't do such things unless they are the ones who are able to sell their souls to the devil.

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Finally got time to write down this blog. I guess it's been around 2 weeks since the last time. Luckily I did manage to write down some pieces of my mind during the interval. I really didn't have much to write sown since my daily activities are fairly dull these days.

After some years, I finally went swimming a couple of days ago. I think it was in junior high that I last went swimming. I thought my body was able to remind some swimming technique, but then it turned out the opposite with me not able to synchronise my movements correctly. In other words....I was barely able to swim properly.

Why did I all of a sudden went swimming. It's simple. I've been feeling quite lazy to do jogging the last couple of days. Its just that I need a change of pace or things in order to refreshen myself. I thought swimming would be a good start. Indeed, I did feel fresh after days having to jog. It ended up really good despite myself struggling to swim.

I do intend to do some swimming regularly. For the moment, fortnightly would do. The current hindrance is that swimming does cost some money. As for this time, it turned out quite expensive, for 30.000 rupiahs. That's twice the amount in other places. Well, it certainly is a good place and it isn't that crowded (maybe due to the price). Turning away the price, swimming does deliver a different sensation because unlike jogging; in swimming, you almost move all your muscles, so it's somewhat more tiring but fun than jogging.

That should be enough for swimming. Overall, I just feel bored with my jogging. I'm trying in someway to find an equal substitute to jogging but that could also cause some sweat. At least swimming would help. Currently, I'm wondering on changing my course track. The current one sure is full of ups and downs. Other ideas...he..he..currently out of.

Still things are quite boring. Just doing IELTS lessons, now more frequently since it's 4 times a day. Too bad the test for the 25th is fully booked so I plan to take it on the 4th of september. That means I gotta register myself ASAP.

That's for now I'm afraid. Still gotta squeeze some more ideas on finding a substitute to jogging. Hope I succeed in the next couple of days. Till then.....