Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sheer Luck

Malaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnggggggggg……I’M BACK!!!! He..he..he..he…

Akhirnya sampe juga di kota kelahiranku tercinta;)….until the next 2,5 months that is:P. Udah ngeplan kegiatan2ku dsini…Cuma kok moro2 merasa males ya:P….ah eniwei…I’ll take my time…besides….I’m not a machine that can go 100% according to plan…I’m just a human that can shift his plans and mind to his surroundings:D.

Eniwei….dengan kedatanganq d Indo aq mendapatkan suatu kabar yang cukup membuatku menunggu….nanika???Yep…my semester results;)….Lamanya waktu cukup membuatku merasa deg-deg-an akan hasil yang akan kuraih. Begitu keluar pun….mataku lekat2 menatap layar komputer dari site yg nampilin hasil itu….

Dan ternyata….I GOT THREE HIGH DISTINCTIONS!!!!WOW…..what a surprise…..a real surprise hountou ni….naze??Coz I honestly didn’t expect to get this kind of result this semester. Even though I did aime for this achievement, current progrees throughout the time made me pessimistic about the result I could get….But there it is….3 HD!!!!Alhamdulillah 

Nevertheless….By looking at the marks of the results and how I got it until this point….I can only say that I achived it through sheer luck…..why??Lots of reasons to start with. First is the work load. The units this semester were honestly out of my thoughts. Even though it looked easy, earning the marks were not. The Lecturer’s this semester were kinda not keen on giving out good marks. That’s why when I received my series of mid semester results from various assignments, I was pretty much sure that I would fail my aim….which in the end it didn’t.

Next thing…too much chatting….:(. Honestly…I should be doing more serious things rather than chat on the web. Looks nice once your into it..but it eats up our precious time(. Damn luckt that the coming of ramadhan broke the seemingly neverending pace of my chatting. If not…who knows how much damage it would cause to my studies here. However, even though I managed to end the pace, the damage has already been felt in the start of semester. This then caused myself not putting proper attention to the planning and start of the semester.

Tired….One word to describe how hectic this semester was. With the fact that I added my working hours made my time to study almost gone. Therefore, I had to squeeze out the idle time I had to do my studies. It might sound got but without enough buffer time…it just feels quite boring…especially when you’re not in the mood for studying. End thought ….I really need to tighten up my time management next semester so my schedule doesn’t go haywire suddenly.

End result….I need to pay attention and not do the same mistakes next semester. Next term would obviously be more harder so I need to look around and stay vigilant on my studies…after all…I’am aiming for 4 high distinctions this time:D. Hope I can stay firm and keep my cool so that my aime would come to realization…aminB-)

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