Sunday, September 30, 2007

What's worthwhile......

Finally, got the mood to blog again. I don't know, I seem really bored to do anything. It really took me some courage and power to blog.

Nothing much happened. What could be noted is that I've received my IELTS results. Getting 7,5, this indeed exceeded my expectations. My target was 7 due to the requirement to enter Curtin, but 7,5 was really out of my imagination. What even made me hapier is that I got an 8 for my reading. This is quite a feat for me since during my prep, I only got 8 for reading only twice out of the many exercises. I guess it is a surprise for me.

Because of this, I really felt indebted to my friends, especially denok. Althought not being my girlfriend or sort, she did indeed give me some morale boost. Too bad I haven't repayed her till now. Being in Ramadhan now sure does limit the time to go out and treat our friends. Even for my other friends like adhi and nandar, I only managed to ask them out late at night around 11 pm. Nevertheless, I'm thankfull for all of them for the support till now.

Well....since I've cleared the IELTS, I guess that leaves me with almost nothing worthwhile to do. What I can do is just take the Nihongo lessons and do the daily house chores. But just those really have made me feel bored to death. With only approximately 3 months left in Indonesia, I've been thinking really hard on what to do. The pain from boredom is the feeling of loneliness. Honestly, I didn't know that such kinda things would happen, but it really did. Anyway...I can suppress this feeling and thought, but still I have to do something worthwhile to fill in my days.

The only thing I've thought is to do a new hobby. But I need to keep note that hobbies, any sorts of them, would surely take up my money and I really need to decide what can of hobby I would take in order to not burden my wallet and savings. Currently, my monthly allowance is to pay the internet subscription and fill in the fuels for the motorbke and cars. I wonder what hobby would suit me. Taking in again philately?Sounds good, but I really can't stand the amount of money I've got to save every month. Another choice is collecting Gundam Plastic Models. I've always been keen on having my own plamo, but the price sure is painfull. Till know, I've only bought HG types or SD types which aren't that expensive, but lack in joint articulation and pose.

Despite the many choices, I need to think about it carefully so that I don't get the feeling that I've wasted money for something unimportant. I do hope by November I'll be able to make up my mind o what's worthwhile to do. Speaking of November, it's been decided that my graduation ceremony will be on the 10th of November. so it's counting days till the 10th of November and it surely makes me anxious. The promised day that I'll receive my bachelor's degree is finally in front of me. It just gives me mixed feeling of hapiness, exitement but also sadness that I'll be departing with fellow friends that have been with me together for the past 4,5 years in campus.

I guess that's all. Hope I've made my mind the next time I blog. C ya.....

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Review Drama : Nodame Cantabile

Selesai ngikuti komiknya jadi ketagihan pengen ngeliat drama. Ternyata....ngga rugi rek!!

Drama ini diangkat berdasarkan komiknya yang mengisahkan tentang 2 orang. Yang satu yakni cewek slengengan nan ngga jelas tapi jago piano secara ngga sadar. Satunya lagi yaitu cowok yang jenius dalam main piano dan biola tapi ingin jadi seorang konduktor. Kisahnya berputar 2 orang ini dalam upaya mereka memahami satu sama lain serta dalam lebih jago memainkan musik.

Ternyata, walopun berlatar belakang musik klasik, letak keunggulan drama ini adalah dalam mengemas musik klasik tersebut dalam nuansa yang menyenangkan dan lucu sehingga sangat enak dinikmati. Harus diakui, letak kekuatannya adalah pada adegan lucu dan kocak yang banyak terjadi sepanjang drama ini.

2 pemeran tokoh utama juga sangat cocok memerankan tokoh masing2. Terutama si Hiroshi Tamaki yang jadi Shinichi Chiaki. SUmpah....cocok poll. Apalagi kalo ngeliat mukanya yang jadi sangat lucu kalo kaget. Tuk aktor2 lain juga lumayan mendukung tuh. Pemeran Franz von Streeseman juga lumayan kocak mengingat gaya bicara yang keliatan banget dibuat dalam bahasa jepang aksen londo.

Untung aja nih drama masih bakal lanjut dalam 2 episode spesial tahun depan. Walopun cuma 2 episode spesial, tapi lumayan lah. Coz aku sendiri masih pengen liat lebih banyak adegan2 kocak yang bisa ditawarkan drama ini. Nilai plus lainnya, aku jadi tahu bahwa ternyata lagu klasik ngga sebosan yang dibayangkan. Cukup menghibur juga kok.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Failed Project....

Puasa telah berjalan beberapa hari. Sejauh ini, keadaan masih lancar-lancar saja bak bisa Patas melaju di jalan tol.

Namun demikian, mengisi hari selama berpuasa ternyata juga ada dilema tersendiri. Bukannya ngga bisa ngapain tapi lebih tepatnya harus pinter mengatur tenaga biar nngelakuin aktivitas ngga keburu K.O duluan karena kehabisan tenaga.

Bicara masalah ngisi waktu puasa, ya gw sih ngelakuin hal-hal biasai sejauh ini minus olahraga. Soalnya aku masih perlu membiasakan stamina tuk beberapa hari pertama. Insya Allah minggu depan dah bisa mulai kembali kegiatan joggingny. Tentunta waktunya harus disesuaikan pas sore hari biar ngga jauh2 amat dengan waktu buka.

Anyway, aku ngelakuin suatu kegiatan baru dan ngga lazim kemaren tuk ngisi waktu yakni masak. Yup....masak....lha kok bisa. Berawal dari mimpi indah si chandra yang tau2 nyeletuk tuk nyoba masak. Menunya dia pilih sendiri dari kumpulan daftar resep yang ada di kompie. DAh gw saranin biar masak yang simpel-simpel aja, ngga usah yang bombastis amat menunya, tapi dia bersikeras biar rasanya lebih "beda" dari biasanya.

And so, siangnya kita meluncur tuk belanja di Hypermart MATOS. Berhubung hari sabtu, pastilah rame. Dan karena puasa...tambah rame pula. Entah kenapa aku punya feeling kalo puasa acara belanja kok jauh lebih nikmat ya???kembali ke cerita, ya sampai disana aku ma chandra segera nyari bahan2 yang dibutuhkan. Sayangnya ngga semua bisa terbeli. Terutama keju mozzarella yang harga duuuhh...90.oooan!gila...ternyata nih barang masih mahal aja. Akhirnya diputuskan tuk digantikan dengan keju cheddar yang lebih murah. Semua terkumpul dan tinggal ngantrilah di kasir sepanjang 1 kilo eh 4 meter saking ramenya tuh hypermart.

Sorenya...acara dimulai. Dngan bekal laptop yang nampilin resepnya dilayar, chandra mulai masak dengan merebus brokolinya. Aku baru bisa nyusul beberapa menit setelah gara2 harus nyiram kembang di taman. Selesai nyiram, gw segera bantu chnadra ngerebus bakso ma nggoreng bawang bombay yang dah jadi. Nah dari sini...sepertinya tragedi bermula...

Bakso dipake karena ngga ada daging. Namun di resep tertulis pake ditaburi tepung segala. Pikiran gw sih nih tepung buat daging. TApi entah kenapa ngga ada daging tapi tepungnya tetap aja dimasukin. Dah gitu, pas susunya ikut ditambahin kok jadinya seperti adonan kenyal yang uanehh bentuknya. Kayanya gara2 apinya kepanasan n bahan2 lainnya ngga langsung dicampur seketika tapi satu2.Berikutnya....nyampur bahan2 dengan brokoli di wajan yang tersedia. Ini sih gampang, yang susah tuh pas nyalain oven. Gara2 ngga berpengalaman jadinya pada bingung bareng...nh oven dah nyala belum. Baru beberapa menit kemudian dipastikan telah nyala gara2 panasnya yang menyengat.

Beberapa menit kemudian selesai. Dan selesainya pun juga bertepatan dengan azan maghrib. Setelah chandra dapat kehormatan tuk mencicipinya. HAsilnya...katanya sih enak. Sip deh pikirku. Namun setelah beberapa sendok rupanya raut wajahnya menunjukkan suatu keanehan. Ternyata dia bilang kejunya bikin cepat "blenger". Ah masa pikir gw. Gw langsung aja nyoba makan ma nasi yang tersedia....hasilnya...Yummy di awal.....wuekkkssss di akhir....Ternyata kesimpulan gw sama....kebanyakan kejuuu!!!!

Selesai makan, kami melakukan dikit introspeksi dan kajian mendalam. Harusnya memang kejunya di bagian atas ngga perlu ditambahi. JUga tepungnya ngga perlu coz adonannya jadinya uaaaneeehhh bentuk ngga karu-karuan. Kalopun ada yang bikin enak adalah adanya brokoli. Tapi itupun menurut gw kurang banyak. Andaikata agak banyak dikit aja.....pasti paling bisa nutupi rasa kejunya yang wowwww banyaknya.

Aaahhhh...proyek pertama gagal. Moga2 aja berikutnya ngga gagal lagi. Kali lain mau nyoba yang lebih simpel dan beradab menunya. Ngga menu yang aneh2 plus mahal harganya. Ngomong2 masalah resep yang kubuat, namanya sih brokoli saus putih, tapi jadinya malah brokoli with tooooooo much of a cheeessseeee.....Sumpah...rasanya baru kali ini aku merasa kaya keracunan keju. Padahal aku termasuk penggemar keju. Anyway, here's some tips biar ngga gagal..

1. Improvisasi bahan diperbolehkan....tapi kenali juga ciri2 dari masing2 bahan biar ngga uaneh rasanya.
2. Mulailah dari menu yang simpel dan lebih beradab bagi kebudayaan kita.
3. Start with a menu that is more friendly towards your wallet.

Ah cukupan ah....bahkan ampe sekarang....sisa brokoli semalam masih menghantui perutku ini.....

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Here Come Ramadhan....

At last Ramadhan. One of Islam most sacred month and of course I'm looking forward to this month.

Well, sepaking of the coming of Ramadhan, I thought I woudn't make it. 3 days before it I was still ill due to the fatigue I had suffered from my trip to Surabaya a couple of days ago. Not to mention that I had my meals late so it added to my illness. Eventhough it may not be that serious, it did made me loose my appetite and making me feel wanting to vomit any second.

But yeah...luckily things are cleared and I'm now back to business. Oh yeah....mentioning business, I do have to finish off one important thing which is to repair the the damages to my car. Well....about how it did occur in the bizzarest way as usuall. I was on my way 2 denok's house. Had to be a bit in of ahurry coz girls don't wanna wait. On the last turn to her house, their was car parking in my blind spot and since I had no options....I scratched my car succesfully ala F1 style as if Lewis Hamilton was turing to the chequered flag.

And the scratch did look serious. What made me more lucky was that the car I bumped into wasn't the car of any residents around so I didn't have to pay double. But just having to repair the scratches on my car alone has made a hole in my savings account. The night after the incident, I tried my best to at least rub away the paint marks on my car with car wax.

I wanted to have it repaired ASAP, but the next day I was ill. And it was not until yesterday that I finally forced myself to have it repaired. It turned out to cost around half a million, which means all my hard savings again lost for something really stupid. But it can't be helped. I do have to be responsibilble. And bout my parents...?surely I'll tell them, but after i get things finished. It's a good thing their all in JKT and not in SBY. If they were in SBY, they wold have know by the end of the week.

Nevertheless, it's not all bad news prior to Ramadhan. There are some good ones. At last, the internet connection has been restored. Alhamdulillah. 10 days surely seems to be long. It really turend out that the modem was broken. Luckily they gave me a more bonafide looking modem as the replacement. At least it didn't look that crapy compared to the old one.

As for Ramadhan, I'm planning to do some self improvements and introspection. I'll do it slow but surely. It's just I don't wanna loose the momentum and do things all just because it's Ramadhan. U know what I mean right??

Anyway.....I do hope to enjoy the next couple of days. Till next time...

Sunday, September 09, 2007


Finaly got time after my hectic schedule to write down a review.

By just hearing the song, I was expecting that it would be a better PV than SEVENTH HEAVEN. And it certainly did. While SEVENTH HEAVEN was very colorfull, MHDAD was all monochrom. But what I like bout it is the meaning conveyed through the entire PV and the natural feelings in it.

The band members also really look natural, I mean without any makeup that they usually wear. This does make them really old looking, but its a welcome change. I think laruku are already realising how old they are now. But the main attention is on the use of many animal scenes throughout the PV. Too bad it wasn't in a real landscape, but the use of animal scene makes the whole song more and more natural and fresh. Not to mention the kids that appeared on the last thirds of the PV. Another new inovation from laruku. It just adds more innocence in to it.

Overall, the PV itself really does stands out to laruku's other PV's. Due to the many new things used, I guess they managed to pull out the potential of the song itself to make it more universal to others. Can't wait for DAYBREAK"S BELL to come out.

Back In Line....

Finally got back after being stranded nearly a day in SBY. Eventhough, there seem to be some side effects. Yup, its seems i've caught a mild cold here. Luckily it ain't serious, or in other words not yet serious. Well, I hope it doesn't.

Anyway, I'm quite relieved that I can now enjoy my days a bit loosely and just wait for the test results a fortnight later. Ever since taking the IELTS prep, my days have been quite monoton and goodness its all over. I can continue to prepare myself for ramadhan and do other stuffs that have been postponed due to myself preparing for IELTS.

What still makes me sick is bout the speedy connection. F***ing s***!!I've paid many and all of a sudden I can't use it. Despite all the complaints i've sent the last couple of days, no one from telkom has bothered to help me out. I'll guess I'm gonna have to stop the subscribing. It's a shame but can't help it. I don't wanna pay for something I don't get u know.

As for Ramadhan, certainly I'm making some personal plans to achieve in that month. At least it must be better than the last Ramadhan. I can't wait for it. Especially since I've done many bad things lately. May Allah forgive me..amiiin....Oh yes, Its the first time for me spending Ramadhan in this house, so I think it's gonna give me some new experiences.

Nothing notable except that I'm lately reading comics related to classical music like Forest Piano and Nodame Cantabile. It certainly gives me a expanded view of things especially classical music. I'm even thinking on trying to hear such music. On another note is about me enjoying BoA's newest song which is LOVE LETTER and Beatiful Flowers. One ballad an the other upbeat. Don't forget laruku with their newest single MY HEART DRAWS A DREAM. I'll write down the revies for the PV in my other blog.

I guess thats all. Hope I feel much better tomorrow. I certainly don't wanna start Ramadhan with a sick body. C ya...

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


It's been a while. At last, my days are numbered before IELTS test. I've just finished my IELTS prep, which took my around 40-60 days approximately.

It really...lets say...tiring. Having lessons up to 4 times a week really is boring when your not in the mood. Its somehow different form regular lectures because your facing the same materials all over again. I did start of badly, around 5-6. But things turned out good, although the maximum average score I got was just 7 for reading and writing most of them.

I have done some recon for the test palace. Luckily its about half a kilo from gubeng station, which means i can walk for a while then. What I'm more concerned is about the fatigue I'll have to suffer from the journey coz I'm departing from Malang at about 5 am. Can'thelp it coz the train is the only means of transport that can guarrantee that I'll arrive there 
on time and near the test site

Anxious now...of course i'am, And it will be till I've finished my test. I do hope that i'll straightly pass it coz I dreally don't wanna do it again or take ELICOS which means going to Australia in November. AMIIIINNN dech pokoknya...