What anomali??Well, it about my internet connection actually. Ever since I've had it installed, it seems that the download speedy is decreasing. It did start off amazingly with an approximate speed of around 20-30 kb/s with a steady browsing speed. But then, things went bad and it ended up with a speed of barely around 7-8.
The anomali itself started by the beginning of the week. The download rate finally increased, but the browing speed suddenly went down all of a sudden. It's a good thing that I can now again download stuffs quickly, but how I'm gonna start any downloads unless I can start to browse something. Except if I donwload from a ftp site, but I usually start mine through a direct download method.
This weirdness hasn't stopped till now. Luckily till now, I've managed somehow to map what time usually the connection is good to go, or in other words good to download. Usually its on the afternoon or past 9pm. But then, still with the anomali going through. Eventhough, I guess I still should be gratefull that I've now got an Internet connection.Since the raid IC's the few months ago, I heard that IC's are now getting more and more boring lately.
As you know, IC's in Indonesia don't just offer Internet connection, but a whole kind of things, from free mp3, video clips, software masters, anime, software crack...and even XXX stuffs. And all these vanished coz of one raid. I was expecting taht they would put up those stuffs again after a while, but It then didn't turn out that way. Either the IC's are too obidient or afraid I wouldn't know for sure. BUt I do know that going to an IC nowadays ain't a fun any more except you're purely browsing and surfing without additional entertainment.
The previous condition meant that I should make use of my Internet connection from now on. If it's just anime, western music and their PV's, I guess it would be a piece of cake. But for Indonesian mp3??now that's kinda hard. Till now, I have heard of a site that offers free Indonesian mp3 either through direct download or bittorent. But it's the internet, and coz of that I'm sure that I'll find it sooner or later.
Other critics..?Honestly...still lots of. One of them involve the inability of my browser to open a ceratin site or two. I'm sure it's coz of a plug-in that hasn;t been installed, but then which plug-in???For the time being, I guess I'm gonna have to open that site with another browser.
I guess that concludes thing for the moment. Do hope that things turn bake the way it used to be in the beginning. On my daily life?it's just the ordinary stuff while waiting for my graduation ceremony. Anyway...till then...^^
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Tipe of movies U like....
If your wondering what are the likes of me when watching movies, here's a hint. Remember that it's not in order.
1. Action
Watching an action movie sure does pumpup your adrenalin. If though you're not in it, it just makes you feel that you're a part of it. Can't just let your eyes of the screen coz you'll suddenly miss some exciting event. But remember, the movie gotta have a good storyline so that the actions don't go in vain.
2. Love Comedy
It's always fun to see a couple having to go all those tiny bits about their relationship. Usually these movies have a perfect mix of romance and comedy which does lighten up the story.
3. Drama
Honestly, I seldom look at drama films. Its not that I hate them, It's just that I've gotta be sure that it at least has a decent storyline and plot. Or else, I might end up sleeping due to the dense stiry that a drama usually has.
4. Historical
It doesn have to be based on pure historical events, but it could have a certain historical background. The enjoyment have atching at this kind of movie is that the historical background makes me eager to learn new things after I finish the film.
1. Action
Watching an action movie sure does pumpup your adrenalin. If though you're not in it, it just makes you feel that you're a part of it. Can't just let your eyes of the screen coz you'll suddenly miss some exciting event. But remember, the movie gotta have a good storyline so that the actions don't go in vain.
2. Love Comedy
It's always fun to see a couple having to go all those tiny bits about their relationship. Usually these movies have a perfect mix of romance and comedy which does lighten up the story.
3. Drama
Honestly, I seldom look at drama films. Its not that I hate them, It's just that I've gotta be sure that it at least has a decent storyline and plot. Or else, I might end up sleeping due to the dense stiry that a drama usually has.
4. Historical
It doesn have to be based on pure historical events, but it could have a certain historical background. The enjoyment have atching at this kind of movie is that the historical background makes me eager to learn new things after I finish the film.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
CSR....do we really need this???
Ah, here I meet again with this topic. Personally, it isn’t a weird phrase or word to me since I used this theme to work on my thesis. Eventhough it has only been about 2 month since I’ve finally finished my thesis, remebering it sure brings back the memories of me going through al those books, journals and reading materials all about CSR.
Anyway, I’m sure some of you don’t have a clue on what’s CSR. CSR stands for corporate social responsibility. It’s a kind of responsibility that a corporation must carry out as an act of responsibility towards their environment and social surroundings. It may sound like something noble. Well, virtualy it is. But still, for decades, it has been one of the major dispute on wether corporations should incorporate it through its operations.
The major destruction that have been plaging the planet for the last 5 decades, especially for corporations that work in excavating fields like mining, foresting and sorts of have been causing heaving wreckage to the earth environment. Eventhough the destruction is evident, still, little action is done to repair it. Not only the environment that suffers the most, but also the social life including the people around the area of operation suffer directly from them.
Due to those kinds of circumstance, CSR has received many attention and support for its implementation. And it is starting to be the pivotal point in many major corporations to applu good corporate governance, in which CSR is also a part of it. Some countries have also managed to make CSR as an obligation to corporations, with a sanction for not doing so.
Despite the growing support and visible action, there are still some points that still bother me personally in how CSR is conducted. Eventhough it is obliged for corporations to implement it, the fact is that it is still only a voluntary act. In other words, there ain’t any laws or rule that tie them to do CSR. Other facts are that eventhough corporations claimed that CSR has been implemented, many people residing near the corporations main facility claim that they haven’t received any sort of attention what so ever from the compnay despite them exploiting the environment.
That’s the big picture on CSR for the moment. In Indonesia, the news has recently bought up topics abaout CSR in the process of being included in an act which makes compaies obliged to conducted CSR, especially for resource exploiting companies. And as expected, the number of critizism has risen. Most of them reject the act which requires firms to have to implement CSR as an obligation and not as a voluntary act. Well, it seems firms do have one thing in common around the world if it goes to this part.
To me, companies of course need to pay attention to their current surroundings, and imlementing CSR is one part of it. But still, CSR should be done in a proper manner such like carefully planned with other groups and communty. Companies can’t just live and do nothing about their falling surroundings when they gain money day by day from using up their environment. Also, CSR is not to be limited to resource exploting companies, but all firms should conduct CSR as well. The method may differ between different industries, but still, as long as as companies start to give more attention and compassion towards their surrounding, then corporations and the social environment can live in harmony together without any disputes.
Anyway, I’m sure some of you don’t have a clue on what’s CSR. CSR stands for corporate social responsibility. It’s a kind of responsibility that a corporation must carry out as an act of responsibility towards their environment and social surroundings. It may sound like something noble. Well, virtualy it is. But still, for decades, it has been one of the major dispute on wether corporations should incorporate it through its operations.
The major destruction that have been plaging the planet for the last 5 decades, especially for corporations that work in excavating fields like mining, foresting and sorts of have been causing heaving wreckage to the earth environment. Eventhough the destruction is evident, still, little action is done to repair it. Not only the environment that suffers the most, but also the social life including the people around the area of operation suffer directly from them.
Due to those kinds of circumstance, CSR has received many attention and support for its implementation. And it is starting to be the pivotal point in many major corporations to applu good corporate governance, in which CSR is also a part of it. Some countries have also managed to make CSR as an obligation to corporations, with a sanction for not doing so.
Despite the growing support and visible action, there are still some points that still bother me personally in how CSR is conducted. Eventhough it is obliged for corporations to implement it, the fact is that it is still only a voluntary act. In other words, there ain’t any laws or rule that tie them to do CSR. Other facts are that eventhough corporations claimed that CSR has been implemented, many people residing near the corporations main facility claim that they haven’t received any sort of attention what so ever from the compnay despite them exploiting the environment.
That’s the big picture on CSR for the moment. In Indonesia, the news has recently bought up topics abaout CSR in the process of being included in an act which makes compaies obliged to conducted CSR, especially for resource exploiting companies. And as expected, the number of critizism has risen. Most of them reject the act which requires firms to have to implement CSR as an obligation and not as a voluntary act. Well, it seems firms do have one thing in common around the world if it goes to this part.
To me, companies of course need to pay attention to their current surroundings, and imlementing CSR is one part of it. But still, CSR should be done in a proper manner such like carefully planned with other groups and communty. Companies can’t just live and do nothing about their falling surroundings when they gain money day by day from using up their environment. Also, CSR is not to be limited to resource exploting companies, but all firms should conduct CSR as well. The method may differ between different industries, but still, as long as as companies start to give more attention and compassion towards their surrounding, then corporations and the social environment can live in harmony together without any disputes.
School....Mahal La Yau....
Sori...aku lagi agak terenyuh....;maybe...ini bakal jadi sebuah postingan yang serius...sesuatu yang agak lama sudah ngga kulakukan lagi.
Jumat pagi, aku sedang menunggu omd hi. Tiba2 yang datang malah tukang koran. Well...aku sih dah firasat bakal ada penagihan di muka seperti bulan sebelumnya. Hanya saja...kali ini bukan karena ada anggota keluarganya yang sakit...melainkan untuk biaya masuk sekolah anaknya. Kaget juga gw pas denger tuk masuk SD aja harus bayar 1,5 juta...wuiiihhhh...
Belum selesai rasa trenyuh gw eeeehhhh...pas baca koran headlinenya kurang lebih menggambarkan para guru2 demo menuntut anggaran pendidikan 20% dipenuhi pemerintah. Yang murid ngga sanggup bayar eh yang guru pada demo...so....mana letak masalahnya...
Kalo gw bilang sih masalah awalnya adalah dipertanyakannya niat pemerintah untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa ini. Seperti yang tercantum di UUD, gw yakin tiap orang punya hak untuk mendapatkan pendidikan terlepas status sosialnya. But reality really bites hard. Nyatanya hanya orang-orang terpilih dari jutaan orang di republik ini yang sanggup mengenyam pendidikan. Orang terpilih dalam hal ini adalah orang yang sanggup mengeluarkan uang untuk mendapatkan tempat di sekolah yang diinginkan.
Faktanya jelas sekali sekarang ini bahwa bagus tidaknya mutu pendidikan seringkali harus berbanding lurus dengan banyak tidak uang yang dimiliki seseoarng. Aku jadi teringat ketika mendengar SMA menarik uang sebesar 5jt tuk biaya masuknya. Emang sih...sekolah internasional gitu lho. Tapi kok mahal banget rekkkkk!!!
Jadinya, memang negara atawa pemerintah sebagai pengelola bangsa ini, patut dipertanyakan niatannya dalam mencerdaskan rakyatnya. Jangan salah.....gw yakin kenapa kehidupan negara ini senantiasa kacau balau tak pernah terib dan makmur sebagian besar adalah karena tidak terdidiknya rakyatnya. Entah karena mereka ngga mampu bayar ato jangan-jangan emang dasarnya ngga mau belajar.
Berhubung gw ini mahasiswa (yang baru lulus), gw kasih contoh yang deket yakni mulainya beberapa PTN berusaha meraih status BHPN. In other words, dengan status ini, PTN tersebut kurang lebih dilepas oleh pemerintah untuk mencari dana sendiri secara mandiri. Dengan demikian, pemerintah dah ngga ngasi subsidi lagi. As the result is logically, biaya pendidikan tentunya juga jadi naik laaahhh. Dalihnya sih walo naik tapi kenaikan tersebut akan disubsidi silang. IMO...gombal bangeeeettttt.....Dan walopun beberapa belum mendapatkan status itu, tapi seperti mereka dah mulai membuat ancang-ancang. Salah satu buktiny adalah dengan dikuranginya jatah kursi lewat SPMB dan dialihkan ke jalur SPMK/PMDK yang notabene harus bayar lebih mahal daripada SPMB. Terbukti lagi kan kalo yang akhirnya bisa mendapatkan pendidikan adalah yag lagi-lagi yang punya doku banyak. Bisa-bisa kalo gini yang jadi ekstensi adalah yang berasal dari SPMB karena jumlahnya dikit dibandingkan dengan mereka yang dari SPMK....
Ngga cuma para calon siswa ato mahasiswa yang sengsara. To make things worst...para guru pun juga merasakan derita yang kurang lebih sama kalo tidak dikatakan lebih mederita. Ditengah peranmereka tuk menghasilkan tingkat output pendidikan yang memadai dan layak, mereka sendiri didera himpitan ekonomi yang seringkali memaksa mereka tuk mengabaikan peran mereka sebagai guru dan nyambi bekerja di tempat lain demi memenuhi kebutuhan nafkah mereka. Masih untung kalo dosen, coz biasanya kalo dosen kenal deket ma pihak2 lain biasanya dapat proyek ato apalah gitu, tapi kalo guru..??paling2 ngojek ato ngajar les ditempat lain.
Harus diakui, memang harga sebuah ilmu itu mahal. Harus ada pengorbanan baik jiwa dan materi tuk mendapatkan dan menguasainya. Namun, mengingat ilmu adalah hak tiap insan yang hidup, harusnya bisa diusahakan lewat sebuah political will tuk mengusahakannya bagaimaapun agar pendidikan bisa dinikmati berbagai kalangan. Jangan salah, pendidikan tidak hanya perlu tuk membangun sebuah negeri, tapi penting untuk mengasah pola pikir dan intelegensia seseorang dalam memikirkan sesuatu. Ini juga agar rakyat sini tidak mudah di-"plokotho" negara lain yang ingin menjajah negeri ini kembali. Ato jangan2, emang sengaja diatur supaya orag sini mudah di-plokotho biar ngga mikir macam2 dan mudah disuruh sana sini???wallahualam....
PS : Intinya, jika ada kemauan, pasti pendidikan murah ato gratis itu bukan hal yang mustahil. Yang penting ada kesadaran dan langkah nyata untuk mencapai hal ini!!!
Jumat pagi, aku sedang menunggu omd hi. Tiba2 yang datang malah tukang koran. Well...aku sih dah firasat bakal ada penagihan di muka seperti bulan sebelumnya. Hanya saja...kali ini bukan karena ada anggota keluarganya yang sakit...melainkan untuk biaya masuk sekolah anaknya. Kaget juga gw pas denger tuk masuk SD aja harus bayar 1,5 juta...wuiiihhhh...
Belum selesai rasa trenyuh gw eeeehhhh...pas baca koran headlinenya kurang lebih menggambarkan para guru2 demo menuntut anggaran pendidikan 20% dipenuhi pemerintah. Yang murid ngga sanggup bayar eh yang guru pada demo...so....mana letak masalahnya...
Kalo gw bilang sih masalah awalnya adalah dipertanyakannya niat pemerintah untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa ini. Seperti yang tercantum di UUD, gw yakin tiap orang punya hak untuk mendapatkan pendidikan terlepas status sosialnya. But reality really bites hard. Nyatanya hanya orang-orang terpilih dari jutaan orang di republik ini yang sanggup mengenyam pendidikan. Orang terpilih dalam hal ini adalah orang yang sanggup mengeluarkan uang untuk mendapatkan tempat di sekolah yang diinginkan.
Faktanya jelas sekali sekarang ini bahwa bagus tidaknya mutu pendidikan seringkali harus berbanding lurus dengan banyak tidak uang yang dimiliki seseoarng. Aku jadi teringat ketika mendengar SMA menarik uang sebesar 5jt tuk biaya masuknya. Emang sih...sekolah internasional gitu lho. Tapi kok mahal banget rekkkkk!!!
Jadinya, memang negara atawa pemerintah sebagai pengelola bangsa ini, patut dipertanyakan niatannya dalam mencerdaskan rakyatnya. Jangan salah.....gw yakin kenapa kehidupan negara ini senantiasa kacau balau tak pernah terib dan makmur sebagian besar adalah karena tidak terdidiknya rakyatnya. Entah karena mereka ngga mampu bayar ato jangan-jangan emang dasarnya ngga mau belajar.
Berhubung gw ini mahasiswa (yang baru lulus), gw kasih contoh yang deket yakni mulainya beberapa PTN berusaha meraih status BHPN. In other words, dengan status ini, PTN tersebut kurang lebih dilepas oleh pemerintah untuk mencari dana sendiri secara mandiri. Dengan demikian, pemerintah dah ngga ngasi subsidi lagi. As the result is logically, biaya pendidikan tentunya juga jadi naik laaahhh. Dalihnya sih walo naik tapi kenaikan tersebut akan disubsidi silang. IMO...gombal bangeeeettttt.....Dan walopun beberapa belum mendapatkan status itu, tapi seperti mereka dah mulai membuat ancang-ancang. Salah satu buktiny adalah dengan dikuranginya jatah kursi lewat SPMB dan dialihkan ke jalur SPMK/PMDK yang notabene harus bayar lebih mahal daripada SPMB. Terbukti lagi kan kalo yang akhirnya bisa mendapatkan pendidikan adalah yag lagi-lagi yang punya doku banyak. Bisa-bisa kalo gini yang jadi ekstensi adalah yang berasal dari SPMB karena jumlahnya dikit dibandingkan dengan mereka yang dari SPMK....
Ngga cuma para calon siswa ato mahasiswa yang sengsara. To make things worst...para guru pun juga merasakan derita yang kurang lebih sama kalo tidak dikatakan lebih mederita. Ditengah peranmereka tuk menghasilkan tingkat output pendidikan yang memadai dan layak, mereka sendiri didera himpitan ekonomi yang seringkali memaksa mereka tuk mengabaikan peran mereka sebagai guru dan nyambi bekerja di tempat lain demi memenuhi kebutuhan nafkah mereka. Masih untung kalo dosen, coz biasanya kalo dosen kenal deket ma pihak2 lain biasanya dapat proyek ato apalah gitu, tapi kalo guru..??paling2 ngojek ato ngajar les ditempat lain.
Harus diakui, memang harga sebuah ilmu itu mahal. Harus ada pengorbanan baik jiwa dan materi tuk mendapatkan dan menguasainya. Namun, mengingat ilmu adalah hak tiap insan yang hidup, harusnya bisa diusahakan lewat sebuah political will tuk mengusahakannya bagaimaapun agar pendidikan bisa dinikmati berbagai kalangan. Jangan salah, pendidikan tidak hanya perlu tuk membangun sebuah negeri, tapi penting untuk mengasah pola pikir dan intelegensia seseorang dalam memikirkan sesuatu. Ini juga agar rakyat sini tidak mudah di-"plokotho" negara lain yang ingin menjajah negeri ini kembali. Ato jangan2, emang sengaja diatur supaya orag sini mudah di-plokotho biar ngga mikir macam2 dan mudah disuruh sana sini???wallahualam....
PS : Intinya, jika ada kemauan, pasti pendidikan murah ato gratis itu bukan hal yang mustahil. Yang penting ada kesadaran dan langkah nyata untuk mencapai hal ini!!!
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Finally I got the chance to make a review of this MV. Well, coincidencely, I've just finished downloading the MV through the internet. eventhough it took quite some time (coz of the bittorent), I guess it was worth it. What made me more glad is because of the high quality that I've just downloaded. I did get this MV before, but it was really in poor quality (.flv).
Anyway, for the fans, it's sure a while after laruku released their last single. After Link (their last single), the fans have been kept wondering when will laruku produce their new material. This was mainly because of the members doing their solo works. And for around a year, laruku didn't make any news as a group.
Back to the PV. Since it's the first single for a while, I do agree that fans were expecting something. Indeed, the song itself has raised curiosity before even it was officially released. It was because the song ahs been aired around 40 days before it's initial release.
since the song has a strong tone of techno, I personally wondered that the PV would look more rockier. But then, it turned out far than my expectations. It didn't turn out poor, but I was left amazed by the merry and colourfull look the PV had in it. Don't forget hyde's body dance through out the song. Certainly, laruku knows how to surprise their fans.
The setting of the PV was taken in a box, something like Killing Me PV. Instead of flying people like in that PV, we get dancers dancing on the floor in front of the band members. And the dancers on both sides of the box. It sure had many dancers. They used the CG to make sure the dancers turned out on time during the PV.
As for the members, nothig notable I guess besides hyde's gesture. I think they got to much shoots on hyde and tetsu. As for tetsu, his hair style was simillar to the style he used at the 15th L'Anniversary concert a few month earlier. About Ken, he's in his usuall black outfit. Don't forget Yukihiro, well, he looks more thin as before. But for his stance during the whole MV, I think it's kinda odd not to see him play the drums while crossing his arms.
Overall, I think the PV still stands out to L'Arc's other ones. Especially for the color it has in it. But still, I'm very sure L'Arc can make PV much better than this one. The one thing that I don't like in the PV is the excessive amount of dancers in thse weird outfits. I hope their next PV would fare more better than this.
Anyway, for the fans, it's sure a while after laruku released their last single. After Link (their last single), the fans have been kept wondering when will laruku produce their new material. This was mainly because of the members doing their solo works. And for around a year, laruku didn't make any news as a group.
Back to the PV. Since it's the first single for a while, I do agree that fans were expecting something. Indeed, the song itself has raised curiosity before even it was officially released. It was because the song ahs been aired around 40 days before it's initial release.
since the song has a strong tone of techno, I personally wondered that the PV would look more rockier. But then, it turned out far than my expectations. It didn't turn out poor, but I was left amazed by the merry and colourfull look the PV had in it. Don't forget hyde's body dance through out the song. Certainly, laruku knows how to surprise their fans.
The setting of the PV was taken in a box, something like Killing Me PV. Instead of flying people like in that PV, we get dancers dancing on the floor in front of the band members. And the dancers on both sides of the box. It sure had many dancers. They used the CG to make sure the dancers turned out on time during the PV.
As for the members, nothig notable I guess besides hyde's gesture. I think they got to much shoots on hyde and tetsu. As for tetsu, his hair style was simillar to the style he used at the 15th L'Anniversary concert a few month earlier. About Ken, he's in his usuall black outfit. Don't forget Yukihiro, well, he looks more thin as before. But for his stance during the whole MV, I think it's kinda odd not to see him play the drums while crossing his arms.
Overall, I think the PV still stands out to L'Arc's other ones. Especially for the color it has in it. But still, I'm very sure L'Arc can make PV much better than this one. The one thing that I don't like in the PV is the excessive amount of dancers in thse weird outfits. I hope their next PV would fare more better than this.
Nothing to Do....
Fuuuuuuuhhhhh.....damn....what should I do? After I've finished of my bits of administration at my campus, it seems that there's nothing much I can do besides doing my activities at home.
I've been filling my days just studying Japanese. There's gonnna be a final test nex week, so I better prepare myself. I hope that I get a mark above 7.5. I guess that should be enough. Also, I'm currently trying to study more Kanji. I did make a target that by the end of this month, I'm able to master at least 60 Kanji characters.
About my physical activities, it's been two days since I've started running again. Eventhough I haven't fully recovered from my flu, It seems their hasn't been any problems so far. The sensation of sweating so much after jogging sure makes me fresh. But do remember that I need to do this continuously. After around 3 month, I'm hoping to harvest the results of my exercise.
Japanese and Jogging....what next...?It'd probably be cleaning up the house and watering the plats and grass. For this I have to do it daily in the afternoon or morning. The exception are for the orchids which I only have to water it every 2-3 days only. It may sound easy but I wonder why I feel very lazy to do this kinda stuff?
On top of that...I've just finished my application to enter Monash University. I do hope I get a satisfactory reply. To keep my chances, I did also ended up entering for Curtin too. Nevermind, just consider it as a backup. Where ever I end up, I'ld still be at Australia, not at Indonesia or at Korea (???).
Ahhhh....I do hope I can do something more inspiring in the few days. It sure is killing me slowly If I have nothing to do. May Allah SWT grant my wish. anything would do as long it'll be someting new and or inspiring. AMIIINNNN.....
I've been filling my days just studying Japanese. There's gonnna be a final test nex week, so I better prepare myself. I hope that I get a mark above 7.5. I guess that should be enough. Also, I'm currently trying to study more Kanji. I did make a target that by the end of this month, I'm able to master at least 60 Kanji characters.
About my physical activities, it's been two days since I've started running again. Eventhough I haven't fully recovered from my flu, It seems their hasn't been any problems so far. The sensation of sweating so much after jogging sure makes me fresh. But do remember that I need to do this continuously. After around 3 month, I'm hoping to harvest the results of my exercise.
Japanese and Jogging....what next...?It'd probably be cleaning up the house and watering the plats and grass. For this I have to do it daily in the afternoon or morning. The exception are for the orchids which I only have to water it every 2-3 days only. It may sound easy but I wonder why I feel very lazy to do this kinda stuff?
On top of that...I've just finished my application to enter Monash University. I do hope I get a satisfactory reply. To keep my chances, I did also ended up entering for Curtin too. Nevermind, just consider it as a backup. Where ever I end up, I'ld still be at Australia, not at Indonesia or at Korea (???).
Ahhhh....I do hope I can do something more inspiring in the few days. It sure is killing me slowly If I have nothing to do. May Allah SWT grant my wish. anything would do as long it'll be someting new and or inspiring. AMIIINNNN.....
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Bloody Cold...
Brrr.....it's sure damn cold nowadays....
Well, it it is entering July so I shouldn't be surprised about such things, besides, I've already been in Malang for around 6 years, so I should've
preapred myself.
But then, it seems that i got another flu again in the wrong time. And the cold sure does makes things worst for my body coz almost every night my body gets the chills.
And to complet things, due to my cold, I sure need a rest from my daily physical activities. Surely I do miss such things. It's just I've recently felt very great having to sweat myself again after a while not doing so. I even lost 1,5 kilo's!But too bad I have to take care of this illness first.
About other things, luckily I've managed to finish of my administration at my campus after my thesis exams. It sure wasn't a simple thing though. It's just really a bother having to go from desk to desk just to get an approval of something. I'm sure things should be more efficiently done if they somehow slimed down the beaucrasy (birokrasi maksud gw!!).
And bout my net...well...things are getting quite normal. The hype has far lessend compared to last week. But what's bothering me is the limit has been breached!!And it's now exceeding about 17 hours and counting. I hope someone wouldn't get mad for this....
I guess that's for now. Hope to be able to Jogg again soon. I do need some sweat since I feel I've gained another kilo due to my illness
Well, it it is entering July so I shouldn't be surprised about such things, besides, I've already been in Malang for around 6 years, so I should've
preapred myself.
But then, it seems that i got another flu again in the wrong time. And the cold sure does makes things worst for my body coz almost every night my body gets the chills.
And to complet things, due to my cold, I sure need a rest from my daily physical activities. Surely I do miss such things. It's just I've recently felt very great having to sweat myself again after a while not doing so. I even lost 1,5 kilo's!But too bad I have to take care of this illness first.
About other things, luckily I've managed to finish of my administration at my campus after my thesis exams. It sure wasn't a simple thing though. It's just really a bother having to go from desk to desk just to get an approval of something. I'm sure things should be more efficiently done if they somehow slimed down the beaucrasy (birokrasi maksud gw!!).
And bout my net...well...things are getting quite normal. The hype has far lessend compared to last week. But what's bothering me is the limit has been breached!!And it's now exceeding about 17 hours and counting. I hope someone wouldn't get mad for this....
I guess that's for now. Hope to be able to Jogg again soon. I do need some sweat since I feel I've gained another kilo due to my illness
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Movie Review : Goal II, Living The Dream

Wah, ngga nyangka sekuel dari film pertamanya dah keluar secepat ini. Tapi jujur aja, aku juga menantikan lanjutan petualangan si santiago Munez menjadi seorang pesepakbola.
Sekuel kali ini bisa dikatakan lebih mengeksplorasi kelanjutan kisah si Munez ketika dia sedang menapaki ketenaran dan kesuksesan dalam hidupnya. Dan ngga seperti film pertama, film kali ini menurutku lebih kelam karena si Munez banyak menghadapi konflik dalam hidupnya baik yang berkaitan dengan karir sepakbolanya maupun kehidupan pribadinya.
Semua hal itu bermula ketika dia ditransfer ke Real Madrid. Wow...dreams come true banget tuh. Sampai sana dia ketemu lagi ma teman dan mentornya sewaktu di Newcastle yakni si Gavin Harris. Dengan demikian, dia bisa lebih mudah beradaptasi dengan kerasnya persaingan dalam tim tersebut.
Masalah bermula juga dari si Harris, coz as you know, dia ngajak si Munez dalam kehidupan ndugem para selebritis. awalnya sih santai aja bagi si Munez. Namun rupanya susah bagi dia tuk menghindarinya. Belum lagi ketika dia harus menjalani hubungan jarak jauh dengan pacarnya yang ngga bisa meninggalkan pekerjaannya di Newcastle sebagai suster.
Puncak dari masalahnya adalah ketika dia di kartu merah pada pertandingan pertamanya sebagai starter dalam tim utama. Dah gitu dia cedera gara2 jatuh kena sepeda. Gara2 ini pula jadinya dia ngga bisa natalan ma pacarnya di England. Semua jadi berabe tuk mereka berdua ketika pacarnya membaca majalah dimana ada adegan Munez sun sun-nan ma seorang reporter. Duh...kasiaaan banget, dah jatuh ketimpa tangga pula....
Namun demikian, ngga semua berjalan jelek bagi si Munez. Di tengah pemulihan cederanya, dia rupanya bertemu dengan seorang bocah yang mengaku sebagai adik tirinya. Hal ini kemudian berujung pada pertemuannya kembali dengan ibunya yang ia anggap telah meninggalkan dia dan ayahnya demi pria lain. Untungnya sih mereka akhirnya bisa damai kembali sebagai anak ibu. Good for him.
Ngga sadar cederanya mulai pulih. Namun demikian...dia tetap harus berusaha berlatih kembali tuk meraih posisi dalam tim. Untungnya dia sempet come back ketika masuk sebagai pemain pengganti pada suatu pertandingan. Namun demikian, hal jadi semakin dilematis tuk si Munez. Seiring meningkatnya performanya, si pelatih pun bingung harus menempatkan siapa sebagai starter pada pertandingan final melawan Arsenal. Bagus bagi si Munez, karena dia akhirnya mengalah dan meminta pada pelatih tuk memasang Harris sebagai starter.
Dan bermainlah madrid di final Liga Champions (dimana seharusnya Barca yang main dan kemudian juara). Mulai dari sini hal-hal yag menurut gw agak fantastis terjadi. Di babak pertama madrid dah ketinggalan 2-0. Si Munez masuk di babak kedua tuk main sebagai striker ketiga. dan akhirnya dia menyumbangkan gol kedua dan memberi assist tuk golnya si Harris. Akhirnya si BEckham memangkan Madrid 2-3 dengan tendangan bebasnya.
Overall....film ini lumayan. Terutama sekali mampu menyampaikan betapa banyak godaan dan cobaan yang harus dialami oleh seorang pesepakbola proffesional. Dan si Munez pun sempet kepleset gara2 hal ini. Selain masalah ini, bisa dikatakan cukup menghibur film ini,terlepas dari berbagai ketidak cocokan dengan fakta yang seharusnya.
Kalopun ada yang mengganggu adalah adegan shooting dan gol dari Munez yang menurutku agak khayal dan keliatan banget kalo adegan tersebut di-shoot sendirian. Alangkah lebih bagus kalo mereka bisa membuat adegan golnya dia lebih menyatu dengan keseluruhan permainan tim sehingga bisa keliatan lebih nyata. Lainnya....hmmm....ngga kayanya deh. Kalo gw ngasih bintang dengan skala 5, kaya film ini dapat 3 dari 5.
Sekuel kali ini bisa dikatakan lebih mengeksplorasi kelanjutan kisah si Munez ketika dia sedang menapaki ketenaran dan kesuksesan dalam hidupnya. Dan ngga seperti film pertama, film kali ini menurutku lebih kelam karena si Munez banyak menghadapi konflik dalam hidupnya baik yang berkaitan dengan karir sepakbolanya maupun kehidupan pribadinya.
Semua hal itu bermula ketika dia ditransfer ke Real Madrid. Wow...dreams come true banget tuh. Sampai sana dia ketemu lagi ma teman dan mentornya sewaktu di Newcastle yakni si Gavin Harris. Dengan demikian, dia bisa lebih mudah beradaptasi dengan kerasnya persaingan dalam tim tersebut.
Masalah bermula juga dari si Harris, coz as you know, dia ngajak si Munez dalam kehidupan ndugem para selebritis. awalnya sih santai aja bagi si Munez. Namun rupanya susah bagi dia tuk menghindarinya. Belum lagi ketika dia harus menjalani hubungan jarak jauh dengan pacarnya yang ngga bisa meninggalkan pekerjaannya di Newcastle sebagai suster.
Puncak dari masalahnya adalah ketika dia di kartu merah pada pertandingan pertamanya sebagai starter dalam tim utama. Dah gitu dia cedera gara2 jatuh kena sepeda. Gara2 ini pula jadinya dia ngga bisa natalan ma pacarnya di England. Semua jadi berabe tuk mereka berdua ketika pacarnya membaca majalah dimana ada adegan Munez sun sun-nan ma seorang reporter. Duh...kasiaaan banget, dah jatuh ketimpa tangga pula....
Namun demikian, ngga semua berjalan jelek bagi si Munez. Di tengah pemulihan cederanya, dia rupanya bertemu dengan seorang bocah yang mengaku sebagai adik tirinya. Hal ini kemudian berujung pada pertemuannya kembali dengan ibunya yang ia anggap telah meninggalkan dia dan ayahnya demi pria lain. Untungnya sih mereka akhirnya bisa damai kembali sebagai anak ibu. Good for him.
Ngga sadar cederanya mulai pulih. Namun demikian...dia tetap harus berusaha berlatih kembali tuk meraih posisi dalam tim. Untungnya dia sempet come back ketika masuk sebagai pemain pengganti pada suatu pertandingan. Namun demikian, hal jadi semakin dilematis tuk si Munez. Seiring meningkatnya performanya, si pelatih pun bingung harus menempatkan siapa sebagai starter pada pertandingan final melawan Arsenal. Bagus bagi si Munez, karena dia akhirnya mengalah dan meminta pada pelatih tuk memasang Harris sebagai starter.
Dan bermainlah madrid di final Liga Champions (dimana seharusnya Barca yang main dan kemudian juara). Mulai dari sini hal-hal yag menurut gw agak fantastis terjadi. Di babak pertama madrid dah ketinggalan 2-0. Si Munez masuk di babak kedua tuk main sebagai striker ketiga. dan akhirnya dia menyumbangkan gol kedua dan memberi assist tuk golnya si Harris. Akhirnya si BEckham memangkan Madrid 2-3 dengan tendangan bebasnya.
Overall....film ini lumayan. Terutama sekali mampu menyampaikan betapa banyak godaan dan cobaan yang harus dialami oleh seorang pesepakbola proffesional. Dan si Munez pun sempet kepleset gara2 hal ini. Selain masalah ini, bisa dikatakan cukup menghibur film ini,terlepas dari berbagai ketidak cocokan dengan fakta yang seharusnya.
Kalopun ada yang mengganggu adalah adegan shooting dan gol dari Munez yang menurutku agak khayal dan keliatan banget kalo adegan tersebut di-shoot sendirian. Alangkah lebih bagus kalo mereka bisa membuat adegan golnya dia lebih menyatu dengan keseluruhan permainan tim sehingga bisa keliatan lebih nyata. Lainnya....hmmm....ngga kayanya deh. Kalo gw ngasih bintang dengan skala 5, kaya film ini dapat 3 dari 5.
Movie Review : Borat

Noww...where should I start??Well, at first when I heard about this movie, I heard that it was hilarious and sickingly funny. But then I also heard that the contents were also a adult for some ages. Nevertheless, I had the chance finally to watch it.
And it really did exceed my expectation. First, it was funny, funny enough to even make me feel not able to eat. It's because I do find some parts of the joke reaaallllly dirty. Well, it does add to the fun but most of the time it was able to make me feel sick of it.
If you do read the subtitle, I guess you'll have a better understanding of why this movie is sickingly sick. Well, the story starts of with a journalist from Kazakhstan that goes to America for a so called officialtrip to learn about their cultures for the benefir of his mother country. And, I don't know if Kazakh people are really that way, but his attitudes and behaviour are sooooooo "NOrak!!!" (Can't find a better word than this, sorry ^^;).
Anyway, I'll skip to Indonesian to makes things convinient for the moment. Dah gitu sampe di amrik, ampuuunnnnnn, udik banget tau ngga. Masa kenalan pake sun sun segala, ya jelas aja orang2 pada ilfil. Perjalanan berlanjut ke Washington dimana dia berpapasan ma karnival orang gay. Lucu aja pas dia kaget setelah mengetahui dia telah "dijebol" oleh orang gay, hi..hi..hi..
Perjalanan pun ke California. Lha kok bisa, habis gara2 mbaca majalah Baywatch jadi mupeng ketemu si Pamela Anderson. And this is where the worst parts starts. Selama perjalanan, ada aja hal gokil yang dilakuin. Mulai dari beli beruang tuk alasan keamanan diri ampe manggil PSK di pertemuan resmi. Tuk hal terakhir, yang bikin gw lumayan jijik adalah ketika dia menadahi "kotorannya" di plastik tuk dibawa kembali ke meja makan. Wuueeekkkk....!@!!^^*(. Dah gitu dia membuat hal semakin parah dengan memangiil seorang PSK. ya terang ajalah dia langsung diusir ma si tuan rumah.
Kegokilan semakin berlanjut ketika si Borat harus berpisah ma teman sperjalanannya. Gara2 kocak sekaligus jijay banget. Habisnya si Borat ngamuk gara2 temannya masturbasi dengan majalah baywatchnya. Dah gitu adegan mereka berantem dan gulat bisa lebih dikatakan mirip adegan ML. AMpppuuuuunnnnn dechhhh....So, jadilah si Borat luntang luntung di tanah amerika sampe dia tau2 nyasar di sebuah pertemuan nasrani. Setelah mendapatkan pengobatan "gaib", jadi deh dia bersemangat lagi.
Ngga taunya dia malah ketemu lagi ma temannya. Akhir kata, ketemu deh si Borat ma si Pamela. Eh....ngga taunya pas ketemu dianya malah diajak merit. Dah ditolak halus2 si Boratnya malah berusaha membawa dia kabur dengan membungkusnya dengan karung goni. Ketangkep dech.
And so akhirnya dia balik ke negara asalnya walo aslinya bisa dikatakan dia ngga mendapatkan apap-apa, baik si Pamela maupun liputannya. Tapi....bukan berarti kegendengan telah berakhir. Ngga taunya PSK yang dulu dia sempet ajak malah dibawa balik ke kampungnya tuk jadi bininya, gileeeee........
Yaa.....kalo tuk lucu-lucuan, bolehlah film ini. Tapi harap diinget kalo jokenya sangaaaattttt dewasa. Aku aja ngeliat kadang2 ngga kuat saking "kopros" dan menjijikkan. Dan satu lagi, yang bikin gw penasaran adalah....apa bener orang Kazakhstan se-udik itu????
And it really did exceed my expectation. First, it was funny, funny enough to even make me feel not able to eat. It's because I do find some parts of the joke reaaallllly dirty. Well, it does add to the fun but most of the time it was able to make me feel sick of it.
If you do read the subtitle, I guess you'll have a better understanding of why this movie is sickingly sick. Well, the story starts of with a journalist from Kazakhstan that goes to America for a so called officialtrip to learn about their cultures for the benefir of his mother country. And, I don't know if Kazakh people are really that way, but his attitudes and behaviour are sooooooo "NOrak!!!" (Can't find a better word than this, sorry ^^;).
Anyway, I'll skip to Indonesian to makes things convinient for the moment. Dah gitu sampe di amrik, ampuuunnnnnn, udik banget tau ngga. Masa kenalan pake sun sun segala, ya jelas aja orang2 pada ilfil. Perjalanan berlanjut ke Washington dimana dia berpapasan ma karnival orang gay. Lucu aja pas dia kaget setelah mengetahui dia telah "dijebol" oleh orang gay, hi..hi..hi..
Perjalanan pun ke California. Lha kok bisa, habis gara2 mbaca majalah Baywatch jadi mupeng ketemu si Pamela Anderson. And this is where the worst parts starts. Selama perjalanan, ada aja hal gokil yang dilakuin. Mulai dari beli beruang tuk alasan keamanan diri ampe manggil PSK di pertemuan resmi. Tuk hal terakhir, yang bikin gw lumayan jijik adalah ketika dia menadahi "kotorannya" di plastik tuk dibawa kembali ke meja makan. Wuueeekkkk....!@!!^^*(. Dah gitu dia membuat hal semakin parah dengan memangiil seorang PSK. ya terang ajalah dia langsung diusir ma si tuan rumah.
Kegokilan semakin berlanjut ketika si Borat harus berpisah ma teman sperjalanannya. Gara2 kocak sekaligus jijay banget. Habisnya si Borat ngamuk gara2 temannya masturbasi dengan majalah baywatchnya. Dah gitu adegan mereka berantem dan gulat bisa lebih dikatakan mirip adegan ML. AMpppuuuuunnnnn dechhhh....So, jadilah si Borat luntang luntung di tanah amerika sampe dia tau2 nyasar di sebuah pertemuan nasrani. Setelah mendapatkan pengobatan "gaib", jadi deh dia bersemangat lagi.
Ngga taunya dia malah ketemu lagi ma temannya. Akhir kata, ketemu deh si Borat ma si Pamela. Eh....ngga taunya pas ketemu dianya malah diajak merit. Dah ditolak halus2 si Boratnya malah berusaha membawa dia kabur dengan membungkusnya dengan karung goni. Ketangkep dech.
And so akhirnya dia balik ke negara asalnya walo aslinya bisa dikatakan dia ngga mendapatkan apap-apa, baik si Pamela maupun liputannya. Tapi....bukan berarti kegendengan telah berakhir. Ngga taunya PSK yang dulu dia sempet ajak malah dibawa balik ke kampungnya tuk jadi bininya, gileeeee........
Yaa.....kalo tuk lucu-lucuan, bolehlah film ini. Tapi harap diinget kalo jokenya sangaaaattttt dewasa. Aku aja ngeliat kadang2 ngga kuat saking "kopros" dan menjijikkan. Dan satu lagi, yang bikin gw penasaran adalah....apa bener orang Kazakhstan se-udik itu????
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
4 ever online. . .
Akhirnya bisa ngenet juga....dah lama banget pengen ada sambungan internet langsung dari komputer gw dan alhamdulillah sekarang bisa terpenuhi. entah sejaka kapan aku kepengen punya hal seperti ini. Yang jelas sih hal ini bisa membuat beberapa hal menjadi lebih mudah
Kalo ngga salah sih gw mulai berkenalan ama yang berbau dotkom dotkom pas ngeliat MTV seusai smp. Habisnya tiap iklan ada tulisan mtvasia.com. Jadi penasaran apaan tuh. Baru setelah itu gw tau kalo itu ternyata alamat internet. Sejak itu gw mulai berangan angan kapan ya gw punya sambungan dw. Apalagi berbarengan dengan itu bokap baru bli PC baru. Sayangnya, impian tuk punya internet sepertinya masih jauh coz aku juga baru tau kalo internet jaman itu masih jadi barang waahhhh banget, bisa diibaratkan seperti punya mercedes benz (eh...bener ngga ya??)
Tapi berhubung curiosity gw mulai bermain, aku berpikir, apa ngga ada semacam rental internet ato semacamnya buat nyoba beituan. Akhirnya gw pertama kali nyoba ngenet di spiderweb (almarhum) malang. Rasanya....???wooowww....seperti terhubung ke dunia dengan sekejap. Sejak itu, tiap daerah yang gw singgahi, gw selalu bertanya...ada warnet ngga ya???
Pas waktu itu gw masih di Cibubur, untungnya ada sekitar 2 warnet yang buka, satu di ruko jejernya arundina satu lagi di ruko ramayana. Sejak itu gw secara berkala mulai ngenet. Juga semenjak itu bisa dikatakan gw ngga bisa lepas dari internet.
Time goes by and gw pun pindah ke malang. Kalopun gw ngenet paling di kantor pos ato di spiderweb. selama SMA sih paling2 ya browsing wok. Bolm kenal yang namanya donlot waktu itu. Gw dw baru kenal yang namanya donlot pas dah kuliah. Awalnya sih ngga berat2 dan aneh. Paling2 ngga ampe 10MB. Itu aja dah lumayan ngos-ngosan.
Kira2 pas sekitar semester 5 keatas gw mulai kenal donlot skala gede. Semua juga gara2 gw mulai kenal yang namanya manga scanlation ato kurang lebih manga online. JAdi deh....mulai sering nyanggoni warnet tuk mengikuti manga2 favorit gw. Dan terntara ngga selesai begitu saja coz rupanya juga mulai donlot video klip bermacam-macam, mulai dari BoA ampe laruku.
Baru sekitar awal setahun ini gw berpikir, apa dah waktunya ya tuk masang sambungan internet?lagian belakangan sepertinya SPEEDY-nya telkom sepertinya menjanjikan pula. Sayangnya niat gw sempet kandas gara2 ada gempa di taiwan yang merusak jaringan fiber optik di dasar laut yang menghubungkan wilayah asia dengan luar. Jadi terpaksa bersabar dech....
Dan penantian gw akhirnya terbayarkan.....baru kemaren kepasang. dan sebagaimana yang diperkirakan, langsung gw melakukan "download spree" alias pesta donlot. Lumayan...tuk malam pertama (ah bahasanya...) bisa donlot sekitar 300 MB dan 200 MB tuk tadi pagi. Kalo ngeliat hal ini gw jadi bersyukur banget ngga milih yang ada batasan 1 GB per bulannya melainkan yang time based (thanks to galih atas advicenya).
And so i am here....writing my blog sembari nunggu donlotan gw selesai. Tuk variasi, semalam gw mulai nyoba pake bittorrent tuk donlot anime. Dan barusan dah satu sukses. Ngga gede sih, cuma sekitar 20 Mb, tapi at least i got the job done. Dan sekarang, gw sedang nyoba donlot 4 lainnya. Habisnya kayanya kalo bittorrent cuma donlot 1 kok rasanya nanggung amat. Jadinya gw tambahin aja yang lain biar meriah. Walo ngga selesai semua, moga2 aja ada yang selesai. Namanya juga masih pemula.
Ah udahan aja dulu, mo ngeliat hasil donlotan gw nih, dah ngga sabar rasanya ^_^
Kalo ngga salah sih gw mulai berkenalan ama yang berbau dotkom dotkom pas ngeliat MTV seusai smp. Habisnya tiap iklan ada tulisan mtvasia.com. Jadi penasaran apaan tuh. Baru setelah itu gw tau kalo itu ternyata alamat internet. Sejak itu gw mulai berangan angan kapan ya gw punya sambungan dw. Apalagi berbarengan dengan itu bokap baru bli PC baru. Sayangnya, impian tuk punya internet sepertinya masih jauh coz aku juga baru tau kalo internet jaman itu masih jadi barang waahhhh banget, bisa diibaratkan seperti punya mercedes benz (eh...bener ngga ya??)
Tapi berhubung curiosity gw mulai bermain, aku berpikir, apa ngga ada semacam rental internet ato semacamnya buat nyoba beituan. Akhirnya gw pertama kali nyoba ngenet di spiderweb (almarhum) malang. Rasanya....???wooowww....seperti terhubung ke dunia dengan sekejap. Sejak itu, tiap daerah yang gw singgahi, gw selalu bertanya...ada warnet ngga ya???
Pas waktu itu gw masih di Cibubur, untungnya ada sekitar 2 warnet yang buka, satu di ruko jejernya arundina satu lagi di ruko ramayana. Sejak itu gw secara berkala mulai ngenet. Juga semenjak itu bisa dikatakan gw ngga bisa lepas dari internet.
Time goes by and gw pun pindah ke malang. Kalopun gw ngenet paling di kantor pos ato di spiderweb. selama SMA sih paling2 ya browsing wok. Bolm kenal yang namanya donlot waktu itu. Gw dw baru kenal yang namanya donlot pas dah kuliah. Awalnya sih ngga berat2 dan aneh. Paling2 ngga ampe 10MB. Itu aja dah lumayan ngos-ngosan.
Kira2 pas sekitar semester 5 keatas gw mulai kenal donlot skala gede. Semua juga gara2 gw mulai kenal yang namanya manga scanlation ato kurang lebih manga online. JAdi deh....mulai sering nyanggoni warnet tuk mengikuti manga2 favorit gw. Dan terntara ngga selesai begitu saja coz rupanya juga mulai donlot video klip bermacam-macam, mulai dari BoA ampe laruku.
Baru sekitar awal setahun ini gw berpikir, apa dah waktunya ya tuk masang sambungan internet?lagian belakangan sepertinya SPEEDY-nya telkom sepertinya menjanjikan pula. Sayangnya niat gw sempet kandas gara2 ada gempa di taiwan yang merusak jaringan fiber optik di dasar laut yang menghubungkan wilayah asia dengan luar. Jadi terpaksa bersabar dech....
Dan penantian gw akhirnya terbayarkan.....baru kemaren kepasang. dan sebagaimana yang diperkirakan, langsung gw melakukan "download spree" alias pesta donlot. Lumayan...tuk malam pertama (ah bahasanya...) bisa donlot sekitar 300 MB dan 200 MB tuk tadi pagi. Kalo ngeliat hal ini gw jadi bersyukur banget ngga milih yang ada batasan 1 GB per bulannya melainkan yang time based (thanks to galih atas advicenya).
And so i am here....writing my blog sembari nunggu donlotan gw selesai. Tuk variasi, semalam gw mulai nyoba pake bittorrent tuk donlot anime. Dan barusan dah satu sukses. Ngga gede sih, cuma sekitar 20 Mb, tapi at least i got the job done. Dan sekarang, gw sedang nyoba donlot 4 lainnya. Habisnya kayanya kalo bittorrent cuma donlot 1 kok rasanya nanggung amat. Jadinya gw tambahin aja yang lain biar meriah. Walo ngga selesai semua, moga2 aja ada yang selesai. Namanya juga masih pemula.
Ah udahan aja dulu, mo ngeliat hasil donlotan gw nih, dah ngga sabar rasanya ^_^
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